Nothing escapes politics. From strolling around the quaint alleys of Taipei to reading about tensions in the Taiwan Strait and Pelosi’s delegation, how does Chinese diaspora from Taiwan navigate the chaotic ambiguity?
No. 1: Futuristic condo stood akimbo in juxtaposition to traditional incense permeated temples within Taipei. 新舊之間的台北, 空中園景公寓和在地神祇廟宇.
休假歸, 百廢待舉. 繼續, 盲目的, 忙碌的, 光速前進. 非科幻迷的我, 偶然翻閱短篇小說集The Paper Menagerie by Ken Liu, 敘事宏觀, 節奏扣弦, 點題文字千變萬化的可能性... 驚喜!
No. 2: Concerto of circles at a local cafe
天母婆家附近有家和風甜點茶房, 綿密的乳酪蛋糕佐高山茶, 門窗光雅, 細節設計感十足.
At the home front, LK as a landlord is facing an electrifyingly odd sci-fi situation. If, architecture is the dialogue between people and their surrounding, we must bid adieu to a decaying era of passive contentment and usher in the rebirth of purposefulness.
Baptized through conflicts.
No. 3: Rhythmic repetition in Di-Hua迪化老街巡禮, 連扇木窗木門, 騎樓木椅, 手造工藝洋溢舊時代匠心.
八月幾個生日, 包括LK長尾巴! 生命的所有, 往往稍縱即逝; 所處的進行式, 無論原地打轉, 隨波逐流, 都免不了驅動向前, 而盡頭是死亡. 活在當下, 至親平順康健, 摯友常能聚首, 足矣.
No. 4: Hieroglyph hybridization on the shop’s branding南北貨商行鑄鐵門牌, 交錯文字與幾何之美. 右邊的洋樓中庭, 通往Netflix熱門劇集’華燈初上’場景, 服務人員很熱心, 要幫洋土包子角色扮演拍照 :)
GOT at work continues. As usual, my aspiration lies in an entirely different direction, or for that matter, dimension. Fortuitously a challenging project came my way. Obligatory and complex to others, I find the project radiating with inspirations.
No. 5: Conservatory for growing the minds普立茲新聞攝影展, 一幅接一幅震懾人心的時代精典場面, 觀後抑鬱, 人類殊不可愛, 強權缺乏自省.
工作新挑戰接踵而至, LK責任感遠勝權力欲, 頗為眼冷心定, 另類勇者無懼. 亦是年歲附加價值, 再無需誠惶誠恐證明自己.
No. 6: Warehouse en vogue
台北一步一文創, 人人有話要說, 不是每個故事皆言之有物, 重疊性高. 華山場地空曠, 先不論軟體 建築本身很吸睛.
松菸文創則隱於市, 林蔭小徑, 池塘野鴨, 兩隻大白鵝草地啄蟲, 裝置藝術般的農稼樂, 十分超現實.
No. 8: Detective LK finally solved the ‘park’ of the Parkview Hotel. There was a garden indeed underneath my window where the little white butterfly dwelled.
隔離時以望遠鏡追蹤的小白蝶, 其來有自! 防疫出關那日推行李下樓, 赫然發現旅館大廳後的戶外庭院, 灌木叢加花卉盆栽, 礙於角度, 從房間的陽臺無從可見... 然隔離時粉蝶翩翩訪我, 萬物有靈 :)
No. 9 and No. 10: Neuroplasticity :)
旅行隨身攜帶小筆記本, 所見所聞所感, 濃縮成時空膠囊, 於不旅行的午后, 沖杯熱咖啡, 氤氳底慢慢回味.
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