Thanksgiving well spent in Orlando where we reveled in childhood wonder of the Disney World and relived the magic of Harry Potter. Naturally the countdown to Christmas could only be the Hogwarts advent!
十ㄧ月中忙完數場發表會, 大抵腎上腺素枯竭, 開始童趣化… 成日不務正業玩耍. 已高過我半個頭多的小V忍不住嘆氣: 難怪Ollivanders Wand Shop店裏人當媽咪是小孩子(?!) 感恩節歡渡於佛州童話世界, 旅行歸來意猶未盡, 搶購LEGO Harry Potter 2019倒數節曆, 亦如貪糖吃的小朋友偷跑, 耶誕節還沒到, 禮物拆光光拼建魔法學校 :P
Proud to present my team's A Small World gingerbread house. Unleashing creativity with butter cream, royal icing, powder sugar and marshmallow in a fierce competition against eleven other teams, our design WON 1st place!!!
率領團隊多年, 以身作則敬業衝鋒, 士氣固然重要, 帶頭玩樂培養默契也不可少. 報名雙品牌首屆薑餅屋競賽, 五人行腦力激盪決定色調主題, 採買糖珠餡料, 烘烤切割拌蛋白霜, 捲袖雕繪奶油… 小小世界完工刹那, 我們擁抱高歌: It's a small world after all :) 12組人馬決戰, 敝團隊勇奪冠軍!!!
Be mindful about holiday shopping and gift giving… I hope my team will find the bamboo cutlery set functional and therefore rely less on one time use plastic utensils for lunch in the office. Two criticisms however… each set was wrapped in a plastic bag(shouldn't the canvas pouch be enough?)and there's no pipe cleaner for the straw so I completed the set with my own supply.
歲末表達謝意, 支持南亞環保文創, 減少工作室午餐時光ㄧ次性使用塑膠, 收貨時些許失望, 每只帆布包外竟都套著塑膠袋 :(
The Harry Potter World was divided into Hogwarts_Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley_Gringotts. Without fast track passes, the line for each themed ride was exceedingly long but there were many points of interests along the wait keeping fans engaged and entertained.
佛州氣候溫暖, 主題樂園ㄧ座接ㄧ座, Disneyland主打經典Star Wars和新女權Frozen. 我們最迷Harry Potter魔法世界, 耐心排長龍重溫孤雛歷險記. HP系列是極少數原著與電影相輔相成的作品, 場景意象豐富, 人物層次分明, 看迷哥迷姐全副武裝扮各要角過足癮.
After the famous escape, the Ukrainian Ironbelly has been breathing fire atop Gringotts delighting the mesmerized muggles below.
實體化的Diagon Alley更是打卡熱點兼燒錢窟, 噴火龍蟠踞Gringotts高頂, 琳瑯滿目的紀念品, 來到Leaky Cauldron自然得來杯butterbeer!
After all products were released and several have become the brand's best sellers, I finally could share my original sketches for the collaboration. The snow globe is my absolute favorite as it captures Hogwarts under Protego Maxima beautifully.
product images: Pottery Barn Kids, Pottery Barn Teen.
事隔兩年, 品牌所有聯名產品已上市(我的設計可是銷售冠軍!) 總算能公開手稿自鳴得意ㄧ番, 鐵粉替心愛的傳奇設計, 亦是另類的美夢成真 :)
Happy Holidays!
之前試了幾次留言 都消失無蹤 也不知那個環節出了狀況
非常喜歡貴團隊設計的薑餅屋 Morandi palette 色彩十分舒心 奪魁實至名歸 前一陣童心大發要買 Lego 2019 薑餅屋組裝再加上燈飾 結果竟然全面缺貨!
我也喜歡 Miss LK 設計的 snow globe 小小世界賦予無限遐想 設計圖流暢中帶著嚴謹 賞心悅目
正在 Palm Springs 度假 住在富有歷史色彩的莊園旅館 也曾是名流好萊塢明星聚集的私宅 兩回住的都是 Einstein Room(愛因斯坦作客時最喜歡的房間)下回要住 Clark Gable 留宿過的房間 還有他泡過的澡缸哪 😆
Dear Echo,
Happy holidays!!!
薑餅屋競賽截止日剛好和冬季設計發表會同一天 早上還懸腕雕奶油花 替模型樹刷雪白powder sugar 下午便得圍裙一脫洗淨雙手糖霜 人模人樣站上臺面對執行長⋯⋯ 最重要團隊玩得開心
嚴冬能在溫暖的Palm Spring渡假真享受! 幾年前香港半島85週年慶 也推出Clark Gable指導過酒保調Screw Driver的酒香巧克力 我倒是吃了好幾顆
我畢竟是HP死忠粉絲 提筆構思設計 無需草稿一氣呵成 末了加入hidden message 向敝人偶像JK Rowling致敬 :)
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