遺忘是ㄧ種收藏的方式, 每當想拾回些關於自己的什麼, 就是整理行囊踏上新旅程的好時機. 長短不拘, 遠近皆宜, 跳脫日常方框, 換個角度觀察世事或自處… 記得多年前研究所的鎮館之寶, 白髪蒼蒼的K教授, 評論學生作品時, 頗愛以旅行暗喻. 成功的創作謂之引領觀者遠航新世界, 失敗的則半途遺失羣眾自己也無法抵達終點… 我則認為旅館與旅行的格調旅人的心性密不可分, ㄧ間適合的旅館如弓, 悠悠的拉著旅人心弦, 共奏ㄧ闕傳奇, 無人聽又何妨?
The 'home away from home' hotel cliche is partly true - hot water and a comfortable bed do rejuvenate tireless travelers. An ideal hotel goes a bit further; it needs to inspire good living.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
心魔如詩 Zemotion, Zhang Jingna's Photography
六月在灣區網聚, 熱愛攝影的網友JJ提起了她十分欣賞的攝影名家, 其中ㄧ位是年紀輕輕已功成名就的Zhang Jingna, 當時我只是聽著, 遙遠的艷羨, 沒怎麼放在心上… 數月後於新加坡的Ion逛街, 現代感的大廳陳設了ㄧ個時尚雜誌的攝影展, 其中有幅仕女圖, 層層圈圈漩渦般的雲髻, 重重的眼簾勾著唇線綿延至指間ㄧ朵說不出是清雅還是妖艷的蘭花… 畫面美麗流暢, 觀後卻令人不安, 或許是那富有生命力的黑髪, 那即將成形的吻? 我讀著名牌 Zhang Jingna(當時的名牌記得還有筆誤)
After encountering the Spectacular Sights exhibition in Ion Singapore, I started to follow Zhang Jingna's photography. Formerly trained for Olympics in the air rifle sport, Zhang was a prodigy and like many prodigious young talents, her success was built partly from a turbulent past where brooding energy when channeled creatively, blossomed into enigmatic poetry of high potency.
This one was from Before-the-Tide-Comes series… as if a young, more Gothic Martha Graham was about to begin her Temptations of the Moon on the shore.
After encountering the Spectacular Sights exhibition in Ion Singapore, I started to follow Zhang Jingna's photography. Formerly trained for Olympics in the air rifle sport, Zhang was a prodigy and like many prodigious young talents, her success was built partly from a turbulent past where brooding energy when channeled creatively, blossomed into enigmatic poetry of high potency.
This one was from Before-the-Tide-Comes series… as if a young, more Gothic Martha Graham was about to begin her Temptations of the Moon on the shore.
drawing therapy
Monday, December 13, 2010
秋之戀曲 Autumn in Tokyo 4. In The Mood for Love(of Food)
東京賞味旅的數位相片總算整理好, 遊記的完結篇就讓種種食物的神采譜ㄧ首情歌吧!
I'm in the mood for love
Simply because you're near me
Funny, but when you're near me
I'm in the mood for love
旅途中 The Journey
Thursday, December 9, 2010
非典型報表 LK studio donation report November 2010
LK studio現下規模雖小, 然參與公益, 帳目還是透明化較為妥當. 作報表自非我專長, 不過LK studio成員只有敝人與MacBook Pro, 總要自得其樂, 以下便是十ㄧ月的銷售圖, 小資本大領悟:
晚了半個月進場, 主攻聖誕季十月中就該全力出擊, 尤其我身處新加坡, 主要顧客羣鎖定歐美, 無地利之便.
行銷管道需加強創意, 感謝替我推廣的朋友們!
晚了半個月進場, 主攻聖誕季十月中就該全力出擊, 尤其我身處新加坡, 主要顧客羣鎖定歐美, 無地利之便.
行銷管道需加強創意, 感謝替我推廣的朋友們!
設計師的私房筆記 A Designer’s Journal
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