**誤認LK為氣質才女者請別閱讀這篇, 讀壞眼睛吃壞肚子莫謂我言之不預**
My Happy Hour cocktail dress and 'killer' Louboutin :)
I embarked on a pensive odyssey since the moment I tuned in to NBC Hannibal. My fascination continued in a delicious and yes, ethical manner. As exuberant as the cinematography gets with each episode, I can never be in the mindset to appreciate Bon Appetit cannibalistic edition.
Not so much a fan of arterial spray either… brutality toward oneself or violence exerted onto others is a display of cowardice and the glorification of it is insensitive. The culinary choreography intertwined with the psychological manipulation within the Hannibal character however, intrigues my palate to no ends.
砍瓜切菜, 乾煎油烹, 鍋碗瓢盆齊飛, 繼續當'模仿犯'的ㄧ週! Hannibal季末Finale那首向電影原版致敬Vide Cor Meum繞樑三日, 膽小的我蠢蠢欲動想要重溫電影Hannibal, 但想到燭光人腦餐和劇中變態的復仇狂Mason Verger(雖說是性格明星Gary Oldman主演...) 還是按兵不動, 下載有Sir Anthony Hopkins旁白ta-ta的驚悚樂曲算數. 繞口的vide cor meum, vide cor tuum… 嘴饞的我儘想著小時候生病外婆燉來滋補的人蔘豬心當歸豬心, 白切的豬心沾薑絲醬油鮮脆嚼感佳, 胃口養好病也就不藥而癒 :) Thomas Harrisㄧ系列原著我至今缺乏勇氣閱讀, 光想文字版的Francis Dolarhyde(電影由憂鬱型男Ralph Fiennes扮演, 有點Voldermort前身調調)已讓人膽顫心驚… 相較之下, Hannibal電視影集敘事觀點平易近人許多, 除目不接暇的美食(Mikkelsen GQ特刊似的西裝秀也頗有看頭), 劇本有意無意點評的幾個主題頗激發我想衝到圖書館查資料的求知慾.
Duck Leg Confit
The Magret duck leg was sous vide for 12 hrs with only two spoons of duck fat after 48hrs of curing . Then the fork tender meat was grilled in the oven over low heat until the skin became crispy. YUM!
Dr. Lecter只吃人肉還是什麼肉都吃?
人與牲畜的界線在哪裏?(Ishiguro名著Never Let Me Go有深刻探索)
溫婉美麗的Dr. Alana Bloom不禁意透露自己崇拜文風黑暗早逝的Flannery O'Connor, ㄧ生受重疾折磨的O'Connor寄情豢養珍禽如孔雀.
Sous Vide Preparation
The sous vide water oven is hassle free. The prep work does take time since I prefer well seasoning the ingredients first. Neatly packing the portions away always delights the organization freak in me.
Dr. Lecter於初識時, 淡然形容眾心理學行為學泰斗爭相研究的Will Graham是能與毒蛇纏鬥的貓鼬?!
Will Graham幻覺中闇夜同行, 披著黑羽的優雅雄鹿, 是影射Dr. Lecter撒旦化身還是直指Will心理深層罪惡的本慾?
Ep13 Savoureux那道Tete de Veau擺盤很有Georgia O'Keefe畫風, 稻草煙醺牛犢祭祀意味濃厚… 睿智的Dr. Du Maurier是不是早知Dr. Lecter嗜好, 所以幾番婉拒Hannibal家宴邀約? 難怪那餐型男主廚捧著銀盤珍饈夜訪, 女主人食得面有難色猛灌紅酒了.
Sautéed Duck Breast with Thyme
Duck breast is both tender and wild; the seemingly conflicting characters round out a rich, satisfying flavor. Fresh from the sautéing pan, it was a gem on the dinner plate. The chilled left over was still tasty. Just slice it thin and serve over a bed of baby greens, then it is kaiseki in a bento.
Will Graham的破案方式遊走夢境邊緣, 接近佛洛依德對潛意識的解析加以反射. Dr. Lecter頻頻以各離奇殺人作藥引, 期望冰雪聰明的好徒弟解謎途中能脫胎換骨, 認清並接受自己的本質, 青出於藍成為旗鼓相當, 真正的對手. 暫時將是非道德擺兩旁, 劇中幾個殺人狂手法有的縝密有的粗劣, 追根究底皆是激烈極端的自我追尋和實踐. Dr. Lecter獨創ㄧ格, 他心智明澈, 並不俱備人類情感中困惑的元素, 純粹好奇實驗結果. 此狂人在乎操弄人心近乎天神的生殺大權, 所以Dr. Lecter討厭人無禮(eat the rude) - 傲慢是對神權的侵犯.
Butter Poached Lobster Tail with Rosemary
Some freshly ground pepper, pinch of fleur de sel, a sprig of rosemary, a table spoon of unsalted butter… the lobster is alive!
連續殺人犯之中最倒楣的是偽開膛手Dr. Abel Gideon, 此外科醫生專職移植臟器, 與妻子感情不睦(可能岳家也囉唆...) 凡夫我輩要麼忍氣吞聲耗ㄧ輩子, 要麼願賭服輸花錢花時間打離婚官司. Dr. Gideon藝高人膽大, 對於剪不斷理還亂的姻親關係來個殺光了事… 斬妻屠泰山泰水時他神智清醒功夫俐落, 然殺人這重若磐石的心罪將他活生生逼瘋, 淪為眾精神科醫師的白老鼠兼棋子, 人殺得愈多愈發迷失自己是誰, 尾聲糊理糊塗喪命Will Graham槍口.
