Happy Halloween!
Once upon a time my father wanted me to become a surgeon like him. While I have been rather dexterous with any tool with a pointy end, I chose a pen in the end. It forges words that could cut or heal. 聰明伶俐的黃蓉, 為師者夢昧以求的學生, 舉一反三, 教授起來多麼有成就感; 反之, 扶不起的阿斗, 相父大抵嘔血. 團隊某新進設計師, 議薪時態度老練, 真做起事, 木頭木腦, 愈教愈笨. LK開始懷疑, 是否敵方派來臥底? 要把我活活氣死!星期五若勘察此下屬企劃案, 品味不佳, 美學失衡, 思路紊亂, 事倍功半... 敝人總急怒攻心, 週末心情全毀. 其實蠢的是擇善固執的LK吧? 大環境低迷, 人人得過且過, 品質, 責任感, 根本緣木求魚. I love beetroot. Its meaty bite so succulent that it could convert a carnivore. Perfect as carpaccio or toppings for a savory pie.
臉書回溯功能, 冷不防冒出五年前南中國商旅時, 週末單槍匹馬越福田口岸, 轉四趟車至香港蘭桂坊Gordon Ramsay餐廳吃脆皮燒豬緬懷Eton Mess往事. 記得當年月黑風高走下山石坡時, 碰上萬聖節前夕派對人潮羣魔亂舞, 若王家衛電影場景. 週末偶讀首爾梨泰院萬聖節慶典踐踏慘劇, 頗心驚, COVID數年, 生物距離亂套, 遠殊近險. 回歸, 談何容易.
Cauliflower has similar magical effects, too.A swordswoman needs her Valyrian steel… mine is the legendary Shun.
公務繁更需靈感, 忙裡偷閒約Dr. C回校園觀賞雲門舞集十三聲, 極簡舞台舞衣對比潑墨色塊燈影, 銅鈸吟唱擊鼓心律, 肢體迴旋飛躍延展, 似內省招魂, 或煙香襲兮廟會, 又如人聲鼎沸市集. 舞碼終結時一道接一道螢光色彩縱橫交錯, 全體觀眾起立掌聲震天! 六月回台北時剛好讀了’激流與倒影’ 於舞壇哲人超絕的意志力和宏觀願景更深層理解.Between cleaving and slicing, the stress from work, from reading world news… dissipated. Seafood makes tasty weekday dinners. It offers enough protein and does not take as much energy for digestion.
Classic salmon and asparagus. Scallop and cellophane noodle. picture credit: StanfordLiveAnother self-love measure is seeking inspirations. 13 Tongues by the Cloud Gate Dance Company Taiwan at StanfordLive was just mesmerizing!!!
人生終極目標: 一是平安到老當祖母抱乖孫, 二是文學創作. 生態危機四起, 未來世界已不宜人居, 前者要圓夢步步為艱. 後者在職場家庭夾縫求生存, 仍屬探索期, 研究各式文體. 十月初兩個星期六的線上課程, 結識暢銷作家Alka Joshi, 所謂成功, 運氣當需幾分, 關鍵更於十年磨一劍的毅力耐性. The Henna Artist故事節奏明快, 文字雅俗共賞, Netflix已簽約拍影集.
picture credit: The Henna ArtistFinishing reading The Henna Artist in nearly one setting and met the amazing Alka Joshi at a SCE class. I must finish the manuscript I started in 2021!!!
可見我們多需要故事, 前陣子LoTR和GoT皆出前傳, 真真造福奇幻迷. 逢週末老夫老妻便並肩倚頭, 或研究精靈中土紀元, 或評比黑綠兩黨誰家爭鋒. 想想雖堅卻仍易碎的瓷婚將至, 不知兩人是志同道合才為伴多年, 還是耳濡目染頻率漸相容, 緣份的方程式無定律.
Wild cod and Belgium endive. Homemade shallot crisp takes the dish to the next level.
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