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Sunday, September 9, 2018

愛如焰火 We Should Do When We Would

To age or not to age - that is not my choice.   The team threw me a Shakespeare themed birthday party!  Star-crossed muffins, soliloquiches, midsummer night's drinks… my month long of celebration ended with a whimsical note.  The positive energy from my sojourn at Cambridge will be long lasting.  While juggling multiple soul-crushing meetings, I could always attain a moment of respite by wearing the Elizabethan collar my team made me, reciting:  All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand…
開某項例會, 頂頭上司突宣佈當天是我生日, 由品牌冷艷大統領帶領高唱生日快樂, LK受寵若驚倍感虛不受補…
團隊也以莎士比亞主題為我慶生, 不僅派對的點心妙語雙關, 彩色杯蛋糕插上莎翁肖像, 背景高懸Hamlet父王的白布幽靈, 還替我特製伊莉莎白時代的扇型紗領(!), 看來我明年暑修Macbeth, 便可豎長頸項吟誦所有阿拉伯的香水, 也掩蓋不了吾指尖血雨腥風!!!

I was informed of the horrendous traffic and homicidal cyclists in Cambridge so a reflective phone carrier with blinking LEDs became my ultimate fashion statement while trotting on the cobblestone alleys.  My first evening at Cambridge was stormy(setting the stage for King Lear…) and a cozy pub named The Old Bicycle Shop took me in without reservation(pun intended).  My Sunday off there I wandered into the Espresso Library for a warm, delicious breakfast where bikes lined the ceiling(!)  I even met a very interesting new friend doing his postdoc in social psychology at the Churchill College who built his own bike from scratch.  I must say the nostalgic and simplistic flair of Cambridge is more tasteful than megalomaniac Tesla Silicon Valley…
緊臨LK媽和家人之後(其實最早祝壽是各路商家折扣劵...), 老朋友S拔頭籌從上海傳訊祝福, Dr. C相約到性格二星主廚Dominique Crenn的雅食沙龍生日宴; LK先生細心, 六月遊東京見我對青山帥哥咖啡館Bloom&Branch的瓷器愛不釋手, 在臺北藝廊購入某陶藝家氣質相近的作品賀太座生辰, 而當M(同為八月壽星)來電敘舊, LK先生體貼掩門吩咐小V別吵媽咪, 媽咪要和'舊情人'聊天 :)  人有心, 便不吝嗇情感, 感情慷慨的人多半自信, 不缺席珍視之人生命珍貴時刻, 這是誠意.

Ancient colleges along the River Cam create the unique and fascinating landscape of Cambridge.  Punting allows a different perspective to admire these spectacular architecture.  I love 'crossing' bridges on foot.  The thought of connecting the two worlds or transitioning from one terrain to another symbolizes an excitement of metamorphosis.  The middle image is the Bridge of Sighs.
工作多年, 偷閒回學校讀書, 像海綿般吸收再吸收, 胸口滿溢幸福劍橋仲夏的早晨寒意襲人, 我準時七點半出門漫步十五分鐘至Hot Numbers Coffee用早餐熱騰騰的黑咖啡, 佐羊乳酪酪梨醬或水波蛋加香脆的無麥麩吐司, 複習幾節Hamlet獨白.  

My morning started off at 7:30AM with a stroll to the Hot Numbers Coffee at the Trumpington Street.  The menu?  Americano black, smashed avocado or poached eggs on gluten-free toast and playing Horatio to the navel-gazing Hamlet… just kidding :)
這莎翁四大悲劇首部曲(之前還有齣煽羶的Titus Andronicus), 意象豐富華麗, 復仇主線穿岔古希臘悲劇總總隱喻, 陰鬱的哲人型王子與弒兄娶嫂的皇叔各懷糾結, 著名的To be or not to be 近似青春徬惶對生命沈思的囈語我最喜歡Act IV sc. 7 皇叔Claudius借刀殺人, 慫恿Laertes(Hamlet未來大舅子... Ophelia沒紅顏薄命)幹掉Hamlet那段(以下是敝帚自珍版, 讀者千萬別和梁實秋等翻譯大師的版本比較):

Claudius:  Laertes, 你愛你父親嗎還是表象的憂傷, 無心的愁容?

Laertes:  為什麼這樣問?

Claudius:  愛如焰火 開始總光采熱烈
漸漸 隨時間消減 直至熄蕊
所謂意念 所有自身盤旋 終將淹滅
蹉跎躊躇之後 才付諸行動
煎熬或稍緩 註定傷心
所以 Hamlet歸來

Laertes:  我要在聖堂割穿他的咽喉! 

是不是邏輯詩意兼具文學耐人尋味處便是讀者與文字之間的化學作用, 因人而異.

