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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

始終 To Find An Ending in The Beginning

Experience over possession - the birthday present to myself this year is to study Shakespeare at Cambridge, just for a week of midsummer night’s dream.
萬物逆旅, 百代過客, 人生如虛擬實境, 2011-2014連續痛殤父親小阿姨外婆和一個本來有緣為母女或母子, 不知性別的小小靈魂... 心底有個自我掙扎著默默療傷, 雖然, 命運沒特別刁難去年的健康風暴似乎啟動豁然機制, 今年給自己的生日禮物是重回校園讀書 :)
Dream it was!  Pure intellectual vigor and philosophical inquisitiveness pairing sightings of the historical architecture and daily ritual of visiting charming neighborhood eateries for coffee, cream tea or a pub dinner, I could hardly stop whistling tunes of bliss.
King's College in the rain.

與母親長久對峙, 讓我常思及哈姆雷特和李爾王, 莎翁對人性觀察入微, 少年時讀似懂非懂, 一是我並不早慧, 當年語言掌控粗淺自然文學鑑賞程度初級, 二是若不曾活過痛過愛過恨過, 心弦如何共鳴人到中年再讀莎士比亞, 開始行雲流水, 於是, 在數場品牌重季發表會之間, LK先生小V暑假歸來前, 告假赴劍橋短期進修.

My professor for Hamlet, Dr. Parker spoke in a powerful yet mellifluous vocal.  His astute dissection of each essential soliloquy guided us through rich metaphors deriving a new level of understanding.  My new found empathy toward Claudius also proves to be quite a self discovery... 
Neighborhood bakery.

巧合的, 悠悠炎夏母親與手帕交組團遊歐陸, 以前她看我埋首中西文學, 總冷嘲熱諷為賦新辭強說愁, 現在她行經莎翁故鄉史特拉福, 迫不及待寄照片分享, 可否算母女關係一大進步?

King Lear was another bleak yet rewarding journey.  What could be more perfect listening to Dr. Suttie’s pounding analysis on nature and justice in the rainy English weather?  The dark matter only got darker.  Our moments of enlightenment often brought both sighs and tears.
The cozy lodging.

我商旅頻繁, LK先生與小V亦定期家庭旅行, 專注為自己的旅行少之又少, 計劃起來興緻勃勃, 書呆子氣大發排日程表, 做筆記, 規劃路線... 想到能整星期公務家事拋諸腦後, 全心讀書聽課畫圖閒逛博物館忍不住眉開眼笑行裝簡單風衣球鞋丹寧布長褲雙肩包, 唯一小資選擇是捨宿舍住旅館, 常到劍橋開會的LK先生提醒太座, 那邊的建築十分古舊... 文青阿桑趕完整天課, 還是洗熱水澡睡整理乾淨的房間, 別逞強偽裝年少了.  

Museums in Cambridge mostly offer free admission.  I walked everywhere in dusk or dawn and in-between lectures.  Many places open as early as 7AM for breakfast and present tasty gluten-free options.  Everyone I met here was extremely warm and friendly which makes me wonder what does that say about the Silicon Valley...
'Crossing' the Mathematical Bridge every morning on my way to the lectures.
The Ridley Hall, too.

這趟旅行也下定決心不看公事電郵, 倒是懷舊書寫明信片寄給團隊無憂無慮, 思想激昂的課週轉瞬即逝, 於劍橋最後一天任性的憂鬱起來, 逛到植物園獨坐熱帶雨林的玻璃花房對著巨碩的帝王蓮葉發愣... 家畢竟是貫穿夢想和現實的溫暖橋樑, 和爺倆視訊, V大呼女人,妳什麼時候回來我想吃妳煮的麵!!!

Postcards to my team back home in San Francisco.
Along the walk back to the hotel from classes.

I shall carry the precious learning in my heart and look forward to the reunion.  Until then :)
Glimpses of simple happiness.

子令如山, 本元帥這就班師回朝.... 起駕!
遊學記日後慢慢寫來 :) 


Echomiao said...

看到妳拋下公務家事 全心讀書 實為妳感到高興 即使是短期 仍是豐沛的養份 照顧自己的心靈需要責無旁貸 期待妳的後續細節 我在新局內置了間發呆室 讀書 打坐 聽音樂 不時關起門來不受干擾

這個週末在酒莊慶祝結婚週年 時光飛逝!我們又該約期一聚了

Miss LK said...

恭喜Echo和L先生週年婚慶與擇定新居!!! 冷凍庫的蛋糕沒留了吧...

重返校園沈浸求知的純粹 是場單純美好的心靈饗宴 每天早晨我幾乎就晨光雀躍的跳著舞奔向課堂 在陰雨綿綿的英國式氣候聽教授導讀莎士比亞深心迴響震撼 覺得自己幸運至極 可以這麼體驗文字音律之美 :)

我九月底例行出差東亞 看Echo何時有空 私訊相約覓食!

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