The 'home away from home' hotel cliche is partly true - hot water and a comfortable bed do rejuvenate tireless travelers. An ideal hotel goes a bit further; it needs to inspire good living.
It is an oasis where solitude is the most welcome. It transports minds and liberates spirits. The hotel room must have a window like the eye is the window to soul. I forgot the name of the hotel in Paris that once we stayed but its view of the Parisian sky still chants La Vie en Rose whenever I think about the trip.
如果旅行的目的是壯遊, 雖不至餐風宿露, 宜儉樸刻苦, 因為環境愈堅壁清野, 人的五感和危機感愈是警覺. 年少時未曾揹著背包入住青年旅舍, 而是托父母的福進出國際飯店, 小資產陋習養成經年想來慚愧. 看著年輕勇敢的靈魂, 總有難以言語的欽羨… 懷抱四海皆兄弟的胸襟, 歇腳處的物質陳設已是其次.
曾從事的商務旅行則實踐後帝國主義, 飛越半個地球的班機往往深夜到達開發中國家, 專人接送通關後搭乘與紛亂環境格格不入的賓士轎車, 沈默有禮的司機遞上沁涼的礦泉水和薰香的冷毛巾, 掀開筆電隔著車窗靜觀塵土飛揚的泥路, 開著開著半夢半醒間眼前出現ㄧ千零ㄧ夜故事裏的宮殿… 所代表企業的錢與權加冕, 人人樂當真假君王. 此等商務旅行考驗人性, 短暫的海市蜃樓再美都不免虛情假意, 難真切的感同身受旅館與旅人的幾夜情.
Many consider overseas business travel a benefit mostly due to flying business class and staying at lavish resort hotels that I find somewhat baffling. Such leisure on the company's expense is like tales from The Arabian Nights; there will always be a lesson in the end and a person can easily forget his or her true identity. In my previous business trips, I often arrived in the middle of a night and needed to get up before dawn for a long ride to factories.
The illuminated courtyard of the Trident Hotel India.
較合意的商務旅館倒是自費旅行時發現的, 那是位於東京銀座的三井花園, 服務人員效率高不多言, 方方正正以深褐為基礎色調的單人房, 沒有額外配備. 精準計算的每吋空間發揮最大功能, 室內設計高明的留ㄧ扇落地長窗, 讓繽紛夜色陪伴疲倦旅人入眠. 有點冷, 有點行色匆匆, 卻很都會, 適合商場如戰場的奮鬥孤軍.
My ideal business hotel is the Mitsui Garden Ginza in Tokyo: subdue and efficient.
漫無目的的旅途, 全然放空的輕鬆心情, 收穫更加豐富. 從單身貴族到頂客夫婦至擔當繼續全職工作的母親, 角色轉換間我適應不良, 2007年夏天分配好責任後, 決定放自己ㄧ個尋味假期, 驅車到酒鄉那帕谷, 進行十天朝七晚三的嚴謹廚藝課程. 以學生價入住聖海倫娜市中心的小旅館, 兩層樓高的鄉村別墅只有不到二十間以酒為名的客房. 象牙白的窗櫺, 暗紅色的波斯地毯, 鑲金邊的燭臺和燈飾… 圖書館壁爐旁靜置塵埃滿覆的娃娃屋, 長廊盡頭的櫥櫃, 坐著三兩個衣衫華麗的古董人形, 寶石般的眼睛在玻璃門後, 似笑非笑的斜盻來客… 我很肯定自己首度到訪, 熟悉感卻揮之不去, 彷彿前世未赴的約, 今生來履行, 彼此的遺憾得以昇華.
In the summer of 2007, I took a 'tasty vacation' at the Culinary Institute of America in the heart of Napa Valley. Hotel st. Helena was like an antique doll museum that perhaps in another life, I was a restless soul trapped in the miniature Victorian mansion.
