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東京百去不厭, 每次都有些驚喜, 大抵和式料理注重食材原味, 與我偏好的清淡口感相合, 其次工藝美學深植常民生活, 處處皆視覺饗宴! 十月初正值涼爽的早秋, 走走停停吃吃看看, 平時努力工作不就是為著幾日豐足的心靈假期? 此趟遊記食記還待慢慢寫來, 戀物狂卻等不及獻寶:
As long as one cares about material of any kind, he or she will never return from Tokyo empty handed. There is something for everyone despite the soaring Japanese Yen. I promise I will use and reuse, inspire and re-imagine… these objects that make me happy.
While a gentleman might prefer blonde, I love petites.
The Starbucks demitasse and the candy tote of Dean&Deluca are so much cuter than their regular sized counterparts! The heart shaped tea strainer is there to show the scale but isn't it adorable, too?
I admire the effortless intertwine of traditional craft and modern design in many Japanese products. The plum theme washi paper wrapped tea canister was from Itoya, Ginza. The porcelain chopsticks rest set was a souvenir from the Time&Style store, Tokyo Midtown. My friend MK designed one of their best selling furniture series.
Purely impulse buy… so I can start making car shaped pancakes for Little V. The tiny hangers will showcase my doll fashion :)
My all time favorite Toraya has another celebration - 30th anniversary of its Paris location! The gelée style sweets inside the box were not so much my taste but I loved the illustrations on the cover.
These coasters(you know the type that protects a fine wood table from stains of cold glass of water or a hot cup of tea) in fancy restaurants have nice weight and texture with very pretty letterpress graphics. Of course I am going to rescue them from going into the trash and repurpose them :)
I am neither a candle nor a scent person. The combination of a light pink porcelain cup, a Japanese kiri wood lid/saucer, and the mimosa scented soy wax votive just… melt my heart.
It seems quite popular for woman's magazines in Japan to include enticing give-aways with each issue. The mini canvas pouch was from the November issue of InRed. The lace patterned eco bag was from the July issue of Madame Figaro. Both have upbeat designs and are very functional.
Etude opus1 Violin
This exquisite greeting card series also has a grand piano and a clarinet. I don't think I will ever have the heart to write on it and break up the serene silhouette… probably just frame the card and daydream in front of it.
I am hopelessly obsessed with porcelain cups, plates, bowls… The ultimate feat from my past trips have always been hand-carrying boxes of fragile ceramic pieces from Paris, London, Tokyo… while trying not to spank the crying kids(not mine) sitting next to me in coach :P Oh well, I have learned my lesson after the move from San Francisco to Singapore(or more precisely traumatized by the grandeur of my private collection) I only allow myself to bring home no more than three precious porcelain each trip going forward. This organic plate with silver glaze was bought at the Toraya tea house/gallery in Tokyo Midtown; it was a part of the current exhibition. The artist drew his inspiration from the moon's reflection in the autumn pond.
哇... 這些東西都好美喔! ^o^
話說我們本來也想要在感恩節去日本的, 但是查了台灣旅行團都是去些奇怪的地方 (居然去北海道看歐洲城堡跟修道院 -_- 幹嘛去日本看歐洲的東西啊) 最後懶人 S 與我決定感恩節整週在家看電視. T_T
如果 Miss LK 能夠把造訪東京路線寫下, 我們下次假期就可以按圖索驥也跟著去見識東京的 treasure hunt 了!
虎屋的巴黎店 讓我想起秋天的某日 和女兒在那邊用餐 那時她還很小呢
那個小提琴卡片 女兒會喜歡 你在那邊買的 她最近吵著要upgrade她的小提琴 這個可以唬唬他
和LK 相同的 東京總是會帶給我一連串的享樂 先生都無法了解
hi hi MG,
臺灣遊日本旅行團的安排還真費夷所思哪! 可見日本人很哈歐... 我對假歐風興趣亦不大, 原汁原味的和式風情較耐人尋味 :)
沒問題, 下次你和S要去日本玩, 我出借LK先生替你們規劃行程, 夠意思吧?
ps. 今早總算有雅興享用MG秘製橘子醬, 真美味啊!
可上察看, 我是在Midtown 設計樓層的店買的, 不過東京幾家trendy的文具行書店都看到這Etude系列, 其中還有個組合是DIYㄧ把袖珍小提琴的紙模型, 別緻極了! 可惜要很有耐性 所以我只收藏了卡片 :P
巴黎的虎屋亦是我和媽媽與外婆當年遊法食的喫茶歇腳處, 充滿了許多回憶 :)
還是 Miss LK 好眼光 怎麼我在東京兜了幾天 就只抱回一個飯鍋 也去了虎屋 但是當時肚子飽到甚麼也不想買
我這叫玩物喪志吧 畢竟是舊地重遊 才有閒情泡書店逛小舖 如果是到了新的城市 便會忙著觀光 不過現下都會全球化 有當地色彩兼設計水準的風物倒是愈來愈難找了
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