How would I even began? Telling the cautionary tale of the deprivation of self love in the wicked and whacked 21st century of capitalist vampiredom?
I was feeling off for a while but of course, the innate foolishness of prioritizing work, the team… everything else except my own health made me clueless to the silent upheaval inside me. If not for my BFF, Dr. C’s constant reminder, I might drop DEAD one ordinary morning in the middle of a presentation with the shocking disbelief reflected on my eyes. Such pathetic martyrdom was OVER. Between the X-ray and MRI, I smirked when hearing petty issues of how each designer was fussing over the furnishing of our incoming move to a new office. CHILDREN…幸好有死黨Dr. C叮嚀, 否則工作狂LK連身體器官默默起革命還不知不覺… 十月底三醫會診, 十一月中進手術房, 快刀斬亂麻, 麻醉消褪意識半滅半明時, 耳聞是Dr. C清澈語音: 手術一切順利! 冥冥中, 2021總總自省, 什麼該放手, 什麼要珍惜.