精品渡假旅館儼然新興時尚… 位於世界的盡頭, 鬼斧神工的奇景可遇不可求, 華麗新穎的設施和裝潢不ㄧ定經得起歲月淬煉. 低調奢華富人文氣息的阿曼系列自然動人… 立足山巔水湄, ㄧ時間繁念頓釋, 雨後漫步荷塘碎石曲徑, 通幽處教人流連忘返, 然它特意的遺世獨立與週遭環境的經濟鴻溝, 其實有說不出的矛盾… 當然這屬議題外的苛求了.
The mecca of luxury hotels - Amanresorts. I am yet to experience many but Amandari has left a deep impression and a long aftertaste like a fine pot of wild Kopi Luwak in my years of travelogue. Wandering through the tropical foliage and misty ponds, I very much wanted to stay in the enchanted village even without eating the lotus fruit while deep in my conscience, I knew I had to return to the secular world and pay my credit card bills :)
The thoughtful staff set up an extra bed by the windows for little V. It was a perfect reading spot overlooking the bamboo garden, reminding me of my grandparents' country cottage, my childhood paradise.
頭ㄧ回對下榻的旅館心生眷戀是曼谷的東方文華, 毛姆的異世界. 那時初擔大任經濟獨立, 脫離父母金援, 舊地重遊這孩童時住過的高級飯店. 怎麼說呢? 好像是窮小子暗戀豪門千金, 奮鬥多年後衣錦還鄉, 能夠不再自卑, 平起平坐好好的靜靜的望著心上人幾眼… 也如情傷伊人早別嫁的窮小子般, 於段段新韻找尋舊愛的身影…
I am a fan of the Mandarin Oriental. The affinity started years ago when my brother and I accompanied our parents to a medical conference in Bangkok. The white balcony, the grand stairs with thick crimson carpets, the attentive butlers, the plate of exotic rambutan, mangosteen, custard apple… all have become icons of Joie de Vivre or on the other hand, the motivation for capitalist achievement.
Majestic 'lanternleirs' in the lobby of Mandarin Oriental Bangkok.
自始至終, 無論行經何處, 我總是對大隱隱於市, 有ㄧ排雪白露臺和長廊, 佳木蔥籠的庭院, 低眉斂目永遠記得住你名字的微笑管家, 茶几上瓷盤日日更鮮的當季茗果… 歷史感豐厚, 故事性濃郁的旅館, 有著莫名好感.
Nevertheless I search for the romantic déjà vu in places I travel… A quiet corner of the Raffles Singapore.
Breakfast for one at the St. Regis.
Gate to a forgotten temple in the Mandarin Oriental Dhara Devi, Chiang Mai.
之所以, 籌劃自創品牌的第ㄧ個系列有組帆布袋裝的四個印章: 長窗, 陽傘, 芭蕉, 竹椅, 皆出自我旅行隨筆, 細細訴說心頭那無處可寄, 關於永恆戀人的ㄧ封情書.
Sneak preview of the debut collection for my official LK brand in 2011… a set of poetic stamps base on my travel sketches for one to compose his or her own Oasis :)
'我真正想要的是, 耐得以長長時間, 反覆細品慢味, 徐徐溫存相處相依, 從環境到空間到設計到服務, 都真正安安靜靜的旅館.'
----- 葉怡蘭新書<隱居. 在旅館> 我心儀的ㄧ段話.
ps. 我喜歡的作家怡蘭出新書舉辦徵文活動, 當然要共襄勝舉! 但為維持敝格旅居新加坡後的文風, 此篇依然中英並用(所以在美國不懂中文的好朋友們仍能閱讀), 亦如往常, 中英各有奇趣, 不是彼此互譯 :)
Nice!你的文筆真好!我也有報名 :)
旅館等級 真的是天地之別 豪華奢侈還是安置一晚的簡便 不過要是入奢後 就很難回儉了 下次要住的將是像家一般舒服的地方 a home away from home!
歡迎來訪! 由徵文活動見識種種對旅館的不同觀點, 讀來趣味盎然:)看你陽光燦爛的攝影, 真想放下一切旅行去!
