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Sunday, October 21, 2012

暴風雨後 Only Time Will Tell

近來光景深具言情小說架構:  縱有千言萬語, 不知從何說起?  荒廢部落格許久, 收到許多關心.  療傷需要沈澱, 不想自己養成抱怨的惡習, 快樂也好, 痛苦也好, 都是歷練, 讓人看清楚生命中什麼最重要.
Finally I am back to my beloved humble blog.  Not for more whining… I am determined to hold my head high and make happiness a habit.

新職務忙得不可開交, 當看到工作室的團隊滿懷熱情
衝刺, 我又怎麼能缺席?  咬牙忍著流產陣痛穿梭大大小小會議, 或許精神專注幫助抽離身體的痛苦, 幾番下來, 雖然有份苦澀揮之不去, 也覺得某種情緒得以昇華… 我的頂頭上司是品牌副總裁, 金碧眼的她巧笑倩兮, 乍看之下毫無權威, 相處了幾星期, 方覺她心細如髪深諳運籌帷幄, 絕對是位良師!
A box of chocolate?  Life is more like a candy shop to me.  I feel having so much to learn as both a person and a professional.

患難見真情, 沒能保住上天賜給我們的物固然遺憾, 卻也讓LK先生和我找回夫妻間的互信互諒, 公婆的幫忙, 給少年夫妻老來伴做了最佳模範, 人生的課題我尚要多多學習.
Autumn is lovely… ain't no better reason to rid yourself of vanities and just go with the season.

母親的衝突於事過境遷後分析, 與其歸究家家有本難唸的經, 不如說她和我各自以擅長的方式捍衛兩個截然不同的價值觀, 我們都慘烈的贏回自己, 輸盡與彼此最後親情的羈絆.
I admit I am a difficult one to comprehend; I love the design of a diamond ring more than the diamond ring itself.

每天通勤近三小時不以為苦, 因為回到鍾愛的城市做著喜歡的工作已很幸運, 要萬事皆美太貪心.  有時收音機傳來Beatles歡樂歌聲演繹淡淡的悲傷的歌辭, 差點忘記自己開著新款環保車, 還以為駕駛夢想的yellow submarine.
Ever wander how it feels to ride in a cool vintage car… call me Gatsby.

某個週末全家去Carmel散心, 小鎮有個童話屋似的茶具店, 不知為何茶具店的主人都是珍瑪波般的親切老太太, 可能ㄧ杯熱茶總有撫慰人心的魔吧?
Thanks to Miss Marple, I cannot help but to think about murder mysteries when drinking a cup of tea!

三年前離開時公司還未開禁, 現在可以穿牛仔褲上班了, 省卻不少時間和置裝費, 天天風衣搭牛仔褲最適合懶人LK!  這張照片角度取巧, 把中等個頭的我拍成長腿姐姐 :)  無它, 想告訴擔心LK的格友們我會好起來的: 謝謝大家!!!
Not totally there yet but I know one day I will be able to take all these in stride :)


Silvia said...


聚水藏風 said...

So happy to see your new blog post and that you're smiling in the photo. 生活裡要學習的東西真的好多,永無止境:)

material girl said...

終於等到 Miss LK 的新文章!
哇,妳在繁忙時間居然還可以抽空去 Carmel! 我常常覺得我是無事忙,摸魚摸慣了哪裡都沒空去... -_-
Miss LK 加油啊!^o^

V said...

Glad to see you smile! :)))

Echomiao said...

很高興見妳重出江湖 想必寶劍更加鋒利 武林也更加熱鬧了

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

Agree with V ...

" Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
- Dr. Seuss

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear the news! Hope you are well!


Miss LK said...

哪裏, 我很多時候都十分bitter, 既已陷到谷底只能往上爬... 銀行工作風雲鬼譎, 你也要加油啊!!!

保持謙虛的心情就會覺得處處感恩, 學無止境 :)

Miss LK said...

你是快樂幸福摸魚人哩 :)
我工作雖充實commute卻要命啊... 真要好好time manage.

Living well is the best revenge to all evil curses :)

Miss LK said...

近有頓悟: 要斬妖孽除心魔, ㄧ把鋒利的寶劍是不夠的, 要不妄我執的決心和定力吧?

I am over the crying... tears help to release some grief and pressure but happiness does not just fall in one's laps, so go work on it :)

Miss LK said...

I am doing better now and actually getting tired of feeling sorry for myself. Like you, I always try to find the silver lining :)

Anonymous said...



Miss LK said...

謝謝鼓勵! 好久不見新文也希望你ㄧ切安好.

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