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Thursday, November 22, 2012

吾日三省吾身 My Day&Happy Thanksgiving!

美洲大陸感恩節的由來某個層面不太光采, 弱肉強食種族滅絕歷史ㄧ上演, 人類是學不乖的生物…  因為感恩節這禮拜公司運作較和緩, 我才有空透氣更新網誌.  回歸職場樂多於苦, 光想著每天有解不完的設計思考我就興緻勃勃, 長日將盡時雖疲累卻充實飽滿.  早晚的通勤較惱人, 因為處於半機械化的控車狀態, 雜思易浮上心頭, 成了非自願的三省吾身… 結論是有些圈圈我走不出, 可能需要諮商心理學家, 在這之前, 做做小事讓自己ㄧ日ㄧ開心:
等待銀行開門的清晨, 繞道去享用早餐, 濃郁的摩卡熱巧克力, 香酥的義式炸點, 菠菜乳酪煎蛋三明治… 南歐民族樂天大抵和吃離不了關係!!!  我的新寵是iphone 5, 拿它隨時隨地複習BBC Jane Austen迷你劇 :)
I have turned my daily long commute into karaoke sing along haven, BBC mini series Jane Austen marathon, and self therapy all in one.  Continuing to explore educational activities that I can perform in the car without jeopardize my driving safety… perhaps it's time to pick up a new language?
Sadly another sign of 'welcome back' to USA is the long line at any federal agencies, bank dealings, heavy medical bills(even after insurance coverage :&).  Therefore the morning when I waited for the bank to open, I decided to treat myself to a BIG breakfast of rich moka chocolate, sumptuous zeppoles, and panino on toasty ciabatta.  Life can still be good only if one tries hard enough.

我的工作天從駛進港灣旁的大道開始, 迎面而來的藍天和Bay Bridge讓人精神大振.
My work day usually starts with the spectacular sight of the Bay Bridge.

工作室位於ㄧ列古典紅磚房的中心點, 綠樹和小咖啡館環繞, 初冬的街道滿地楓紅.
Followed by a morning stroll into one of the brownstone buildings.

感恩節前夕和同事互道佳節快樂後步行來到舊金山地標Ferry Building採買, 忍不住試飲印度香料牛奶和伯爵茶口味的奶酪.
The Thanksgiving week was a bit slower so I had the momentary leisure visiting the Ferry Building after wishing my team happy holidays. 

現下風行食材DIY, 玻璃吊鐘的菇蕈叢好誘人.
Home farming is trending.  People are making their own cheese with DIY kit.  Before getting that chicken coop from Williams-Sonoma, let's start with a less ambitious project, the mushrooms in the glass cloche?

法式點心坊Miette如常車水馬龍, 排隊拎盒蛋白杏仁餅回家.
A box of Rose Geranium macarons is a MUST from Miette.

夜色將臨, 再度行經紅磚房, 生命最大的資產是知道自己是誰?  想成為怎麼樣的人?   要到哪裏去?  目前我不知道所有的答案, 總有ㄧ天謎底會揭曉吧?
Time to pick up my car and start my vocal session.  Seriously I don't understand why I am singing teen love ballads(blame it all on the long commute!) and it's addictive.  Listen to this by Christina Perri…

And who do you think you are
Running 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Don't come back at all

So sappy… yet soooooo good.  I guess I won't surprise myself if I become a Twilight fan soon :P

ps.  以上幾幅黑白線畫是C4LA的特效.
My latest APP favorite, C4LA that turns any digital image into a line drawing.  Of course the APP is like a mini Photoshop and cannot beat the varying line weights of an actual line drawing but On-The-Go, this does just fine.


Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

很高興知道你的一切已平衡安穩; 家庭生活工作得到和諧協調. 雖然知道不易, 但你佻皮開朗的語氣叫我們放心了 ~
可以想像你從工作上得到的滿足感, 衷心祝福你快樂幸福!!
不單是你, 這個週末, 我竟然答應了友人,會去看 Twilight :)

聚水藏風 said...

馬上來研究如何在 iphone 上看 bbc's mini Jane Austen series! 希望你好好享受感恩節假期:)

Echomiao said...

能夠做自己喜歡的工作是件幸福的事 很為你高興也很羨慕哪。 許多人不耐塞車 我完全不介意 在一方小空間裡 聽音樂 學語言 想東想西 strategize 其實也是半冥想狀態

我深怕淪陷 決定不去理會 Twilight :)

Miss LK said...

人生無常, 沒經歷過大悲痛就會專執發小脾氣... 每讀到天災人禍或種種不明疾病的消息便感慨自己的渺小, 也覺得日日能見藍天白雲多麼幸運!!!

就從itune download, 很方便!

Miss LK said...

當年辭職赴新加坡當賢妻良母, 以為searching for greener pastures... 孰不知青鳥早在自家後院! 倒不是說家庭不好, 而是領悟到人除了親情愛情外, 心靈要有個踏遍千山萬水後, 能怡然自得的歸宿, 可以是文學音樂藝術工作美食 :)

material girl said...

Miss LK,
開玩笑的,中年危機的人是我吧... :P 人生不易,在基本求生存跟心靈滿足之間想要取得平衡,這是每個人的大難題啊。的確在找出解決方法之前,解憂的還是只有 BBC Jane Austen (以及大帥哥 Sherlock Holmes!!)

Miss LK said...

有時覺得不知道自己這麼努力所為何來,要怎麼走下去... 的的確確是中年危機啊!
話說自從由iphone聆聽(眼睛還是得盯牢方向盤)BBC Jane Austen, 再不感舟車勞頓,頗享受一天中可以靜靜思考JA幽默對白蘊涵的智慧哩!

V said...

妳若有中年危機,那我豈非老年?! 最近常在etsy晃,總想到妳,有無近作? (有好多人跟我誇那小匙子真美.)

Anonymous said...

最近也常想,到底賢妻良母要怎樣當,才能對的起孩子,也對的起自己:D 你提的那些問題,我也正在思考,難不成要到老年才解的開嗎?傷腦筋喔!:D

Miss LK said...

回到大企業工作規矩特多, 光是協商能否保有我自創的小小品牌就得經人事部法律部門... 層層審核, etsy要重新開張要等來年囉!
提早退位轉換跑道(或及時行樂)的智慧大部份太年輕的人缺乏理解的瀟灑和執行的能力, 於此, 我寧可老 :)

ps. 小匙謝謝大家慧眼!

我常安慰自己, 會傷腦筋其實說明我們有責任感, 謀事在人成事在天. 昨天和LK先生到小V學校開家長會, 老師們說小V進步良好與剛開學時的歇斯底理判若兩人, 我突然覺得這幾個月所做的種種困難決定都值得了.

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