After excavating artifacts from old times, I decided to decorate my makeshift home office with a pair of royal wooden puppets from Bali, a boater from London, and numerous photo tiles from past journeys. During the zoom debut, the team wondered if I drifted off to a remote island in the Mediterranean… I WISH.
整理舊物, 許多昔日心頭好陸續出土, 恰恰裝點違建居家辦公空牆, 開視訊會議時老闆與同事們狐疑, 這傢伙是溜到地中海還是巴厘島?
睹物思老貓, 爺兒們敏感(哪門子爺, 這麼唧唧歪歪...), 我若再養寵物恐掀家庭革命, 退而求其次, 花花草草自娛, 天天修剪澆灑, 甘為花奴樂不可支.
A most grateful birthday I had. My talented team made me a zoom background collaging Einstein, E. E. Cummings, Shakespeare and Hannibal(!) along with an animated birthday card revealing the admission ticket to the Tate Gallery accompanied by Rachmaninoff's symphony :) My boss sent bouquets of summer melange brightening up my breakfast table.
搬數盆蘭花回家, 突憶起2018仲夏至故宮觀鄭問紀念回顧, 展覽涵括大師為霹靂布袋戲偶創作, 有位人物劍君十二恨, 六恨恨蘭葉多焦… 急得LK日日順時鐘逆時鐘移轉花盆, 深怕加州艷陽曬枯翠綠蘭葉. 想LK先生為霹靂迷, 追問為什麼劍君恨蘭葉多焦呢? LK先生沒好氣: "那人恨的可多了, 誰知道?" 查探結果, 落落長十二恨, 最後恨天下無敵… 劍君名號如斯俊逸, 原來是個怕寂寞的悶騷 :)
Little V and Mr. LK showered me with dozens of roses in 'strawberry and cream' colors. Father and son also teamed up to frame a triptych with our baby pictures. According to Mr. LK, the one stands at the top of the food chain has the biggest smile(yours truly).
上月底過生日, 老闆自然禮數周到, 快遞多品玫瑰加向日葵, 屬於盛夏怒放的色彩. LK先生則紅玫瑰粉玫瑰各一打, 穠艷鮮稠似我嗜食的英式甜點Eton Mess, 幸好此人不讀張愛玲, 否則硃砂痣蚊子血飯粒白床前明月光… 向太座獻這等慇勤, 豈不古怪?! 團隊匠心獨具, 集結LK喜愛的幾位思想家頭像當zoom背景, 並設計動畫卡片, 彌補今夏我不能親赴倫敦Tate Gallery欣賞William Turner的遺憾. 小V與LK先生分工合作將咱仨嬰兒照片並排鑲框當壽禮, 各有各的古靈精怪, 顯然不是一家人, 不進一家門.
My fascination with flora and fauna naturally led me to orchids. I discovered with much delights Hymenopus coronatus, the curious orchid mantis. This cannibalistic creature masters camouflage and mimicry… sounds familiar?
遠方幾位老朋友的祝福同樣受用, 相識超過二十年, 時差加距離, 還總記著微不足道的小日子, 這份暖意我很珍惜. LK雖記性不佳, 能記得的朋友生日, 從未吝嗇捎聲問候. 並非制式禮尚往來, 而是人與人之間最缺乏溫度, 有時等你想著要問候, 對方早已不在. 說的是收藏她數幅作品的T, 連續幾封信皆石沈大海, 反覆閱讀多年前我們魚雁往返, 她的畫清趣靈秀, 是位才華洋溢的女子, 不知伊人可否安好.
Birthday became a birth month jubilee… after immersed myself in the Cabinet of Natural Curiosities, I submerged into Florilegium. Tell me, there're worse addictions than books, right?
自小熟讀紅樓夢, 高度敏感自憐的林姑娘卻不是敝人這杯茶, 捻花惹草乃變相親近自然. 奼紫嫣紅開遍故然迷人, 最喜歡雪白微暈染淡青的花束, 愛穿青綠裙裝避暑, 彷彿便一身清涼. 腐草為螢落花成泥, 花期開盡一株株風乾, 另番風景天成. 白俄羅斯的手工水彩總算到埠, 熱浪來襲的週末開封練筆, 色澤韻潤, 畫著印象派的枯花, 團團似焰火透紙燒來, 三伏天要心定談何容易?
My handmade watercolor set from Belarus arrived at last! These colors were exquisite, full of warmth and intoxicating. I cannot wait to paint more with them.
回歸文初的劍君十二恨, 年少時瞧誰不順眼皆恨得牙癢癢, 十分快意恩仇. 憂患中年早明白禍福相倚, 恨這種過份強烈的情緒, 希望此生無需體會, 2020送別不少曾經的相知, 終究己變或彼變? 毋論是非, 深感遺憾. 或許如此, 開始著迷園藝, 看慣花開花落, 生命坦蕩坦然. 生日過後某清晨, LK弟傳訊, 他與母親絕裂, 連夜帶妻小搬離, 但姊姊永遠是姊姊. 我怔然流淚無力感再起, 選擇當鴕鳥, 取出文房四寶, 抄寫:
自我來黃州, 已過三寒食
年年欲惜春, 春去不容惜
今年又苦雨, 兩月秋蕭瑟
Moving through a floral life cycle all the way to amateur herbarium. A dried stem possesses certain rigidity and sultriness that its former self lacks, equally as stunning.
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