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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

刀焰 My Profound Thankfulness

How would I even began?  Telling the cautionary tale of the deprivation of self love in the wicked and whacked 21st century of capitalist vampiredom?  

I was feeling off for a while but of course, the innate foolishness of prioritizing work, the team… everything else except my own health made me clueless to the silent upheaval inside me.  If not for my BFF, Dr. C’s constant reminder, I might drop DEAD one ordinary morning in the middle of a presentation with the shocking disbelief reflected on my eyes.  Such pathetic martyrdom was OVER.  Between the X-ray and MRI, I smirked when hearing petty issues of how each designer was fussing over the furnishing of our incoming move to a new office.  CHILDREN…

幸好有死黨Dr. C叮嚀否則工作狂LK連身體器官默默起革命還不知不覺… 十月底三醫會診十一月中進手術房快刀斬亂麻麻醉消褪意識半滅半明時耳聞是Dr. C清澈語音: 手術一切順利!  冥冥中, 2021總總自省, 什麼該放手, 什麼要珍惜.
Adding to the sentimentality, Little V’s sixteenth birthday happened to be right before my surgery and Mr. LK made our reservation for three at The French Laundry far in advance.  To eat or not to eat?
We went for it regardless.  The feast served its metaphysical significance more than its culinary finesse… lets leave it at that.

手術之前正逢小V十六歲生辰, 我們回到久違十三年The French Laundry, 萬聖節剛過, 應景一身女巫裝敲它藍色大門服務仍蘊貼味道卻遠遠不及當年精純驚艷也好, 從此死心兼省錢, 專攻家廚料理.

The third time in 2021 that I needed to go under anesthesia and before I went unconscious, I questioned myself once more, regrets if any.  I could honestly say I am grateful to a life full of adventures and kindness.  If I make it back from another ordeal, facing the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, I am only THANKFUL.

The Butcher Shop and the Niku Steak House in the chic design district.

亦繼續發掘舊金山灣區up and coming店家, 原來精品肉店老闆是星際迷, 宅男小V遇上同好侃侃而談, 買肉排附贈Darth Vader牛油倒模, 同個集團的牛排館餐單頗有看頭: 韃靼生牛肉, 酥炸豬耳朵, 炙燒骨髓 請喚我成吉思汗!!! 

A delightful Korean comfort food joint in the inner Sunset!

曾經居住的小區愈來愈文青, 多元化經營小農市場咖啡工坊和新派亞洲菜, 這家UM.MA.有韓國媽媽味道, 微雨的後院圍爐, 熱呼呼的大骨素麵和豐派的海鮮煎餅加紅辣泡菜, 初冬的午膳過癮極了!

Strolling around de Young for spiritual nourishments.

人的本錢就那麼幾項健康時間情感.  至於其它實無需算計這是個該深深感恩的感恩節!
Calming ceramic palette at the Heath!

An early, heartfelt Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Silvia said...

点开Miss LK blog 看到又入手术室,不免一惊。幸好一切顺利!倏忽又是一年,祝全家安好!也希望虽然不知2022年是否能够旅行,能够在某处重遇。:)

Miss LK said...


可不是 無傾國傾城貌 卻多愁多病身 真夠折騰...

2021禍福相倚 三場手術之間 完成人生首部童書 明年春天推出 詳情請見下篇網誌 目前只有英文版 希望將來有機會出中文版 :)

也祝闔府平安 佳節快樂!!!

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