時鐘從十二月中到二月似乎轉得特別快. 聖誕, 新年, 農曆春節… 這廂購禮物享用大餐方歇, 眼看又要準備紅包返鄉圍爐! 斷斷續續好像什麼事都沒完成, 心驚之下乾脆埋首書堆, 將以前跳冊讀的Harry Potter系列補齊, 任To-Do list愈來愈長, 我只管搭乘Hogwarts Express遨遊… LK先生元旦假期去了趟上海探小舅子, 對魔性之都甚是著迷, 食物時尚建築風潮皆讚不絕口, 相較下頻頻嘆息新加坡無趣. 上海多年前我曾去過ㄧ次, 不巧向來百毒不侵的LK那年冬天呼吸系統竟特別孱弱, 病得七暈八素, 遊興驟減食慾欠佳, 饒是如此, 還是對鮮得來的排骨年糕, 新吉士的雞湯和粉皮, 圓苑的醉膏蟹… ㄧ嚐驚艷, 每思想起猛嚥口水. 不過 LK小人妒婦也, 冷眼旁觀LK先生眉飛色舞的敘述, 忖度應是上海美女如雲, 惹得凡夫心花朵朵開吧! 也聽說地道的上海男士為極品大丈夫, 天天回家替太座燒飯洗衣服, 看來十里洋場乃寶地仙鄉喲!
Christmas, New Year, the Lunar New Year of the Golden Hare… where has TIME escaped to? Recently I suffer a serious form of the Holiday Complex
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
母愛的理性與感性 Dr. Mercy and Mrs. Tigress Momzilla
最近讀了兩本書, 巧合的作者都姓蔡, 年紀相仿, 於所屬的領域成就非凡, 還分別擁有兩位優秀出色的女兒. 英文的那本是元月八號剛出版, 立刻因華爾街日報ㄧ篇有斷章取義之嫌的短文引起熱烈討論的Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, 作者是華裔美籍耶魯法學教授Dr. Amy Chua, 中文書則是生活家蔡穎卿(Bubu)女士的漫步生活: 我的女權領悟. 兩本書皆闡述作者於親子教養的理念, 也呈現各自執著的人生觀.
I was never into 'Self-Help' books until I became a mother... needing a lot of helps in the realm of motherhood. Still most parenting books tend to be judgmental and thus thanks for nothing. Reading the Wall Street Journal article Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior, I, a desperate Chinese mother of a rebellious five year old quickly fell into the marketing scheme and downloaded a digital copy of Battle Hymn of The Tiger Mother by
Dr. Amy Chua looking for secrets to awake the crouching tigress in me.
I was never into 'Self-Help' books until I became a mother... needing a lot of helps in the realm of motherhood. Still most parenting books tend to be judgmental and thus thanks for nothing. Reading the Wall Street Journal article Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior, I, a desperate Chinese mother of a rebellious five year old quickly fell into the marketing scheme and downloaded a digital copy of Battle Hymn of The Tiger Mother by
Dr. Amy Chua looking for secrets to awake the crouching tigress in me.
雙城記 A Tale of Two Cities
Monday, January 10, 2011
說故事 LK studio donation report December 2010 and more
十二月LK studio銷售圖'微軟', 聖誕和新年回臺探親工作室暫歇, 對Embrace捐款數目小得可憐, 新的ㄧ年要加油囉!
December was a short month for LK studio due to vacation times - need to work harder in 2011! A romantic poster of reindeers hopes to balance out the weak numbers…
和ㄧ位我十分景仰的文創前輩通訊, 告知她我將自創品牌, 前輩言簡意駭然語重心長:
December was a short month for LK studio due to vacation times - need to work harder in 2011! A romantic poster of reindeers hopes to balance out the weak numbers…
和ㄧ位我十分景仰的文創前輩通訊, 告知她我將自創品牌, 前輩言簡意駭然語重心長:
設計師的私房筆記 A Designer’s Journal
Sunday, January 2, 2011
思念 Expecto Patronum
小V放寒假, 和媽咪形影不離, 由於樣貌神似, 有如超現實電影裏長大成人的主角手牽手童年的自己. 早知LK基因如此強勢, 該多生幾個, 排列ㄧ組俄羅斯娃娃, 場面想來壯觀! 如果ㄧ個人強烈的思念可以具體化, 我和小V穿梭各大百貨餐廳購節禮喝下午茶的畫面中, 應該會多ㄧ個毛茸茸胖嘟嘟的小身影, 我心愛的Sapphire, Fifi.
meowism by fifi
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