In light of what's happening in this country, some felt an uncontrollable depression and others, a sinister sense of triumph. I am feeling lethargic, the tiredness of fighting. Born non white and non male, proud being both really but couldn't help to question… what happened to basic human decency?!
這趟商旅… 陰錯陽差, 未能赴格友Echo衣香鬢影的生日宴, 出發前一天, 老朋友M興高采烈傳簡訊告知我他快來灣區開會, 想來是要給我驚喜, 結果我大潑冷水說將遠遊未歸 :(
平素出差上海最期待與少年友伴S天南地北聊得痛快, 沒想到此行他前腳飛紐約談生意, 我後腳到滬… 遺憾歸遺憾, 有機會衝鋒異國開闢疆土, 我總是興致勃勃朝007看齊 - The World Is Not Enough!
My recent trip to New Delhi was as phantasmagoric. I arrived a day ahead of the meetings, loosening up my hand to sketch and easing jet lag with a taste of local scenery. The day started with a visit to Lal Quila, the Red Fort, its endless fortress of sandstone under the burning sun and dry heat. There, Time again proved his iron fist on this Mughal architecture standing over centuries on the northeast corner of the Shahjahanabad City.
印度聲色靡靡, 瑰麗的綾羅絲緞, 烈日下舖天蓋地的迷艷華彩, 一旦沈淪便無邊無際的香料, 對比極端的貧窮, 皮包骨的牛群覓食垃圾堆, 滿街道破落布棚. 有天傍晚開完會回飯店途上卡於車陣, 透過窗戶望見裹著深紫色紗麗的婦女睡倒路邊, 懷中幼兒滿手搜索母親乳房, 不知道餓了多久的肚子… 邀一同出差的老薑先生逛德里舊城, 嘰嘰嘎嘎的三輪車載我們穿越鬧市窄巷, 險象環生, 身高六呎三吋像座山的老薑先生臉色發白, 我則似頑童乘飛天魔毯雙眼發光, 恨不得奇景儘收眼底. 每到名勝古蹟, 必有小販纏身, 我連連搖手, 婉拒鑲金絲的小皮袋, 商人竟撚鬚微笑打開手心籐盒, 露出栩栩如生彩羽編繪的雙頭蛇: A gift for your mother in law? 也曾於露天市場, 讓滿頭白髮衣衫襤褸的老嫗緊緊捉住手腕喃喃唸著梵文, 我以為她意在乞討, 經地陪翻譯, 才知道她只是想祝我這遠道而來的異國旅人平平安安…
Then there's the 007 style rickshaw ride in the Chandani Chowk market. It was rickety and speedy at the same time. Several close moments with other vehicles on the crowded streets and one point I thought I was going to fly out from the itty-bitty seat and land on the floor of a trinket shop hanging marigold leis.
那天在飯店大廳整裝待發, 有位手臂刺青的彪形大漢打量得我心頭發毛, 等看清楚他臉龐我喜極而泣, 上前擁抱, 是Nick!!! 多年前我仍於舊品牌時領導的團隊成員之一, 他激動萬分: 我看了你好久, 跟我自己說, 這是LK, 一定是LK. 老大, 你一點都沒變耶!
Nick的故事, 請看這篇多年前寫就的文章.
如今的Nick早獨當一面, 是某知名設計公司的強將!
Jama Masjid is the largest mosque commissioned by the same builder of the Taj Mahal, Emperor Shah Jahan. Like Taj, it's the epitome of Mughal opulence for the enigmatic grandeur and the harmony of dense patterns courting lavish colors. One thing truly throwing me off was that as long as you are a woman, they would cover you up with a robe, no matter how covered up you already were…. gggrrrrr.
偶遇故人, 心情大為溫暖, 卻不知新朋友慕名而來… 老薑先生吃壞肚子上吐下瀉, 新德里後半段的會議只得靠LK撐完全場, 和金屬工廠大老闆塔倫先生開會, 會議室轉出一位身披粉彩紗麗的美婦, 登時滿室生光, 原來是塔倫夫人! 塔倫先生很得意: 今天讓她出來見見你這大國手! 她, 一會兒勸大夥茶和喚人奉點心, 一會兒滿面溫柔瞧著塔倫先生, 會議尾聲塔倫夫人握住我的手柔聲道: ' 今天認識你, 我不再擔心小女, 每次瞧她纖細的手我都想, 不能擔不能挑, 怎麼留洋讀書? 你的手比她的還小還細, 卻是運籌帷握, 在座的男人可沒你能幹!' LK雖自大成狂, 讓如斯美艷的女性公然稱讚還是頗靦覥, 顧左右而言它, 笑問: '和塔倫先生合作多年, 都不知道原來夫人那麼美麗, 可否分享青春秘方?" 不待夫人開口, 塔倫先生搶答: '不就是我在外辛苦賺錢, 她安心在家享福唄.'
I will refrain from commenting on subjects beyond my comprehension like, the caste system. USA president-elect might have many things in common with the culture he exhibited xenophobia against, more than he realized.
瞧塔倫夫人拍LK馬屁拍得別緻又窩心, 真要做起生意, 犀利不在塔倫先生之下, 雄糾糾的塔倫先生在她身邊一站, 百煉鋼頓化繞指柔, 能令這類女性臣服的, 唯有愛情. 道別時, 她輕輕對我眨眼, 電波傳送: 幸福婚姻是最好的歸宿. 我也對她眨眨眼: 夫人, 我是愛情也征服不了的狂徒 :)
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