August, an auspicious month commenced with the birthday of my dear brother, my old friend M’s in the middle and followed by mine… a pride of lions and lioness. Technically I am a Virgo who loves roaring :) Juggling the parallel universe of return to the office working and my summer course of creative writing, I was invigorated by the odd chemistry.
八月平行宇宙, 公司全面復工, 幾星期通勤下來, LK變身企管機器, 靈魂留給海底兩萬哩…
值得安慰是, 寫作課終堂, 算算我可是全程參與沒曠過任何一堂課且按時交作業, 養成週末早晨靜心閱讀寫作的習慣. 無特別目標, 純粹自己享受, 如聽音樂畫圖和運動.
Writing and reading goes hand in hand. The guided workshop critiques inspired me to read like a writer, discerning the nuances. After a long workday (plus the grueling commute…), I sought sanctuary in Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Seas. Loved Verne’s imagination and echoed his sentiments on solitude in the deep ocean. I also wanted to write him an elegy about the absurdity of humankind. In Chapter 24. The Coral Realm, Captain Nemo buried a comrade in the cemetery on the sea bottom surrounded by coral bushes. We are in year 2021 and the effects of global warming have turned our ocean into a cemetery of coral bleaching and plastics :(
與Jules Verne相逢恨晚, 海底兩萬哩故事涵蓋Professor Arronnax囚禁於無敵潛艇Nautilus十個月的所見所聞, 他既是艦長Captain Nemo的知己也是俘虜, 非常弔詭的bromance. 至動人ㄧ幕為深海地層珊瑚叢林無言下葬同伴, Verne許多警世預言成真, 21世紀的人類愚蠢和貪婪變本加厲, 蔚藍海洋濫捕污染生態失衡, 漸成骷髗煉獄.
Finally, I was inducted to the intriguing poetry of Louise Gluck after an afternoon stroll to the Gates of Hell at the Cantor Arts Center. The sardonic tenderness and sage melancholy in her prose triangulate between Penelope, Circe and Telemachus mirroring the slow death of intimacy in ordinary marriage.
COVID仍肆虐, 無法行萬里路, 但可讀萬卷書! 一本書如一扇窗, 往往開啟未知契機, 前陣子讀Circe, 重溫Odyssey片段. 某週末回校園書店閒逛, 隨手拾起桂冠詩人Louis Gluck舊作Meadowlands, 正是穿插史詩和解析現代人婚姻的精闢筆調, 讀著會心微笑. 無三不成幾, 追加Charles Bukowski和Leonard Cohen, 支持實體書店 :)
Midlife crisis has been a lazy diagnosis for my intellectual lethargy in the past few years… coming out from the other end at last. Perhaps, emotions are no more than the ephemeral byproducts of living a full life.
生日正逢重季發表會前夕, 忙得不可開交, 感謝團隊有心獻花束. 遠方的家人和老朋友捎來祝福, LK先生忙活整週末海陸大餐咖啡甜點下午茶!!! 小V依舊不太乖, 功課不盯便胡混, 我倒是想通了, 生子本不肖, 他不開竅, 怎麼逼皆是雞飛狗跳, 與其寄望兒女, 不如投資自己精神財富.
Slow roast
Dripping of time, sweet as honey
The wake of tribal congregation encircling
Consumption almighty
… how was my debut poetry(inspired by homemade crispy pork butt) sounding?
另, 蜜汁叉燒豚肉是LK末代WFH福利傑作. 星期五遠距會議空檔, 起爐慢火燒烤帶骨豬臀, 每兩個小時重刷醬汁, 六個小時後熄火, 焦香四溢, 皮脆肉糯... 請叫我Hannibal :)
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