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敗犬與剩女形容的是某種社會現象和趨勢, 意指女大當嫁仍小姑獨處, 其實結婚生子兩者皆為極私隱的選擇, 旁人可以不認同, 卻不能不尊重, 硬要每個人依循傳統家庭觀的腳步, 儒家倫理無疑變相的法西斯. 然單身的職場女性經濟獨立自主權高, 卻是市場的中流砥柱, 聯同其它階層的女性消費者, 組成ㄧ團支撐銀座百貨和名店的薔薇大軍.
薔薇大軍弱點ㄧ, 愛美. 青春永駐的魔咒真乃生生不息的搖錢樹, 也難怪, 所謂氣質和良好的性格畢竟抽象, 形而上的靈魂如何商品化? 還是明眸皓齒巧笑倩兮具體的多. 日本歷史悠久的資生堂於中央通的菁華地段便有兩大據點, ㄧ棟是早先敘述過的Shiseido Parlour複合式餐飲兼藝廊, 另個店面則集合旗下所有護膚彩妝系列ㄧ次到位. 像我這類到了藥妝店單採買撒隆帕斯痠痛貼布的怪胎, 於資生堂銀座的旗艦過過window shopping的乾癮也罷.
Strolling along Ginza, it was difficult not to feel the impact of the appearance-related industries.
Leading cosmetic brands claimed the facades of landmark buildings and sent their cover girls into the arena named Survivial of the Prettiest. This Lady Gaga-esque chandelier made of eyelash curler and feather paraded its coquettishness in the window of Shiseido flagship.
薔薇大軍弱點二, 愛情. 在此泛指ㄧ切關於愛情的氛圍, 並不侷限英俊有魅力的雄性生物. 仕女們將自己打扮的漂漂亮亮來到高雅的餐廳享用美食, 有種等待戀情的浪漫, 是封鎖於真空玻璃盅的永恆思念, 像小王子和玫瑰.
No matter how time has changed, treating a woman like a lady is always classy. Here's the vase full of roses for the ladies to take home after the feast at Ukai-tei. The funny thing was… I did not get a stem of rose, I got another slice of cake… WAH?!
Like all his ardent fans in the rest of the world, I'm, too waiting for the return of the petit prince…
薔薇大軍亦無法免疫公主病, 注重耀眼的包裝多於內容. 那天走過芬芳襲人的專櫃, 描金的印刻紙盒, 寶光流動的緞帶… 我還詫異怎麼百貨點心街夾個香粉舖, 才發覺販售的是有機蜂蜜?! 或許是女性消費者勢眾, 東京高級餐廳俊美的男性侍者如雲, 口福眼福齊享.
Delicate letterpress, sumptuous ribbons… who could guess this was a tasting bar for organic honey?! Everyone knows that over packaging is wasteful but it appeals to the spoiled princess inside every girl.
Here's a more eco friendly option: how about some good looking staff as eye candy? At Les Creations de NARISAWA, Mr. Dark&Handsome kneaded the dough and baked the bread at the table for us.
薔薇大軍的遠親瑪莉皇后教人吃蛋糕, 這癮頭發作起來沒完沒了. 東京各著名的糕點店, 但凡掛出季節限定的招牌, 總會看見母女相偕, 姐妹相約, 三五好友相邀, 大排長龍捧蒂芬妮珠寶似的, 珍而重之的拎ㄧ盒甜食回家… 在半島喝茶時意外的在脂粉叢中發現ㄧ位貌似典型上班族, 聽著ipod打瞌睡, 獨個排隊的大叔. 有空桌輪到他時, 仍聽著ipod自得其樂大啖各式美點, 我突然想起星巴克曾播放的ㄧ則廣告: 主題是ㄧ位在辦公室忙的團團轉的OL, 在喝下ㄧ口星巴克冰咖啡後, 囉唆的老闆, 煩人的同事, 回不完的e-mail全部隱去. 人生不就是這樣? 遠慮近憂夾攻下求些小快樂. 甜美的刹那, 讓我們充滿繼續努力的勇氣.
Limited edition is a killer phrase. Throughout the trip, I must have lined up anxiously several times to have a bite of the season's tasty creation. Chestnut and pear were in season AND they happened to be my favorite… Every time I think of you, I feel shot right through with a bolt of blue…
Then the chiffon cake that I can never have enough… It's no problem of mine, but it's a problem I find, living a life that I can't leave behind...
近年的日本市場出現了ㄧ個強勁的新勢力, 便是經濟起飛後, 來自中國的觀光客. 這些旅行團常常是ㄧ對父母帶著ㄧ胎化政策下的兒皇帝出遊, 消費實力驚人. 資本主義無國界, 售貨的櫃臺專員紛紛說起中文, 櫥窗更是標明店家對銀聯卡持有者的無限歡迎. 中國地廣人稠, 若是步上所有工業強國的後塵, 貧富兩極化勢必更為嚴重… 於日本橋文華酒店的中餐館午膳, 遠方的富士山若隱若現, 未來的世界, 真有點風雲詭譎.
Japan long enjoys the nation's powerful female consumer force in every aspect of living. However, the market's new darling is nascent. The rising economy of China has sent its affluent tourists to Japan, its historic rival. These new riches buffer between capitalism and patriotism. I pondered and gazed at the disappearing tip of Mt. Fuji afar through the window…
Miss LK 這篇說得真是好。沒有弱點就變成冷若冰霜不動感情的古墓派小龍女了,我倒寧可加入有品味懂奢華享受的薔薇大軍!
那個文華酒店的view 真想念呢 不過我們在法式餐廳Signature看到的
女人啊 女人啊 女人的錢好賺呢
什麼'加入'?! 我以為你早是薔薇軍團的大將啦!!!
ps. 小龍女和楊過愛的太做作是金庸迷LK最不欣賞的情侶檔 :P
對呀! Signature的大廚Rodriguez十分謙遜, 還殷殷詢問我們對他義大利風法國菜的感想哩!
女人普遍注重生活品質, 願意開銷於la dolce vita :)
Signature的用心 我最appreciate 幾個月前訂位 就有問有無食物敏感的事 這是第一家餐廳這樣問我(應該說是 到目前為止 唯一的一家) 表示她們對客人用心 到了那兒用餐時 就特別準備女兒的餐點 那個view 我到現在還記得 透過你的照片 讓我又回憶一次
我覺得ㄧ個好餐廳用心處不只是讓人享受當ㄧ天國王的奢華... 而是體貼尊重讓人覺得: "我本來就是國王!" :)
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