Marching into the 7th week of shelter-in-place. Glory, glory, hallelujah… what IS the next policy actually supported by economic planning(vs. election campaign) and scientific studies of the COVID-19 pandemic(instead of a mud-slinging civil war)?! Unexpected gains and losses here and there.
Sipping dark chocolate becomes my mood booster and hope immunity joins the hike, too.
堂堂進入居家隔離第七星期, 即使WFH, 職場依舊詭譎. 自七年前加入目前品牌, 本部門從未嚐敗蹟, 時也運也, 如今大衰退, 其它部門則供不應求漲停板. 風水輪流轉, 慶幸LK向來淡然, 不至成眾矢之的.
團隊中之前便棘手的某問題成員順勢解雇, 今時由我執法, 螳螂捕蟬, 焉知哪天不會換LK躺刀俎? 某天不願終日電腦前殺伐, 便請事假, 隔天年終評考頂頭上司巧笑倩兮問: 休假往哪兒去? LK答: 於家後院拔草… 都為五斗米腰折成這樣還裝啥陶淵明?! 非常自我唾棄.
My backyard is rather unruly due to years of negligence and the lack of horticulture savviness. Although the yearning for greener pastures has always been there. WFH eliminates my daily long commute yet the thoughtfulness required for orchestrating ZOOM and Teams meetings fixated my mind even more that provokes further anxiety.
I decided to carve out a corner for serenity and to enforce a 15 minute break whenever I sense the coming of a panic attack.
Supporting local small business - Ginger Elizabeth.
此刻牽掛起平時不勤聯絡的遠方朋友, 提筆相詢, 意想不到的安慰. 一位仰慕多年的藝術家, 仍孜孜不倦創作創新; 另位忘年交兒孫皆處東岸風暴圈, 退休醫生夫婿應召上前線, 希望當一切事過境遷, 人與人之間善意常存. 美國向來自居龍頭, 疫病襲境, 醫療系統窘況處處, 聯邦與州政府互不協調. 居家隔離治標不治本, 猛印鈔票救得一時, 國庫空匱大抵要拖垮一世代, 更憂慮失學的斷層.
Commiserating with other board members of SLT Center for Design Institute and the very wise Paula expressed that the pandemic hit the overdue pause button that the world long needed. I, with a solemn heart felt deeply this is the moment embracing the reflective instead of the expressive.
Baking, seems to have emerged as a form of therapy amid COVID-19 lockdown.
百無一用是書生, 除守法自律捐助前線, 要多多支持在地小商家, 各色果醬佐自家烘焙無麥麩杏仁麵包, 靜對滿園黃花野餐. LK與先父和外公看齊, 睡前研究矛盾重重的三國歷史, 亦重讀出師表, 年少時總覺屠城不忘賣弄文墨的曹操耐人尋味, 然細品'躬耕於南陽… 夙夜憂嘆… 臨表涕零, 不知所以… 並日而食, 臣非不自惜… 至於成敗利鈍, 非臣之明所能逆睹也… 倒對諸葛亮極端入世的偏執理想充滿慨惑. 毒舌的LK先生則揶揄敝人之所以為武侯感同身受, 是家中有位再世阿斗 :(
And pickling, it is even more fulfilling for vegetable lovers like me. The flavorful zest and color vibrancy simply cheer me up in no time.
手作精進廚藝, 醃漬菜蔬延長保存期; 酸甜提味, 繽紛色澤看了心情大佳. 後院的花草蜂鳥也好, 新鮮的蔬果也好, 萬物的生長自自然然是療癒, 少些貪婪慾望, 世界可以很美. 現下頭髪長的紮起馬尾像是甩辮子功的馬賊頭目, 大半年不染, 白髪沒想像中礙眼, 梳半髻幾絲霜鬢平添文人氣質, 顧盼自得間, 貧嘴LK先生又道: 要替丞相遞柄羽毛扇嗎?
Images from IMDb
Watched Greta Gerwig's 'Little Women' a while ago - it had me the moment I saw Jo(played by Saoirse Ronan) and Laurie(played by Timothee Chalamet) 'breakdancing' in the trailer :) The Washington Post review here articulated my sentiments about Amy March, my favorite of the March sisters since childhood. While some of the beloved Jane Austen heroines like Elizabeth Bennett and Emma Woodhouse or even Alcott's Jo March might appeal to the psudo-feminists, I find the hypocrisy of moralizing choices in marriage and downplaying the importance of economic reality insolent and irritating. I loved Florence Pugh's powerful delivery of Amy March.
Images from IMDb
Saoirse Ronan is a convincing and beautiful Jo March. Her cerebral charm as well as her portrayal of regrets toward the youthful lost love made the classic even more touching. I am of course biased, practically loving every role that talented Ronan played from Atonement, Lady Bird, Mary Queen of Scotts… :)
看新經典Little Women, 想起小時候讀完譯本, 按四姐妹性格設計紙娃娃童趣, 當年喜歡文青二姐Jo和愛繪畫又甚自知的四妹Amy. 2019摒棄舊框架Greta Gerwig版最出色仍屬雙姝! Saoirse Ronan從Atonement因嫉妒誤鑄大錯的幼妹, Lady Bird古靈精怪少女, Mary Queen of Scotts血腥宮廷母獸… 每次演出令人期待, Ronan的Jo書香俊逸爽朗靈黠, 她於青梅竹馬的悔十分人性化. Florence Pugh的Amy全劇亮點, Ronan如風, 她則似秋收豐地, 美的堅韌, 吐辭涵蘊洶濤情感, 從此么妹突圍長姐陰影. 首度觀賞Pugh於King Lear, 新犢對峙老將Anthony Hopkins毫不遜色. 紙娃娃早不知扔哪, 童心未泯搬出收藏的人偶小毛兔袖珍湯匙茶碗, 開扮家家酒(!) 人愈活愈回去, 或許深心底, 我最快樂的時光, 是很多很多年前, 智識資歷學經地位皆空, 卻充滿愛和好奇心的自己.
Growing up with a rambunctious younger brother(he even beheaded my rubber ducky) destined me to the sisterhood of dolls. A tea party for my two precious collection: Amelia by Paola Zakimi and Leni, the Bunny by Manomine.
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