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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

綠光     Data - Info - Knowledge - Understanding - Wisdom

Schizophrenia lingers.  While the Chinese version of this blog post socializes the musing about Firenze, the English version assumes the spirit of organizational analysis.  An ounce of information is worth a pound of data.  What constitutes politics?  Too many lazy brains with overly active wagging fingers.
 The renaissance Italian certainly did politics with excellent styles:  twining muscles in homoerotic postures, bravissimo!!!  Here's Palazzo Vecchio overlooking Piazza della Signoria.

喜歡稱呼佛羅倫斯 - 翡冷翠, 義大利文Firenze音譯, 閃綠光, 我喜歡的顏色有多少風流便有多少折墮, 翡冷翠之行先折墮, 再風流; 休完假回歸工作, 則是折折折, 墮墮墮, 折墮折墮…
彷彿現代舞拍子, 種種情緒暴力圍攻下, 仍要飛翔不安, 懷疑, 種種惡意從來困不住良心.
The only sector in my itinerary that didn't go astray - La Gioconda Ritrovata.  Mona Lisa is very much about interpretation.  The neon graffiti portrait in my room was fierce, trampy and a tad ghostly.  Her deadly glance however, didn't ward off mosquitos from sipping my gluten free sangria… 

2019為達文西逝世五百年大祭, 初春便盤算重遊文藝復興重鎮, 當然還有我和名畫'春天'之約!  LK媽與小表弟K臨時加入, 姑姪倆飛歐與我會合, 由灣區啟程的我一波三折, 甚至因班機故障於芝加哥卡了一天半, 眼看預約Uffizi套票將報廢, 再次另訂義大利航空飛羅馬轉機當終於走在仲夏傍晚的翡城廣場, 仰望古雅的聖母百花大教堂圓頂, 渾身疲累風塵僕僕的我還是忍不住歡呼師父, 受徒兒一拜! 
Why Firenze?  Celebrating 500 years of Da Vinci - he is the maestro for all product designers!!!  First delayed with Iberia, then cancelled and stuck in Chicago, finally rebooked with Alitalia(and delayed again…), when I finally made it to the heart of Renaissance, my July 4th getaway was 1/3 gone.  Although exhausted and dazed, the moment I basked in the balmy dusk stargazing the Duomo, I was humbled by its glory.

獨行俠邊走邊畫行旅因母親和小表弟共襄盛舉(轉型時尚品牌巡迴展)破功, 仍堅持保有私人小天地, 我選的旅館鬧中取靜, 是達文西名畫'蒙娜麗莎'被發現舊址!  房間數量不多, 整棟樓洋溢神秘氛圍和歷史交錯現代普普藝術的衝突感.  第一晚入住洗個熱水澡便有人敲三次門, 原來是LK媽, 要塞大把歐元給我零花… 剎那間時光倒流, 中年危機搖身一變少年維特的煩惱 :P
Loved converging with my fellow travelers(mom and cousin Kenny) in the breakfast parlor first thing in the morning charting the day's adventure.  We united again late afternoon for iced tea and aqua frizzante.  That's how to live a life, lovely companions, great food and a quiet moment just being. 

七月初的南歐日長夜短, 清晨三人便於早餐房會合, 好整以暇享用香濃熱咖啡與靜謐天光, 我總趁驕陽發揮熱力前漫步鄰近古蹟, 午后躲入博物館冥想旅館頗貼心, 向晚五點於早餐房備好冰茶小點心讓住客歇腿閒聊, 六時在酒窖品酒, 變相的吃個不停 :)  義式牛排豪邁, 多用粗海鹽胡椒略調味便鐵板炙烤上桌, 最最抵擋不了野性呼喚, 大口咬肉大口暢飲氣泡水, 豎起雙姆指讚哪!!
The straightforwardness of Florentine cuisine really resonates with me.  No fuss charred steaks and overabundant tartufo nero… it's rather satisfying.

