May Day mayhem… the analog hack of journaling seems to retain my sanity in the pandemic when both our physical reality and emotional state equally ravaged by Covid-19. I turned to the gifts of nature too for consolation - the exuberant bouquet of ranunculus celebrated May birthdays in the family and Happy Mother's Day!!!
百感交集的五月天, 七年前父親驟逝, 當年黑洞似的殤慟隨歲月漸褪, 心頭卻滿溢絮語欲向彼岸說.
五月亦充滿慶生和母親節, 繼續支持在地花農, 抱束紅粉緋緋的毛莨回家, 此姝不若玫瑰山茶牡丹獨耀, 層次感與生命力猶勝. 從含苞, 盛放, 至謝落, 色澤深淺濃淡各具美態, 大大豐富對著後院的早餐和午茶角落.
Shelter-In-Place not only eliminates the daily commute, it presents a rare opportunity to evaluate priorities in life and what it means to be alive. The video game Plants vs. Zombies has risen to the metaphorical significance of the Aesop's Fables. I am officially swapping teams from workaholic zombies to sun soaking plants and begin my days with hearty breakfasts on blossom adorned table.
之所以, 日日用餐花團錦簇, 節省下通勤的時間全灌注杯盤巧食美景. 頓覺之前活得渾噩倉促, 驕傲配戴不可開交的忙碌當勛章… '國王的新衣'所為何來?
The blooming cycle of ranunculus fascinates the mind. Swirls of translucent colors transform from intoxicating depth to ethereal ghosting as time goes by. In fairy tales, a stem of flower often alludes to imminent disasters… What crazy acts have these charming ranunculus possessed me to commit?
愛送花愛收花, 花美更忍不住提筆畫, 勾捺間都往心底去才滿足. 夫不多言, 言多必失, 筆下的線條為若患間歇性失語症的我訴盡曲折. 良久未觸墨彩, 技藝近鄉情怯, 圖要畫出意境十分掏心掏肺, 真進入狀況行雲流水欲罷不能, 生命的喜悅躍然紙上.
Drawing, painting, meditating...
More dining in my secret garden of course.
素描寫生是一場旅程, 筆尖進化史… 起點相遇終點的驚喜. 突發奇想若後製成著色卡贈予外甥外甥女, 不知小朋友們如何天馬行空發揮想像力?
Turned my line art into coloring template for the little ones.
母親節LK先生大展廚藝海陸全餐, 炙牛排佐鹽焗白花椰, 柑橘奶油龍蝦尾… 蒔蘿?!
Mr. LK unleashed his culinary virtuosity for Mother's Day feast!
皆因LK開始水栽室內香草庭園, 各色草本生長期迥異, 早該發芽的百里香遲遲不見蹤影, 羅勒和蒔蘿互爭日光綻放, 尤其後者, 就快臥虎藏龍, 只好勤修剪兼加菜. 現實生活仍需維護社交距離, 微世界則讓'竹林七賢'對奕清談.
The ubiquitous dill garnish was freshly clipped from my aero herb garden… grandpa's clay hermit figurines added a flair of hidden dragon and crouching tiger.
LK與生俱來所有文人弱點… 畫完花接著畫美人! 記得約莫小學二年級參加百貨公司母親節繪畫比賽得首獎, 作品畫'媽媽赴宴時', 領回琳瑯滿目的獎品和禮卷. 數十年後的母親節再快描水彩肖像祝母親青春永駐(見左圖), 筆風抽象, 著重她巴掌臉的高顴骨豐唇和尖頷, LK媽護短頻讚傳神 :) 畫著畫著竟靈竅一開, 嶄新思路, 將動筆數次卻屢屢創作不出感覺, 拖欠近三年格友Echo的結婚賀禮快手繪成(見右圖), 自鳴得意凝神Echo的嫵媚和Benny的忠誠.
On the left: abstract portrait for mom, encoring childhood pride when I won my first art competition outside school and bringing home edible goodies in addition to the award certificate. Glad mom loved it!
On the right: at last, mission complete of the long overdue wedding present for Echo!!! I started several sketches months ago but none captured the 'feel'(or a piece of my heart) for I believe a true gift to be where the soul of the giver and the recipient meet. After a hiatus tugged between mental block and procrastination, inspiration struck while I drew the ranunculus and portrait for mom :)
讀不完的書, 揮毫不盡的畫, MasterClass日日有新課, 國家地理頻道引人入勝, 捻花惹草不知多療癒… 其實LK非常適合退休生活. 某日與遠方H老闆閒聊, 在商言商, 身為多年盟友, 此時生意場危機重重, 自然希望對方堅守崗位; 但深知彼此金錢權欲皆不強, 未來通關密語大抵是: 轉換跑道, 你還等什麼?
Own less, live more, bowing to nature… I see the neophyte philosopher LK emerging :)
居家隔離 Miss LK 仍是把生活經營的如此有滋有味 滿室繽紛 這段期間真是考驗一個人的修為定力 能夠放慢腳步 摒除雜務 專注於自己喜歡的事 也不失為 silver lining
真是羨慕貴府男主人的手藝和巧思 如果是我家另一半下廚 總是丟個我一塊半焦黑的牛排 和彷彿颶風來訪過的廚房
再次謝謝你的賀禮 生動捕捉了我和Benny的形影不離 當然也欣然接受妳替我添了顏值 😀
Echo氣質優雅 五官標致 若還畫得不美 我豈不是自砸招牌? 話說學生時代常被教授點名當人像寫生模特兒 因為我的顴骨 母親說該感謝她優良遺傳 我則心虛 不知是褒是貶...
WFH其實超時工作居多 前幾星期天天精神緊繃累得半死 後來漸漸看開 我輩讓鞠躬盡瘁儒家思想荼毒半世 pandemic開啟新契機 專心生活 好好用餐 長週末的功課是構思後院造景 :)
Echo家的頑童雖頗傷腦筋 看來也頗具情趣 眺望遠山 hunting scene瓷盤上場 美酒燭光 教人好生羨慕!
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