June has been… absurdity aplenty. I think I am going to hang on to the mask or my smirks will be found. This is a slow death by a thousand cuts. The redemption? There will be nothing for me to think of thee fondly. The antidote to such intellectual and moral atrocity is to surround oneself with nature, delicious food and great books.
SF解除封鎖, 復工彰顯企業文化, 全員若不到齊聽命, 如何誇耀將帥威風?
總裁們對外擴充版圖, 對內縮編色厲, 我再度接手燙手山芋部門, 多年翻覆, 也無風雨也無晴. 時間到便闔上筆電, 拾起書本暢讀, 人忙但心不可盲, 以閱娛越獄.
Revisiting the classics: The Old Man and The Sea, Nine Stories. After decades, the hundred pages of distilled solitude in the former still inspire with courage and consolation. As I age however, I finally have come to terms with the sharp alienation of Salinger’s satire.
重讀兩部經典短篇, 人到中年相比年少時初讀, 別是一番滋味. 老人與海: 海明威文字簡單強烈, 老漁夫心頭囈語, 汪洋中巨碩旗魚和船糾纏並行, 夢迴非洲金黃沙灘雄獅... 生命的孤獨與堅韌相互輝映. 九個故事: 沙林傑的世界顫慄不安, 平凡至讓人昏昏欲睡的場景, 尖銳的質疑蠢蠢欲動, 總總側寫, 直指人心疏離.
A Gentleman in Moscow is the perfect quarantine read for its charming protagonist, Count Rostov and his meteorological wisdom. The story proceeds like a thriller in the cinematic opulent Metropol Hotel peppered with clever repartees. The ending, while satisfying with all trajectories wrapped in royal blue tissue paper and tied with a silver bow, left me yearning for more.
A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles, 本為手術後休養期準備書單, 想足不出戶的日子讀末代伯爵囚於大都會飯店的歷險應心有戚戚, 誰知術後視力需一段時間校正回歸, 等真正復原, 公司各季發表會忙得不可開交, 趕著斡旋大小會議, 直到六月初才開始閱讀. 揭頁便愛不釋手, 行文風趣, 溫情, 優雅, 任大環境再動盪絕望, 人與人之間仍有善意聯繫. 不是沒有詬病, 俄國革命後的共產政權, 伯爵等末代貴族黑五類, 如何能倖免搞垮鬥臭? Metropol Hotel設定簡直烏托邦, 連反派角色都顯得過份良儒... 處處化險為夷, 然俯拾皆明珠, 欣賞伯爵與老長工天臺上啜飲黑咖啡的對話, 出世入世轉捩點.
Between Titans and the Olympians, Scylla and Charybdis, Daedalus and Odysseus, a nymph has found her feminist POV. Miller rebuilds the mythological world with authenticity and empathy.
Circe by Madeline Miller貫穿希臘神話, 以史詩奧德塞為背景, 從一個微不足道小神祇Circe的觀點, 建築充滿女性自覺的世界. 雖為奇幻小說的架構, 天地交接蠻荒渾沌栩栩如生, 幾個神話中的刻版角色得到剖析反證, 繼而新生; 沒有過份耽溺文字視覺, 高潮迭起的故事滿溢人性深思. 奧德塞中的Circe是誘惑希臘名將, 讓木馬屠城記後的英雄歷經海難, 歸家路遙的眾女妖之一. 小說中的Circe 如何定位自己和Odysseus的短暫相伴之情, 與施展魔法的源由, 不亢不卑耐人尋味外, 也向父權主義提出冷靜控訴.
We saw an adorable pup at one of the nurseries in the Half Moon Bay – mask on, social distanced, patiently waiting for its owner.
隔離中養成習慣之一: 逛半月灣的花房, 讓家中各角落綠意盎然. 可惜LK園藝不及格, 一年多來養就數盆蘭花, 僅有一株小小白蘭春去春回後復生小小花苞, 其餘皆淊永恆冬眠. 曾經茂盛的蕨齒, 熱浪來襲那週竟枯蔽. 週末又赴綠苑問花, 捧回雪白碩青的繡球, 希望花仙眷顧, 讓庸碌寒舎添幾分詩意. 花房偶遇可愛小狗, 主人替牠戴好口罩, 搬花前耳提面命, 要牠乖乖待在收銀檯旁, 趣稚乖巧的模樣, 眾人宛爾.
At last, we were able to scout the Ferry Building for delicacies!!! Juicy donut peaches, fresh fern and samphire, cheddar breakfast scone and lemony amaretti… life is good!
解封後Ferry Building商家回歸, 農夫市場生氣勃勃, 咖啡館笑語喧嘩... 似乎開啟新秩序. 我等像驟闖遊樂園的孩童, 什麼都想嚐鮮, 提籃滿載而歸. 還買到了野菜過貓與海蓬子, 汆燙後清炒, 極鮮! 生活大抵如此, 焦慮憤慲惶恐之下, 總有些什麼提醒著: 好好活著, 平安是福.
好久不见 Miss LK,看到你逐渐康复也觉得安慰。美国疫苗接种已过半,澳洲却仍未到40岁以下年龄组。我们都还在等。不知道何时才能再来三藩看Ferry building 与 market。确实,好好享受当下,平安是福。 :)
COVID, 全球暖化, 國際政局動盪… 過去自由自在旅行的日子恍如隔世. 總勸著自己靜下心 好好生活 想著從前執著職場上的雄心頓覺空虛
閉關前 三天兩頭往Ferry Building 跑 吃中飯 喝咖啡 逛書店 各類小舖 一別竟是一年半 突感十分陌生也覺得恍如隔世 這些日子都是駕船遊海灣時從水上望著它的背面
A Gentleman in Moscow 聽著頗有趣 像是可以改編成影劇的素材
週末又赴Ferry Building採買 晚餐到新開張的Sushi Hakko久違的媲美東京水準的握壽司 慶祝一家三口fully vaccinated
遺憾的是下午逛upper Fillmore時經歷AAPI Hate… an angry man yelled at us to GO BACK as we crossed the street. We chose not to respond to the racist language and walked away. 這個我從二十歲時就常閑遛達的街道 麵包店 咖啡館 書店… 小V氣的握拳 身為母親 我該如何對孩子解釋這荒謬?
有時也不確定這種仇視偏見是一直暗藏 還是近來被刻意挑起 我可以理解一些閉鎖城市的閉鎖心態 但是upper Fillmore 讓我吃驚 舊金山一直是種族文化多元豐富包容的城市 移民也佔多數 如果碰上我也不知該如何應對 理直氣壯的罵回去還是選擇不理會不一般見識 只能歸咎分裂的新聞媒體和個人的無知傲慢
已通報STOP AAPI Hate 數據會說話 雖然發生於職場外 也通知公司 讓大家知道這亞裔員工外出面臨的壓力 不身在其中難想像. Raising awareness!!!
Upper Fillmore… 多少年來我愛逛的小店 我相信世界良善遠勝惡 不會因此不外出 更加小心就是
回到A Gentleman in Moscow 書中有段關於見識和品格的話挺有趣:
Confederate of the humbled… “Confederacy share a certain perspective. Knowing beauty, influence, fame, and privilege to be borrowed rather than bestowed, they are not easily impressed. They are not quick to envy or take offense. They certainly do not scour the papers in search of their own names. They remain committed to living among their peers, but they greet adulation with caution, ambition with sympathy, and condescension with an inward smile.”
若能拍成電影真過癮!!! HBO倒是買下Circe 8 episode mini series 非常期待!!!
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