The world barely even comes out of the pandemic and yet is already at war?! There is nothing kind about our collective humankind and if any, we are of a very special brand of stupidity. I won’t try to pretend understanding the complex geopolitics and only wish we could all focus our energy on creation instead of destruction. That being said, a feeble happy March 14th Pi(e) Day… my friends.
COVID疫情漸緩, 國際紛爭又起, 人類真是最不可愛的生物. 幾世紀建立的美好文明, 強權角力下 摧毀於旦夕.天天往返工作室, 討論重心仍是當季潮流, 如何增加市場佔有率, 十分超現實, 不知自己身處美夢或惡夢, 對偏安一隅也莫名內疚. When the outside world has gone chaotic, the urge for inner order surges. My response to the political brutality is to make something eco, something beautiful, something positivity inducing within my domestic orbit. 從新加坡搬回灣區十年, 身外長物有增無減, 痛下決心大刀闊斧整頓, 每開啟一只舊箱, 彷彿捲入回憶洪流. 讀著青春歲月寫就的文字, 亦覺安慰, 我畢竟頗有成長, 感謝多年因緣際會的良師佳友, 有幾位早失聯, 但心意永誌. 將堆積如山的公私筆記傾倒回收箱, 不是不猶疑, 該記取昨日乃今時養分, 其它無需拘泥. After a couple rounds of culinary exploration, I think I mastered gluten-free choux! The batches all came out from the oven with a decent rise, hollow interiors and crispy shells. Building a table scape of edible architecture sufficed my creative crave. 看著大學暑假於義大利學壁畫時的舊照片, 濃眉厚髮, 清澈明亮的雙眸, 水鄉橋邊亭亭玉立... 厚臉皮説句, 原來LK曾經如斯美貌! 然歲月這把殺豬刀, 早在十年前, 便將敝人砍得屍骨無存, 可惡!!! My healthy substitution of baked sweet potato puree for the sugar and butter loaded traditional pastry cream worked magic. With the natural sharpness and sweetness of fresh fruits, happy to walk away from my once saccharine palate. 也翻出LK兩任寵物保存完好的獸醫病例, 尤其是陪伴LK多年的老貓Sapphire, 輕撫牠烏黑小臉藍眼玉照, 我仍熱淚潸潸, 這毛茸茸小東西雖跨越虹橋多年, 卻永駐深心最溫柔的角落. I loved choux for its versatility. With the same bake, I could use some for smoked salmon&avocado buns and others for coffee cream filled eclairs… never a dull moment at LK clan’s afternoon tea! 某些該掩滅的罪証隨機出土, 如當年與舊愛分手時寫下的, 痛不欲生的訣別... 細讀頗恍惚, 因為文筆實在不賴, 有點E.E. Cummings的格調, 只是現在怎麼推敲也無法想像昔日無厘頭癡情, 趕緊和Dr. C分享, 問可要一把火燒光? Dr. C說燒不得, 留著我倆移居巴黎後讀著互糗. Slowly getting the hang of crafting gluten-free pate brisee, too. I adapted recipes from The Art of Simple Food by Alice Waters. In the end, it is kitchen chemistry with a touch of intuition. Creating these delicious jewels is my peaceful protest to the senseless world events. For now.
原來有潛水多年的讀者 謝謝Laula! 時間真如躡足之贼 不知不覺偷走歲月種種 閱讀網誌(早期也寫?)的你 持續寫文章的我 遊歷層層人生轉折 收獲也是無價的
COVID前數年 常常出差上海 卻不曾到過杭州 總想著是十分詩意的城市 希望旅居當地的Laula 一切平安
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