Between the morning class of Hamlet and lunch break, we were offered plenary lectures.  Each deepens the understanding of concepts in Shakespeare plays.  I especially resonated with the one where Professor Wilmer of Sidney Sussex College started with sfumato on Mona Lisa leading to ambiguities of passages in Hamlet and Othello.  Humanity is enigmatic.  Try as we might, we could never reach the inside of another person's mind.
主講P教授, 乍看是位灰白銀髮身型瘦小的書匠, 騎著掛籐籃的單車, 風雨無阻比學生們都早到, 開口則亦莊亦諧, 充滿磁性的嗓音, 抑揚頓挫緩緩引領我們走進迂迴人性迷宮, 解析悲劇核心, 原罪不可抗, 宿命的神秘.

The Museum of Classic Archaeology near the lecture halls transported me back in time when I first studied the classics:  Iliad, Odyssey, Oresteia, Oedipus, Aeneid…  Guess who I had tête-à-tête with in rainy mornings?  Socrates :)
早課之間的茶憩, 我愛閒晃鄰近的古文明博物館, 金髮碧眼的管理小姐對我略頷首便繼續埋頭看她的書, 一牆接一牆的古希臘古羅馬雕像, 我可從沒被如此壯觀的六塊腹肌和雄性動物第一性徵簇擁…  屋頂成排天窗巧妙引進自然光, 偶爾天晴, 金光遍灑, 雕像羣栩栩甦醒, 那對攜手抗暴的戀人戰友HarmodiusAristogeiton比肩而立, 似乎偏頭相視微笑; 而木馬屠城記中的祭司Laocoön, 與天神索命的巨蟒殊死鬥, 那份無奈的尊嚴堪比唐代武曌名相裴炎, 說與不說都得砍頭我更愛陰天, 聆聽雨聲點滴落敲天窗, 挪把椅子呆坐Socrates小像前, 幻想著和'知不知, 上'的智者對話, 這剎那, 靜若永恆. 

Loving having lunches at FeedYourBelly the Fitzbillies!  Either my palate has evolved in recent years or I am simply over the chichi food scene, butter and sugar laden French patisserie no longer delights me.  I am however addicted to A Slice of Virtue made of pine nuts, slivered almonds, dates, raisins… pairing freshly brewed Earl Grey at the Fitzbillies.
天天三至四堂課時間表填得密集, 午休出校園入城中老店Fitzbillies, 佔偏角桌位, 邊吃喝邊溫習King Lear, 為下午的課作準備, Fitzbillies氛圍簡潔明亮懷舊, 侍者友善, 見我剝開杏仁酥墊烤米紙, 便馬上解釋米紙可食, 但若我不習慣, 可免費換其它點心這家的無麥麩吐司格外香軟, 還有道多種堅果松子椰棗特製甜糕A Slice of Virtue, 配伯爵濃茶風味絕佳.   

Souvent me souvient - St John's College.  From left to right, the Chapel, the Deposition from the Cross by Anton Raphael Mengs, nave of the Chapel.  
New Court and the Great Gate.  I so wished to extend my summer study into a life long research of the great architectural heritage.
劍橋八百年歷史, 三十一間學院聯盟, 學風和建築皆各具特色晨光中平踏石路行經鐘塔也好, 暮色蒼茫穿越古蹟迴廊也好, 建築迷我賞心悅目之際忘卻時間空間深感自身渺小, 也覺幸運, 如斯宏偉的文化寶藏幾乎免費讓世人分享某個午后撐船去, 康河波光粼粼, 沿岸綠草如茵, 座座亭臺樓閣眼前飄過, 今夕何夕天上人間.  煞風景是... 為迎合中國遊客, 洋聲洋氣的船夫非得繞幾句中文輕輕的我走了, 正如我輕輕的來.
我從不懂欣賞徐志摩, 徐氏詩詞太刻意貴族文青優越, 作情聖姿態如同放涼且加太多糖的茶, 可惜了如畫水色.

An early dinner at Jamie's Italian.  The food neither disappointed nor swept me off my feet.  It's a pity to learn that due to rapid expansion, the famed chef is crumbling into a financial crisis… :(
啟程往劍橋那天, 下午還主持某項會議, 近尾聲得趕班機, 立身向總裁和副總裁告退, 由我團隊接手繼續.  冷艷大統領與帥哥副總裁得知我暑修莎士比亞, 雙雙微笑說果然LK風格… 近年挫折所在多有卻愈活愈坦然, 怪咖就是怪咖, 與其作小伏低搏取他人認同, 不如忠於自己最開心.

Carrying the inspiration from my summer study in the backyard, in a day trip to Napa, with Little V(already taller than me!)… everywhere!!!
於博物館聽雨的午間, 都和Socrates談些啥?  我倆共識:  世間唯兩項是便是, 不是便不是一是愛, 二是原則, 愛無法論斤秤兩, 原則不能討價還價.

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