There are three objectives that I want to accomplish in this post: an ode to Hannibal series finale(not again?!), some reflections on my birthday(older yes, wiser surely not), and a tribute to Painting Set Free, the Turner exhibition at de Young(yes and yes, from the bottom of my heart!). This is exactly how the mind works - a fierce cacophony of inspirations, aspirations, and impugning emotions.
And I saw an angel in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God.
_ Revelation 19:17
Birthday bouquet from my boss and birthday treats from my team - they were very thoughtful to prepare extras(and gluten free!) so I could take home for Mr. LK and Little V to enjoy. You are the best!
Exhibited 1842
'Love Crime' was specially written for the epic ending sequence by the British punk legend Siouxsie Sioux. I must admit having no idea who SS was until listening to and being moved to tears by the hauntingly beautiful tune. Underneath the satire and gore, the Hannibal series is a dissertation on love, the very quintessence of love. Its dark and sweeping cinematography creates a fairytale aura, the ironic and sexually charged fairytale that Angela Carter would have written where once upon a time, Snow White born as the child of the lustful king's desires. The doom of Francis Dolarhyde in the hands of Will Graham and Hannibal was a Shakespearian redemption, not so much for ending a disturbing monster's griefs but the consummation of two ardently knowing souls. It was an incredible journey of betrayal and revelation - I will miss every word of the esoteric love letter from Dr. Lecter.
Exhibited 1843
The morn put forth her sign of woe unheeded; But disobedience slept; the darkening Deluge closed around, And the last token came: the giant framework floated, The roused birds forsook their nightly shelters screaming And the beasts waded to the ark.
- Joseph Mallord William Turner, Fallacies of Hope
換成自己點評反而辭窮, 我想, Hannibal與Will之間極其純粹, 知性的牽引, 生物本能的皈依, 如此纖細激烈的愛, 透過共同血刃Francis D, 圓滿莎士比亞式的情感盟約. 相擁躍下懸崖的兩個孤獨靈魂, 會在某座華麗的記憶宮殿互偕永生吧? Will不是不深愛Molly, 然平凡夫妻之情遠不敵宿命的知己, 與Hannibal共赴毀滅是唯一的抉擇. 故事各個角色皆精簡描畫歸宿, 除了FBI探長Jack Crawford, 自始至終Jack的存在是正義冷漠的化身, 尤其愛妻Bella絕症過世後. 荒謬可憐的Dr. Chilton體無完膚繼續於氧氣艙裡咬牙切齒. Dr. Bloom前季終鬼門關回來, 復仇的美艷心險, 得知Hannibal假釋放真脫逃, 拋下豪富古堡攜家眷沈鬱登上私人客機避難. 曾是藍鬍子末代新娘的Dr. Bedelia du Maurier依舊撲朔迷離, 燭光晚餐等待的是誰?
An elegant fountain pen set from Paris and the glittering botanical oil(I will never be as feminine as you are, my friend :) Thank you, Echo!
Thoughts on birthday
Flying under the radar has been my birthday maxim since I joined the quarter century club eons ago. Still, I am very grateful to a surprise birthday celebration in the office the day before, a surprise birthday present from a traveling friend during her well deserved vacation afar and hugs&kisses from Little V and Mr. LK first thing my birthday morning. For those who always remember my birthday and how special we make each other feel, you are life's companions of the highest order. I love you and thank you! For those who tirelessly care about my age, title, alma mater down to the brand names I wear or even the real estate I own… I will hold the back doors for you(out PLEASE, for the show has ended).
Guess what? Great minds think alike. Earlier in the summer I got myself a basic fountain pen set in Tokyo. I will save the opulent version from Echo for penning my magnum opus in the future :)
大學修藝術史, J.M.W Turner是心頭好. 從知悉舊金山de Young美術館Painting Set Free特展便心癢難耐, 直到週五請假赴館悠遊ㄧ午后方得償宿願. 與古畫真跡相對如墮入時間洪流, 數百年前的沈思糾結, 穿越層層色彩明暗光影, 只要你願意傾聽, 紙張畫布漸漸有了呼吸聲… 創作者的靈魂, 開始將心路歷程娓娓道來, 攜著你的手指向他深情凝望的所有風景. 因為Turner奔騰的筆法, 我懂山光水色蘊涵的心緒, 他最擅長以大自然的驚滔駭浪擁抱人性卑微的掙扎, 一時彷彿佇足鬼岩崎嶇山城峰頂, 一時船搖至波光粼粼黎明水鄉橋旁… 目不暇給, 胸口滿溢感激. 離開de Young時戀戀不捨, 驅車奔往 Legion of Honor續賞Luminous Worlds, 這美麗的印記會保存良久.
ca. 1840
A rare sketch of an interior by Turner.
