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咦? 章回小說重出江湖? 實在喜歡雙姝怨這標題, ㄧ直不知寫什麽(紅樓雙尤哀歌? 論金庸筆下女性如周芷若vs.趙敏? 古典芭蕾解析 Is Odile just another side of Odette in the Swan Lake?) 直到兩位來自不同時空的皇后蒞臨寒舍, 這執念方得紓發. 於Etsy邂逅ㄧ位立陶宛的人偶藝術家Dorote, 她構思魔幻, 作工華麗精巧, 手下的人偶們栩栩如生, 彷彿來自另ㄧ個世界的精靈, 我特別喜歡她的皇后系列, 認購Mary of Scots同時也向Dorote提出武則天的靈感, 東西交會下, ㄧ位充滿秘密帶些毀滅性黑暗的武后來到2010年!
現代的皇室大多數遠離權力核心, 漸成傳統徽章, 奢華時尚夾雜八卦, 皇后與公主皆為驕寵女子的代名詞, 然無論是Mary of Scots或武則天時期的王朝, 瀰漫血腥味的慘慘陰風, 皇后公主近似權力母獸, 於父親病榻前出世的Mary of Scots, 數次政治聯姻, 終其ㄧ生斡旋權力至沒頂... 由才人媚娘, 聖后則天, 至武周皇帝曌… 武后深沈睿智, 眼冷心險手狠, 她的傳奇可稱政治的葵花寶典, 她的故事ㄧ而再被書寫改編為戲劇, 我最喜歡的版本是中國作家蘇童的小說武則天, 簡潔淡然不批判, 穿梭寫實心理與超現實浪漫, 餘韻無窮.
Besides my hopeless obsession with articulate porcelain beauties, I am also very attracted to the more organic and slightly rustic hand sculpted art dolls. Here are my two new muses by the talented Dorote(Tireless Artist), Mary of Scots and Empress Wu Zetian.
The queens' arrival! Dorote's creations are romantic, dark, and melancholy.
From head to toe, her doll is full of exquisite details and delightful surprises. Dorote even handmade these upholstered boxes for the royal ladies to travel in style and comfort - they are precious and definitely made the recipient feel loved :)
Languid Mary lounging out on her travel box-turned - throne… looking as delicious and intoxicating as a shot glass of the Grand Marnier.
East meets West behind the curtain. What could they be possibly talking about?
Empress Wu Zetian wears peony on her hair, hides secrets in her eyes, and sharpens a bright sword in her heart of ambition.
How many queens can live peacefully in one court?
武則天有雙眼皮ㄝ :-)
然後再討論一下服裝的style,之後聯手創業了品牌,.........夏姿!! 中西合併...
Monica (Singapore)
Have a great weekend!
Hey Linda, I see the two queens are doing great by you. They seem to have much to chat about :)
And the photograf of them together looks just great.
ohh They do look magnificent!! And you're right, there is something quite charming about these two (though I wouldn't go so far as to call them "rough" !!) and more handmade looking dolls, these two are very stately... and I love the way you write... wow!
hi Monica(Singapore),
You might be right! The two royal ladies probably talked about man, power, and fashion :)
Hi Dorote,
I love them and thank you for such inspirations! I can stare at these two for hours, let imagination go wild, and forget the rest.
Hi monika,
I know... I was looking for a better word to describe these handmade qualities than 'rustic' but failed. Tiny, tiny brush strokes and other seemingly 'imperfections' actually make them perfect in my eyes ;)
這兩后的臉像是一個模子製出 但是眉形 髮型 服裝的相異營造出完全不同的風韻 手藝精巧 very original and organic!
她的人偶臉模都有重重的眼皮和長而挺的鼻子 不知原型是否出自一位她很喜歡的人物或者就是她自己? 我最欽佩這樣的藝術家 不眼高手低 工藝水準能精確表達設計概念!
You should write a book...maybe a fairytale. Your words are so elegant and I always want more. Your ladies are stunning and the story makes them intriguing!
Hi Teri,
Thank you for your compliments!!!
I hope to become a 'story teller' one day with my own product designs :)
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