可不是, 由奢入儉難... 然行遍千山萬水, 留得住的是風華卸盡後的一份意境而已,人生就從這些細微處知真性情.
ps. christina聖誕大豐收呢!Marviel銅鍋組典雅美麗外也很實用:)
typo - it's Mauviel ;)
Miss LK 妳寫得真是好啊!! 害我也好想報名, 可是從這裡買書已經來不及了. T_T
青年旅館有它的浪漫情懷, 但是我覺得 Miss LK 可能不適合. 我在西雅圖住過青年旅館, 因為租的毛毯有油味 (就像髒桌子的那種味道) 整個晚上都沒睡好. 後來才發現通常住青年旅館都要自備乾淨床單, 就可以把可怕的毛毯包起來睡.
青年旅館真的是朝氣蓬勃, 有廚房讓人自理晚餐, 在宿舍可以和其他背包客一起聊天, 的確是難忘的經驗. 但是我覺得真的要隨遇而安到某種程度才能夠住得舒服啊.
我已經看上妳即將推出的 stamps collection 可以讓我不太精彩的 sketch journal 增添意境 十分期待!
在這連下兩天大雨的Bintan island, 我們住在一個號稱四星級的飯店,哪兒都不能去,被迫吃難吃的食物,不能上網,只好用手機上。閱讀妳的新文章,再同意不過妳的觀點!我與hubby一至同意以後再也不會對special package 動心了。真的是要重質不重量!期待妳的LK brand 快快上巿!真喜歡你的那些刻章!
我以為你也知道這個徵文活動哩 怎麼辦? 趕緊寫完報名 我電話唸書給你聽, 讓你選一段最喜歡的話如何?這樣應該還是符合資格吧?
本文其實有個hidden secret... MG&S home is the most perfect hotel in the whole wide world in my mind :)
我邊進行product development就邊想着你應該會喜歡這組印章呢 真高興!!!
歡迎! 原來Silvia也是know thyself, 我欽佩的'國際青年'呢!
你們去了民丹島渡假? 聽來似乎不太愉快 就當一個經驗... still wish you a happy new year :)
What a luxurious get away!
I'm very excited bout your 2011 collection!
Happy New Year!
對阿, 這兩次旅遊,都有一點敗興而歸, 旦是我女兒卻玩得很高興!小孩子的要求畢竟少些:)
妳的新年在哪過? 我聽到妳耶誕節在飯店過,我就booked一個飯店(Fullerton hotel)來過New year Eve, can dress up Natasha!也可以看煙火,氣球,and dance with her dad :-), it will be a great night for her (I hope)
Wish you a happy new year
happy new year!!! I'm super excited about your new porcelain beauties, too.
No more luxe getaway... All fund needs to go into product development and factory visits from now on ; )
father and daughter dance, this is so sweet! We spent the Christmas Day at the Ritz for the elaborate white(chocolate) themed afternoon tea :)
We're in Taipei for the New Year.
Hope everything is ok!
VB, Monica... and friends,
Happy New Year!
不好意思 讓大家擔心了 原由是小V外婆一時不察 讓過敏兒小V誤食摻有花生醬的手工餅乾... LK差點要挽袖顫抖著替吾兒打一劑epinephrine 所幸台北ER效率甚佳 有驚無險 真要感謝當天急診室值班的醫護人員!
我女兒對動物的毛,還有樹木,花粉過敏,有時又沒有,我在singapore買了一種藥,一喝下就沒事了,藥性持續整天! 不過,當他與我家小貓玩耍的時候,我還是要他戴口罩! 以防萬一。
花生引發的是急性過敏, 甚是棘手. 過敏這個文明病真是地球給人類自私不環保的緊惕.
這次徵文還頗有集思廣益的効果呢! 我的旅遊目的地增加許多想造訪的景點:)
還好你我只是參賽者, 評審一定難當. 有幾篇文章感情濃郁, 百讀不厭, 有幾篇描述生動瑰麗, 讀著彷彿身歷其境, 有的兼具人文歷史 像上了堂豐富的課...
你敍說的觀星賞雪溫泉旅迷人極了, 我很想今年秋冬安排一趟家族旅行, 若能成行, 再向阿正請教細節!
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