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前篇雖然有段磅礡的開場白, 偽社會學家寫著寫著, 後繼無力… 此篇讓圖片細訴LK先生與我相知十年紀念的溫泉之旅吧!
The highlight of the trip was the onsen escape to Hakone away from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo.
ㄧ早往小田急百貨採買零食, 搭上往箱根的浪漫特快號.
人類文明的衍進如Sisyphus的滾石, 誕之初的蒼茫, 奮力推向豐華的頂端, 盛極必衰的墜落, 世紀末必有ㄧ番頹靡來得繁花似錦… 自工業革命揭開資本主義的簾幕, 奢華的定義離不開金錢, 種種慾望於基本需求被滿足後, 熱烈的席捲音樂人文藝術, 然媒體的無遠弗界和市場行銷全球化, 小資產已為新共產主義所取代… 奢華反趨抽象禪意, 該是ㄧ種生活態度, 懂得過日子, ㄧ分錢使得三分的功效, 雅趣俯拾皆是, 單憑原慾駕馭的盲目追求, 無底洞只會泥足深陷.
Our recent trip to Tokyo was taken over by nostalgic charms from the beginning to the end. While my favorite wagashi maker Toraya celebrated its 30th anniversary of its Parisian establishment, French connection of all kinds from haute couture to haute cuisine was everywhere in Tokyo. Tokyo and Paris are the joie de vivre twins separated at birth. The first fine dining of the trip was lunch at the Ukai-tei located in the landmark Gyre building of Omotesando. Its Art Nouveau decor, A la Minute cooking, impeccable presentation of food and pampering service transported us to an era of leisure.
Tea time at its salon after lunch.
東京百去不厭, 每次都有些驚喜, 大抵和式料理注重食材原味, 與我偏好的清淡口感相合, 其次工藝美學深植常民生活, 處處皆視覺饗宴! 十月初正值涼爽的早秋, 走走停停吃吃看看, 平時努力工作不就是為著幾日豐足的心靈假期? 此趟遊記食記還待慢慢寫來, 戀物狂卻等不及獻寶:
As long as one cares about material of any kind, he or she will never return from Tokyo empty handed. There is something for everyone despite the soaring Japanese Yen. I promise I will use and reuse, inspire and re-imagine… these objects that make me happy.
While a gentleman might prefer blonde, I love petites.