Marching into the 7th week of shelter-in-place. Glory, glory, hallelujah… what IS the next policy actually supported by economic planning(vs. election campaign) and scientific studies of the COVID-19 pandemic(instead of a mud-slinging civil war)?! Unexpected gains and losses here and there.
Sipping dark chocolate becomes my mood booster and hope immunity joins the hike, too.
堂堂進入居家隔離第七星期, 即使WFH, 職場依舊詭譎. 自七年前加入目前品牌, 本部門從未嚐敗蹟, 時也運也, 如今大衰退, 其它部門則供不應求漲停板. 風水輪流轉, 慶幸LK向來淡然, 不至成眾矢之的.