Ferragamo皆大歡喜, 我鑽進地下通道埋首環保設計概念展, LK媽和K表弟於樓上旗艦店慢條斯理啜咖啡挑選絲巾領帶袖扣皮鞋設計師逛設計展不免夫子自道我設計的全是可有可無的東西企業文化事事911, 卻從未拯救過人命飢荒, 無法回受的垃圾和二氧化碳反而製造許多, 外加白了LK少年頭, 真真莫等閒, 空悲切. 
Ferragamo had something for everyone.  Mom and cousin shopped at the flagship while I fell through the rabbit hole of a conceptual exhibition at Museo Ferragamo on Circular Economy, Social Fashion and the 'carbon neutral' Rainbow Future.

存在主義鬧劇歹戲拖棚, 在公司笑臉要賠到幾時?  處境十分劉正風, 我的曲洋是我想要成為的我, 金盆洗手可否平安落幕?  仰慕瀟湘夜雨不是沒道理, 自己像透了莫大先生, 明析透澈無奈, 比他少些guts和登峰造極的技藝, 我想我永遠說不出口那句該殺! 
The tea room at the Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella.  The Richard Ginori porcelain tea set and chocolates with elixir ganache concocted a blend of Agatha Christie mystery and Dangerous Liaisons romance. 

  1. 母親大人身體健康, 感情生活豐富, 美人到老還是美人, 不愁寂寞想著過去幾年因與母親對峙, 錯失陪伴外婆, 這份濃濃愧疚, 天上, 人間.
  2. K表弟從當年表姐婚禮上繞著新娘蓬裙幫著托喜糖盤的小男生長成如今的有為有禮青年, 犬子小V多位舅舅這好榜樣 :)
  3. 文青阿桑與多位精神導師名作重逢, 激勵靈感士氣, 該沈澱雜念, 開創屬於自己的路.
Founded in 1221 by Dominican monks and opened to the public in 1612, this haven of herbal potpourri embodies self love and self care!  An ounce of wisdom is… a life long of self compassion :)


Silvia said...

Miss LK的文章当然还有人读,我每一篇都读。看了这篇觉得十分舒心,仿佛满血复活。好久未静下心来书写我自己的生活,也许是时候,写一些字。

Miss LK said...

Dear Silvia,

好久不見 希望一切安好 小米開心成長!
近來關稅壓境 日日於公司奴役 回到家只賸看cozy mystery的腦力 有部1920澳洲背景的偵探劇 女主角風趣性感自信 時時調侃週邊男性 觀來總讓我哈哈大笑 亦覺墨爾本風光明媚 十分羨慕遠方的你!!

What makes me come live? Drawings&writing. 我會繼續畫圖書寫到老 :)

Echomiao said...

短短時間 Miss LK 行程仍是豐富優雅 可喜有家人相伴又無彼此干擾 LK媽急著塞錢還是很窩心的

翻翻舊照上回遊義大利竟是12年前的事了 今秋原本興匆匆的要在Tuscany租下 villa 與親友慶壽 思忖要配合眾人行程 張羅大夥住宿飲食交通 實在比工作還累 立即打消此念

妳可是在看 Ms Fisher?她的20年代時尚讓我入迷 !

Miss LK said...

正是Miss Fisher! 喜歡她明艷短髮 襯色裙裝的cloche hat 和各式各樣的絲綢睡袍 雖說偵探劇圍繞謀殺案 各角色溫情互動 也算fantasy escape :) 另一部偵探劇Unforgotten 全無俊男美女 劇情懸疑縝密 個個演技精湛 探索人性罪與罰 看了要作惡夢 卻又感動非常...

咦 我怎麼寫起劇評了?

媽媽畢竟是媽媽 不只塞錢 我回美國上班 她和K表弟續遊威尼斯米蘭羅馬 每到旗艦名店 就會傳照片: 丫頭 這Prada包像你的style 媽幫你買了⋯⋯

很想深秋或初冬再遊翡冷翠 我喜歡適合散步的城市 嗅著咖啡香靜觀街邊風景 漫無目的耗一下午於Cappelle Medicee看米開蘭基羅 或許下回Echo和我結伴同行 來趟girls getaway - no chaperone, let’s misbehave ;)

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