J.M.W Turner 1775-1851
The Turner exhibition transformed de Young Museum into my sanctum sanctorum for one afternoon before the Labor Day long weekend. Oil, watercolor, gouache… master J.M.W Turner is still speaking to us about the force of nature and the romance of the light, until this day, this very moment when I breathed in from the canvas and the colors breathed new meanings into me. The glorious vibrancy he created with the ferocity of brushstrokes and his tenderest touch to give presence to a certain mystical figure against the engulfing, majestic landscape was transfixing. I found myself strolling besides the aging artist as we climbed up the rocky hills and the next moment sitting side by side in the gondola afloat into dawn… could not bear for the day to end I drove to Legion of Honor right afterwards and continued viewing the Luminous Worlds :)
ca. 1827
A close up.
'慨當以慷, 憂思難忘', 是時候分梯次梳理生命種種混沌情感, 有些應貼封條(畫辟邪鬼符?)釘箱, 有些撣去塵埃竟閃閃發光, 開啟一扇扇遙望的窗, know thyself是今年給自己最好的生日禮物 :)
Happy B'day, lady! (I thought your bday is in July. 我怎印象中妳是獅子座?)
Thanks V! 我的生日在八月底,獅子與處女座交接點,算半隻河東獅吧?
看來我要另闢FB帳戶才能和V多多聯絡了, 部落格真安靜,雖然自說寫自讀自得其樂 :)
來啊,藏風小姐也在那:)。我的people you may know曾出現妳,但我不好意思加。(若想有點隱私,貼文時,可用exclude功能。)
很高興妳喜歡我的小禮物 生日的心情確實隨著年齡轉換 不過還是件值得慶賀之事 現在的我不想只是酒肉 多半遠行"避壽"去了 😁
是呀 好些時讀了V的blog 很想和V聊聊 突然有著找不到人的惆悵
家姊覬覦那隻筆對我說 既然一直不見妳用何不交出?哈!早已有了歸依
忘了提 Turnēr展出前 我和L去了聽美術館舉辦的餐會講座 粗略了解這些畫背後的故事和畫家晚年的轉換 之後看了兩次展 我最喜歡威尼斯系列 尤其有兩隻狗在角落的那幅 The Dogano, L 最喜歡那幅頗具現代感的水彩 "Turner's Bedroom” 结果東接西聯的明春的旅程已然逐步成型 從倫敦搭東方快車至威尼斯 guess what?當然是住進 Hotel Europa 重溫Turner 眼下的風景
週末於Carmel Valley Ranch, 看著自然光線變換對景緻的影響, 讓我想到你的攝影風格, 也想著有機會要和V分享心得.
不曉得我是否social media白痴, 唯能順手的是Pinterest, 我的FB亂得很, 好處是FB有系統回看自己幾年來timeline頗有意思.
你和L的生活境界真讓我羨慕! 雖然我知道你優雅人生的背後有許許多多的挑戰需要巨大的勇氣和智慧克服, 豔羨外更多幾分景仰.
Turner特展我感動至深, 讀他continental travel那段我完全可想像自己拋下一切踏上同樣的路途... Turner畫風迷人處在於他能收能放, 收放間不失精細, 精準處又洋溢豐厚情感, 真正是震古爍今的天才!!!
As fate would have it... 公司高層強震, 公佈數條匪夷所思人事命令, 我沒高昇還得橫向發展, 現有職務外要接手另個品牌燙手山芋, 我對名利向來淡泊, 不代表沒有尊嚴, 這次深深的傷我自尊. 我做事一直很努力大部分的時候也很開心, 是因為我擁有極出色的團隊, 我們相處融洽. 身為領隊如果我不力爭對他們也不公平. 第二天好友午夜傳來訊息:我倆最敬愛的教授就在我觀賞Turner畫展那天高齡仙逝了... 讀著New York Times對教授的紀念文章, 千情萬緒泉湧心頭.
Ps. 要向Echo的姐姐說聲對不起了!我是鋼筆控, 對筆握在手中的觸感和流利書寫好字情有獨鍾. 你選的又比我選的好, 我那支略輕, 你那支重心平衡 :)
兩篇留言都沒成功?in any case 新手鋼筆控快閃say hi~
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