Happy Halloween!
Once upon a time my father wanted me to become a surgeon like him. While I have been rather dexterous with any tool with a pointy end, I chose a pen in the end. It forges words that could cut or heal. 聰明伶俐的黃蓉, 為師者夢昧以求的學生, 舉一反三, 教授起來多麼有成就感; 反之, 扶不起的阿斗, 相父大抵嘔血. 團隊某新進設計師, 議薪時態度老練, 真做起事, 木頭木腦, 愈教愈笨. LK開始懷疑, 是否敵方派來臥底? 要把我活活氣死!