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Sunday, April 14, 2019

黑洞 A Cynic's Dictionary of Relativity

Far, far away in the galaxy the black hole exists... my once sweet little boy has also gone into the adolescence black ‘whole’ and I cannot wait for him to emerge from the other end.  I might have signed up for more than I could fulfill, the event horizon is cluttering up.  I was writing this post while traveling in Ho Chi Minh City, Phnom Penh, Shenzhen and New Delhi for work, my mind continued to dwell in Tokyo where the LK clan spent our winter vacation, warping of space-time.
Le Chocolat Alain Ducasse at Nihonbashi.
V正值難搞青春期, 我應老朋友M邀約加入慈善基金會董事, 工作則依然忙得不可開交想想自己是否過份貪心, 好好扮演一個角色已不易, 怎能三頭六臂面面俱到?
  此趟商旅要務在身, 南洋酷暑日日煎熬, 交錯本屆超級廠商高峰會爾虞我詐頗為感慨, 然公平起見, 我仍決定往深圳開會一天半, 不得不說大眾渾沌, 五色所蔽, 能做事並兼幾分使命感者 - 我倒成熟圓滑了, 話不投機亦虛應丑卯置之一笑, 疏離淡泊, 真我假我鹿死誰手. 

My team has had a reorganization and some categories got absorbed by another team.  This of course opened the doors for speculation among the much ado about nothing.  Considering humans are evolutionary beings, what is the origin for gossips?  It must be insecurity and inferiority. 
I had a beautiful pear tart slice at Made in Pierre Herme Marunouchi and a scrumptious apple tart tatin at Buevette Hibiya Midtown… the glorious moment of winter fruits.
角色轉換間當然不得心應手, 忍不住問同時區, 正在泰國渡假的另位老朋友S:  人需不需要活得像自己這樣大哉問只敢厚著臉皮問多年老友, 免得被譏諷大小姐喫飽了撐著風花雪月浮生亂世, 人日復一日薛西佛斯推巨石上山頂般苟活著, 生命的意義不就在思考人為何存在?  S畢竟是S, 洋洋灑灑寫長篇, 分析精闢幽默, 這時刻深覺幸運, 性格中的冷僻, 註定朋友不多, 時不時幾位老友meeting of the minds難能可貴.

My recent business trip revealed certain pathos.  

1.  In an unhealthy organization, people are motivated by fear instead of creativity.  
Cafes in Tokyo are very satisfying.  They serve delicious light meals along with nostalgia.
這次和我搭檔出差是物流部總監繆薇雅, 身裁高挑的她德日混血, 眉目幾分似天海祐希, 聲音低沉態度冷靜, 三子之母的她是很出色的女性, 我們在胡志明市星期天下午空閑, 她約我學做越南菜, 兩人雞手鴨腳, 頗有童趣, 和平時會議箭拔弩張大相逕庭. 

2. Weak minds neither perceive with authenticity nor perceive originality.
It takes a person who is true to herself in order to see the world as is.
I adore the window display of Barney's Tokyo and the organization of Gekkoso.
開跋至柬埔寨, 由公司制度外某大廠新接任的管理團隊帶路, 原來是三位高加索帥哥, 老天保佑, LK總算有享眼福的這天!  而且三位型款各異無重覆性, 執行長麥可溫文儒雅足智多謀, 技術副總裁馬克設計癡, 對本行衣帶漸寬終不悔, 客服總監史考特則是書生版Robert Redford, 說話藍眼睛滿溢笑意, 整天會議下來, 繆薇亞和我竟然能堅守崗位, 沒把全盤生意四手奉獻麥可馬克史考特我等節操不是蓋的 :)  也難怪男性物種都愛看美女, 不同的是, 男人看美女, 美女愈笨愈好, 性生物好競爭, 聰明多少有威脅性, 之所以好端端的人偏要嗲聲嗲氣裝傻賣萌, 滿足沙文主義意淫, yuk!  我愛看的帥哥要有腦, 若開口話都接不上, 句句皆侮辱智商, 就算Paul Newman再世, 還是謝謝再聯絡吧 :P

3. 1+2 mark the points of no return for me in any form of association.
I often have intriguing encounters like this porcelain doll boutique in Ginza.  It is my touchstone of Tokyo.  I don't know how it survives the astronomical rental of Ginza real-estate and am so afraid it won't be there next time I stop by when for the last ten years plus it always greets me like an old friend.
最後一站印度, 午夜到埠午夜離埠, 新德里飛法蘭克福因國際紛爭大誤點, 新德里機場印度羣眾習慣爭先恐後, 民族性的根深蒂固危機時刻發揚光大; 到了法蘭克福, 德意志的冷和秩序性則充份展現我排隊詢問班機問題, 偏有印度大叔插隊, 德國地勤人員馬上嚴聲警告: 你是沒看到這位小姐耐心等候嗎?!  條理分明令人鼓掌, 這航班卻驚駭, 咳嗽聲此起彼落, 似乎滿載病號 我只想趕快回家洗熱水澡睡好覺...

商旅見聞來日再敘, 本篇圖像繼續神遊東京寒假美食 :)

Sometimes I am just a sentimental fool.
Christmas feast at Edition Koji Shimomura.  The wire and wood moose sculpture is part Frozen and part Halloween…

New Year's lunch at Sens et Saveurs.  If I remember what I ate, I might remember who I am… my existential quest has gotten its new twist.

16th anniversary celebration at La Paix.  Surviving LK is herculean feat indeed :)  Comrades, strive on!


Silvia said...

还是要活得像自己啊,哪怕是关起门来,踢掉高跟鞋,往床上一跳,仍然还是要像自己~ :P

Miss LK said...

現實中的自己與理想中的自己頗有差距 自我蛻變和自我認知往往不同步... 高跟鞋好看不好穿 愛美的自己 隨性的自己 門裡門外耐人尋味的很 :)

Silvia said...

所言极是,我留言时也知道自己已将问题无限简化。我也有门外的一面,最近小老板要我读什么"Build Rapport", 我心想你们不觉得自己是white boys club反要我读build rapport, 但也抱着give benefit of doubt的心态去读了。做自己总有代价,看看conscious choice 下,值不值得,愿不愿意接受后果

Miss LK said...

自我探索是旅程 有時驚喜 有時驚愕 social media盛行成主流 又多個自說自話自欺欺人的舞台 可以想像22世紀的人要選出21世紀的風雲人物 肯定是過度膨脹的自我

Silvia尚年青 老氣橫秋的沈思還是擺一邊 我已人到中年 自然理當氣壯中年危機一番 :)

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