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Monday, October 29, 2018

君恨我同 He Childed As I Fathered

I was very enthralled by Cambridge and wondered if my former domestic orbit would no longer be enough yet within a month upon returning, I reverted to that humanoid again.  Not even teetering between sense and sensibility, I just possess such clarity in mindset that resembles the on/off switch.
It was a dream then.  Aaah… life is but a dream.  My favorite dining spot at the Cambridge Chop House overlooking King's Parade.
轉瞬回到凡間, 紛擾塵世, 今夕何年算算財政狀況, 保持清簡生活, 未必不能辭官歸校園專心讀愛讀的書既是如此, 有什麼好放不下說穿了, 人生無懷才不遇, 唯心志不堅短暫進修是個浪漫的手勢, 真要卯起勁以此為志, 會是另番苦惱, 想通了又乖乖套回名韁利索, 抹臉吊嗓子, 繼續回公司演羣戲, 吾皇萬歲, 臣誠惶誠恐.
Three 'touchstones' marking my daily trail:  royal mail post box, the Mathematical Bridge, and the Corpus Clock.  One undeniable theme of King Lear is how time strips the person his health, sanity and ultimately life itself.  Observing the mechanical grasshopper chronophage gnawing away the seconds drove the concept home.

在辦公室懸掛幾幅攝於劍橋的建築古蹟和戴草帽傻笑自拍, 倦怠時擡頭看兩眼頗紓壓, 這麼開心也辦得到.

The tragedy of King Lear originates from the primal and brutal power struggle.  When laced with filial piety, the enormous tension leads to dark, dark places of geronticide.
The amazing King's College - 1441

Hamlet是自我探索, King Lear解惑亦療傷生命由盛入衰, 時間, 漸漸剝奪青春, 慾念, 健康, 心智嘎然而止. King Lear分析深刻辯證蒼涼, S教授導讀層層轉折, 兩對父子父女的映照, Lear詛咒長女斷絕香火那段與當年母親和我對峙如出一轍, 家庭本來就是權力小劇場十七世紀的文學, 其實濃濃現代感, 私生子Edmund內心弔詭, 離間奪嫡, 周旋兩位皇女怨婦左右逢源, 心盲的Glaucester最後眼盲心剎地雪亮, 失心瘋的Lear終和愛女合解, 希望的微光乍現便熄滅, 徒留闇黑深淵, 那份激動的情感, 亙古而蠻蕪.
The grandiose King's College Chapel - somehow made me think of Hogwarts under Protego Maxima :)

King Lear如斯苦澀的探索卻因午間講談會客座英倫型男教授, 增添幾分趣味莎翁寫的是劇本, 頗重聲效, 由年輕靦腆的天才帥哥Dr. HS帶領細細咀嚼字裏行間的音韻節奏, 掩卷猶嘆.  上課時期盼下雨, , 將窗裡窗外隔成兩個世界: 我的南柯午夢, 雙重人生聽雨, 聽書, 是幸福的極致.
The famed Eagle pub and the mediaval Round Church.  I loved strolling everywhere in Cambridge, never short of discoveries.

劍橋這學術重鎮, 有經時間洗煉的古老建築, 街坊書店咖啡館, 巨碩蓊鬱的植物園, 收藏巧緻的博物院除了天氣較陰冷, 簡直是完美居住環境.  某晚到旅館舉步之遙的橡木餐廳用晚膳, 坐盆栽處處的後花園, 主人貼心的準備暖爐毛毯, 燭光搖曳, 可愛如童話.
Staking my gluten free culinary flag around town.  Nestling in the backyard of a local bistro one evening wrapped in wool tartan(offered by the host) dined candlelit, I really do get Miss Marple and for that matter, Agatha Christie.

我思想活動頻繁喜歡大哉問, 懂的人, 知我天馬行空自得其樂; 不懂者, 總揶揄大小姐吃飽了沒事幹發閒愁, 活到這年紀, 大小姐個屁… 誰沒挨過幾頓生命老拳?!  Dr.C吃飯, 兩位老同學互提醒人生進入下半場了呢, Dr. Cthe worse half, 我微笑the wiser half.  當時間終究剝奪一切, 抱括生命本身, 但願, 智慧能讓我們平和. 
The Fitzwilliam Museum, quite a treasure trove that I wish I had more time to dwell in.  

中國關稅壓境, 好聽的說法時窮節乃見, 難聽點圖窮匕現, 飛刀亂射, 再度驗證生意如歡場, 你十娘我李郎, 大夥排排站輪著當, 百寶箱別沈, 整櫃運去英屬蓋曼群島吧出差前照例過境東京, 遇上颶颱, 又風又雨, 也碰見旅居日本的維吾爾族群高舉天藍色的星月旗街頭示威, 抗議中國共產黨我深信人權高於國粹, 統壓的效果短暫, 造成文化流失和族群傷痕卻永難修補其實很慚愧, 對維吾爾族群所知甚少, 只記得書劍恩仇錄中的翠羽黃衫和喀絲麗高鼻深目的示威者見我盯著星月旗發愣, 遞來傳單, 突然領悟, 示威抗議是必需的, 先發聲才能共鳴迴響泱泱大國眼中不能只有金錢, 淪落貿易戰相互恫嚇, 第三勢力早悄悄崛起, 殊不知南北韓領導人攜手笑得多開心.
The Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology - the exhibition hall has 360 degree view surrounding a totem pole.  Visitors in the corridors, including me seemed to have become the living specimen among artifacts and taxidermies.

懷疑是否到了經不起寂寞的年紀, 這次獨遊東京, 想念與LK先生和小V的三人行尤其小V, 每天早上叫他起床目送他上學, 吾兒日漸寬碩的背影, 想著剛出生時小人兒衹有我前臂長, 哇哇哭起來臉漲得像包子, 喝完奶, 腦袋瓜窩著我肩膀, 擁著香軟的小身體, 我誓言護你至地老天荒然有天你將離家, 去經歷屬於自己的人生, 犯很多很多的錯誤, 跌倒, 受傷, 心碎, 再站起, 對我揮揮手說: , 別瞎操心.  我衹能遠遠看著你默唸:  媽媽愛你, 永遠永遠愛你.
The Queen's College - the subdued architecture reflects a serenity.

ps. LK先生照例說風涼話:  太座大人, 可以別再演韓劇了嗎?
pps. 為何網誌中文標題有布袋戲或粵曲的腔調?

The Botanic Garden - surreally neighboring rainforest to desert in the spectacular glass conservatory.


Echomiao said...

Happy Halloween!

關於工作與生活取得平衡一事 我掙扎多年 發現完全下崗也未必有益身心 Miss LK 既有才華當然也要有個舞台 如果日後可以添增旅遊充電時數則更佳 劍橋遊學看來收穫頗多為妳高興 !

妳和小V這麼甜喔 我現在看韓劇是前三集 後三集 中間的愛恨情仇全省略 俊男美女愛的死去活來 我這老太太還真無法消受啊 😀

Miss LK said...

Dear Echo,


小V開始青少年陰陽怪氣 我一言他九’頂’ 好懷念前幾年小乖乖的可愛模樣 得學會放手吧 兒孫自有兒孫福

在同個環境生活和工作久 凡事成例行 身體操的倦怠 心靈卻荒蕪 適時拓寬視野reset很重要 與劍橋相見不恨晚 這世界尚有許多地方許多知識許多美好待細細品味 :)

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