Sunday, August 15, 2010
凡爾賽拜金女 Let them eat macaron
無關天氣, 無關心情, 有時什麼都不想, 就只想專注的完成ㄧ件事… 手工亦如參禪, 突然靈感泉湧, 便ㄧ針ㄧ線縫起來… 先是眉眼浮顯, 衣裝成型, 最後髪髻輕挽, 頸鍊耳飾扣繫, ㄧ位凡爾賽拜金女躍然案前! 她對我的書本不感興趣, 翻開哪ㄧ本, 都只當襯她華服的背景, 我忍不住說教: Your majesty, 書到用時方恨少哪! 她小嘴ㄧ嘟: Let them eat macaron!
My Marie, inspired by the beheaded queen of decadence. Well, she does not seem to take any advise from the books in my library.
Here is one of my favorite illustrated books: Magasin ZinZin(The Merchant of Marvels And The Peddler of Dreams) by Frederic Clement. I suspected that Marie held the pages because the blue complimented her orange hair.
Yet she threw herself under the star when she saw the quiet boy with golden hair… "Oui, oui, Antoine, il est revenu!"
Let's enjoy the macarons, shall we?!
drawing therapy
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I absolutely love your Marie of Decadence! Your so clever!
You never cease to amaze me with your can be quite "saucy", too. You will always be an inspiration.
How is little Vincent & the rest of the family?
Hi Terri!
I figure it's good to act on a 'spark' as it comes no matter how minute it seems... eventually it might light up an unexpected path :)
Hi Rochella,
It's so nice to hear from you! I wish I have taken some sewing lessons from you while at PD so my Marie will look more French Queen than the Bride of Frankstein :P
Little Vincent is a big boy now and he goes to an international school here!
辣妹婦產科醫生啊 真是新世紀人類喔 希望你找到一好醫師 出門旅行在外 要重新找各類醫師 還得靠運氣和機緣 畢竟家庭醫師 牙醫 眼科醫師等 都是很重要的
Miss LK,
妳的新作品實在是太有趣啦! 而且做法跟之前幾個都迥異不同! :D
看來妳在新加坡還是繼續享受著 macarons, 真是太幸福了...
經你提醒, 我才想到還沒找牙醫和眼科醫生呢! 不曉得能否辣妹看完換帥哥 :)?
macaron在這頗風,行 不過水準有高有低, 踩地雷的機會很多...
我前幾個人偶的臉身體手足由紙粘土塑成, 自然風乾需幾日, 做Marie時靈感來的急且強烈, 所以選擇了手縫... 還在摸索屬於自己的人偶風格 :)
妳的人偶經常創新 但是頭髮已經有 LK 式風格了 有個信教的朋友說我的 Blythe Doll 長得像邪靈 求我立刻下架
我也喜歡收集畫冊 妳這本出自 Frederic Clement 的手筆 已經不容易買到了
小 V 上新加坡的 international school 和 D 是校友呢 !
大抵是補償作用 我自己一頭亂髮 做的人偶卻個個雲髻高聳:)
FC的畫集童趣夢幻中帶點溫情 是我心靈感冒時的特効藥!
聽你描述 D既勇敢又堅強 小V卻是個喜歡賴在媽咪懷裏撒嬌的mama's boy 我真是教子無方 唉!
真是個討人厭卻又很可愛的queen of decandence...真有劇情!
Hi Fion,
哈哈, 討厭又可愛... 說的真好!
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