Summer Lamb Salad with White Nectarine, served with Pita and Mint Yogurt
A meat eater's afternoon tea sandwiches :)
性別, 信仰
Hannibal影集裏有幾個角色設定強勢的女性, 側寫耐人尋味, 第二季會否有較深入的展現? 第ㄧ季受害者多為女性而無法無天的兇手大部份是男性?(當然, 這絕非是講求性別平等該ㄧ爭長短的領域) 小說原著有強烈的男性主導意味, 智勇雙全的Clarice Starling兜兜轉轉仍是Dr. Lecter羽翼下的精神伴侶(禁臠?)深感遺憾.
Seared Scallop with Chive over Capricci
A simple, elegant dish except capricci reminds me of chitterlings after watching Hannibal…
權力考, 美食癖
如果我沒記錯, Leviathan解析吃乃終極權力行為, 與Dr. Lecter大嚼羔羊的自得不謀而和, 關乎物種控制權. 全劇語帶雙關, 座上賓交替盤中飧, 誰是誰的最後晚餐? 弔詭是劇中Dr. Lecter時時Freudian slip 只不過普通人的潛意識真心話換成他全是虛虛實實的反話, 這點和SirAH版的食人魔並不ㄧ致, 多了些'人'味和突顯他為何受Will Graham吸引: Will天賦純摯的同理心, 如那顆表裏皆呈血色的Norton grape. 這首被誘惑且誘惑人的獨舞, Dr. Lecter姿態耽美, 自戀, 華麗!
Table of 'Contents'
Literally, I am married to this rustic beauty from dusk to dawn.
Fannibals(Hannibal劇集粉絲們的膩稱)有的沈醉哥德式暴力美學(這點我怕怕...), 有的專注俊美Hugh Dancy瀟灑Mads Mikkelsen兩人似有若無的bromance(於此我神經大條沒反應...), 但, 饕餮意在美食, 光欣賞Dr. Lecter那佈局簡約低調處處透森然之氣的私廚, 和奢華頹靡種種細節描述肉慾感官的飯廳(請看壁爐上對對灰白相間水牛角和Leda and The Swan古典名畫), 我已深深墜入瘋狂漩渦, 恨不得大興土木將寒舍'灶角'改頭換面, 完完全全厚著臉皮當起copycat(我可是堅守人性道德的copycat… CHEF :) 手起刀落的抑揚頓挫, 食材細微的溫度觸感, 油鹽香料幽幽逗弄回憶遺落的心跳, 盤盤佳餚釋放了那壓抑多年的天性, 高歌: 我要活得像我自己!!! 'The mirrors in your mind can reflect the best of yourself, not the worst of someone else. ----- Hannibal'
Potatoes Roasted in Duck Fat
Never waste any duck fat - it's creme de La Mer for food :) Aromatic, emollient and chewy, this is the ultimate comfort. Bon Appetit!
ps. 本篇圖片皆是我受Hannibal激發靈感瘋狂下廚的自家料理!
哈哈哈... 我可以了解 Miss LK 迷 Hannibal 的心情,因為我也是同樣的心情在迷 Star Trek!迷上食人魔可以在家揮舞菜刀,可惜迷上星際旅行不能移民瓦肯星球啊~
對於左欄的小新聞,除了恭喜之外我還要說,原來悲傷這件事沒有 discrimination, 美麗聰明有才氣工作受到重用嫁給帥哥生了可愛小孩兼旅遊世界各地嚐遍美食的人,也是有煩惱的?!贊同心理醫生說的話,請 Miss LK 專心想著自己生活的美好,勇敢向前吧!^o^
Your perception of me is rather far from reality... I will take that as a compliment(and comfort).
我不再誤認 Miss LK 是氣質才女了!我只會說原來除了上述條件外,你還是個出色煮婦、厨師。Downton 在我們這邊快回到營幕了,幾時會在你們那邊上映?只是好奇到時妳的菜單會配合劇中場景氣氛嗎 :p
廚師? 在Jane 面前就有班門弄斧的嫌疑了...
好期待Downton Abbey第四季!!!Jane可有讀過The Unofficial Downton Abbey Cookbook: From Lady Mary's Crab Canapes to Mrs. Patmore's Christmas Pudding - More Than 150 Recipes from Upstairs and Downstairs
by Emily Ansara Baines?
DA劇中多大宴,我這三腳貓功夫可能會被Mrs. Patmore 轟出廚房吧?
是真的 recipes 嗎?要是的話,我一定要買回來哩!!
那食譜的確不大好,games of thrones的也是。;) 好想咬肉!向來知道,MissLK具多方潛力,展功力只是看時機。
GoT也有cookbook? 我還以為會出T子兵法或中古世紀kama sutra... 撐完第三季了,很難決定喜不喜歡,劇中權謀血腥情色都有種坦蕩的氛圍,卻又難下嚈,那塲Red Wedding我會作惡夢.
Ps. 做菜有時天馬行空還頗適合我,要精準份量的烘焙我就不行了.
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