The recent newsphere is full of apocalypse doom. Not sure where and how to anchor one's thoughts. Perhaps the costume trend in the sci-fi films rings the bell of truth - what future humans need are respirators, goggles and head to toe vinyl suits. Right after the new year I was just in Shanghai for work and it will be a long while before any company will want to send anyone to China. Praying for all my friends in the other side of the Pacific.
Resorting to the serene images from our summer Kyoto trip, a dose of emotional Novocaine. Haku, a tea confectionery parlor tucked away in Gion with its poetry written in sticky rice and dehydrated seasonal fruits.
今夕何夕? 年初赴上海商務, 街市喧囂, 一派洋洋喜氣迎舊歷年, 大都會的聲色犬馬早厭倦, 公餘獨自逛福州路上海書城, 購入'徒然草'和中譯的聶魯達詩集. 誰知返美數星期後, 武漢肺炎疫情爆發, 很擔憂中國各地的生意夥伴, 祇能於遠方默禱大家早日安渡難關.