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Saturday, September 21, 2013

去蕪存菁 Meaningful Connections

picture credit:  Loire Valley Chateau by habitually chic.

公司高層地震, 大方向必有整合, 人事幾番新不見得直接影響我的職責, 隨機應變是必要的.  我的小小世界頓有領悟, 過往花太多時間於無關緊要的瑣事, 每每見獵心喜三分鐘熱度, 許多社網站都掛空號閒置, 決定'斷, 捨, 離'整頓ㄧ番! 這個部落格對我意義深遠, 雖不言之有物,  然篇篇網誌圖片文字, 都花心思琢磨並珍重回覆每道留言, 希望沈潛些時日後能提昇內涵質感. 這段充電期都做什麼呢?  學習靜心觀察景物百態, 下班後約死黨美酒燭光交換心情, 陪孩子玩耍畫圖看他性格點滴成型, 保持戀愛恆溫, 與另ㄧ半共度浪漫的屬於情人的夜晚 :)  
picture credit:  canvas hotel

The return of the Jedi(my husband and son) after summer has dawned on me:  I have been spending too much time on things that really do not matter.
When 'killing time' by browsing FB, plurk, or other social media, what I actually have forgone was meaningful connections that I could have established with key people in my life, my significant other, for one. A choice purely personal and a reflection utterly simple:  I am just more into friendship than showmanship or audience.

Autumn is the perfect time for renewal.  I have decided to foster some soulful habits:

Pay attention to colors and I could be writing the next best-seller '50 shades of something' :P
picture credit:  habitually chic

Be inspired by laughters. Happy people tend to bring out the best in others, too.
picture credit:

Celebrate nuances. God is in the details on the devil wears Prada.
picture credit:  habitually chic

Fall in love with everyday objects. Love transforms the simplest gesture into the most reflective ritual.
picture credit:  remodelista

Be timeless.
picture credit:  Harpers Bazaar

ps.  篇為除舊佈新公告, 不開放留言.  

pps.  本公司年度Family&Friends Event十月初啟幕, 對PotteryBarn, PotteryBarn Kids或West Elm產品有興趣的格友請於Friday 9/27前PM我, 我會寄20% discount邀請函給你(請註明PB/PBK or West Elm), 祝大家中秋節快樂!!!

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