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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

嬋娟 E Pluribus Unum

October, inaugurated another season of the Nobel Prize.  What a relief hearing the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the World Food Programme instead of Who Must Not Be Named.

While viewing achievements of the laureates in their specialized fields, all are connected.  In the midst of COVID pandemic, WFP:  "Until the day we have a medical vaccine, food is the best vaccine against chaos."

近來著迷看紀錄片, 原因不難理解, 秀才不出門, 八卦天下事也.  看Jane Goodall:  原來喪母的小黑猩猩會悲慟至死, 而黑猩猩羣亦如人類對異己趕盡殺絕.  看My Octopus Teacher:  無脊椎生物的智多星神經系統精密, 靈活偽裝, 繽紛珊瑚礁弱肉強食.  看The Social Dilemma:  不得了, 矽谷人如斯無良… 我要搬家!!!  從小就老靈魂, 愈活愈合本性, 或許是命運另類救贖, 慶幸童年時培養靜心閱讀的習慣, 當一天遠距離會議終了, 總迫不及待翻書寫字紓壓.
Hear!  Hear!  Many of my posts were food related, gourmet sometimes.  If I ever experienced hunger, would I still write in such lyrical manner?  Although my blog is very much a soliloquy, I do bear a guilty conscience.  In some parts of the world, food is about survival, not leisure.   
去年此時上海東京來回飛, 彷若隔世, 找出LK先生於上海某博物館買給太座的禮物, 清 孫溫 紅樓夢工筆繪本.  水墨難, 工筆猶難, 分毫定江山; 銀鼠灰, 松葉綠, 朱紅, 靛青… 矜重華貴, 檀香甸甸, 沈在骨子裏, 塵世喧囂遠遠隔在外頭, 耳濡目染外公和父親對古書的熱愛, 是兩位父輩予我美好傳承.

In the name of 'share&connect', social media like FB has turned many into vanity addicts and worker bees fueling the ludicrously lucrative information economy.  Redemption if any, blogging is a form of self therapy.

可惜, 我獨善其身, 不是稱職的母親.  小V讀書散漫, 成績單上赤字連連, 卻對WWII與中國近代史產生莫大興趣.  相偕LK先生陪孺子看Darkest Hour, The Last Emperor, 宋家皇朝等等相關影片, 不同世代的見解聽著有趣.  小V認為邱吉爾和希特勒性格有重疊之處, 炫赫的宋家三姐妹他則說這不就是三隻小豬的邏輯?  至於末代皇帝, 成年溥儀每出場, 我都要歡呼尊龍好帥, 小V老氣橫秋:  我同意John Lone的確是美男子, 但你可否專心劇情呢?

I wasn't antisocial but didn't quite fit in any sort of cohort either.  No wonder I received recruitment letters from certain agencies when working toward my master's… the lone wolves are intelligent, efficient and the easiest to erase all traces.

敝人英文字鋼筆書寫稜骨飛峭, 多方禮讚, 中文字卻歪扭如毛毛蟲, 向來是遺憾.  人到中年, 深感去日苦多, 該起而行填平件件憾事, 開展束之高閣多年的文房四寶 - 練字!  同儕中, 紐約大學舊友N的字最好, 某年暑假打工寄居N家, 旁觀她瀟灑揮毫寫'將進酒'裱框, 狂, 傲, 墨色淋漓間不失秀緻, 艷羨的差點單膝下跪, 求她嫁給我 :)  勤能補拙, 寫掉百多張竹紙後, 筆鋒收放漸有氣韻, 懸腕邊默念喜愛的詩句, 思緒手路並驅, 既是心神領會亦為創作.

The Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to the poet, Louise Gluck for her 'unmistakable poetic voice that with austere beauty makes individual existence universal.'  Totally unfamiliar with her work and cannot wait to be enlightened.  

選舉年荒唐事層出不窮, 兩場正副總統辯論會觀後所賸無幾的信心全失, 上下分岐左右分裂, 與建國座右銘E Pluribus Unum恰是反諷.  民權女權鬥士大法官RBG的過世, 執政黨連串動作, 極右保守派勢力更加興起, 讓人焦慮.  也因閱覽篇篇悼念文章, 再次認識這位極出色的大法官生平, 哲人日已遠, 典型在夙昔.

The Prize in Economic Sciences landed quite close to home… to Paul R. Milgrom and Robert B. Wilson for 'improvements to auction theory and inventions of new auction formats.'  Quintessential Silicon Valley ethos:  there is a price on everything, monetization via manipulation, and an ownership mindset not far from pirates... Of course, excuse POV of an amateur and shoot me down the ivory tower if you will :P

世道愈艱險, 愈突顯人事物本質, 小如私人品性, 大至企業良心和國際領袖的格局, 照妖鏡下無所遁形.  其實人生假假真真, 誰不是逢場作戲各自捍衛權益利益, 待人仍需幾分俠氣素心, 不然, 生命還有什麼?  輸贏無啥, 栽在棋逢敵手加倍的有意思, 最難耐是嘴臉貪婪手法粗糙, 立足同陣線但覺意興闌珊.

After watching the presidential debates, the LK clan was determined to finally expedite our living trust.  Besides Little V, we were all naturalized citizens.  I took a great pride in USA for the nation nourished my higher education and years ago I had sworn the oath of allegiance.  I thought I found my home here and never before felt so alienated.  

LK強烈精神潔癖, 對錯縱複雜的人際關係敬而遠之, 討厭女人為男人委屈自己或為難另一個女人, 更討厭男人縱容自己或為討好女人委屈另一個女人… 愁眉苦臉嘟囔母親與弟弟的核戰, 旁觀者清, LK先生長嘆:  "太座大人, 恕我膽大妄言, 婆媳關係說到底不就是一山不容兩頭母老虎?  非得把男人放在這麼難堪的位置." 轉眼偷瞧小V, 這傢伙, 是否有天也會為心愛的女子和我反目成仇?!

Urban nomad was a hip and romantic concept pre-COVID as prosperity from global tourism beaconed.  With every privilege, there comes also exploitation and now we are confronting the modern day Pied Piper of Hamelin.

哲學性問題:  所謂真理真實真相, 真的存在嗎?  個人運行的小宇宙建構於片面的三真, 盲點處處.  比方以上衝突, 弟弟和母親各自轉述來龍去脈, 不約而同省略最刺傷對方的銀子彈… 人非常非常愚蠢, 愛的令彼此窒息, 愛的任性傷害愛你的人, 愛的因為你愛他, 就妄想擁有主宰權.  可不可愛少點, 多些許尊敬與風度, 給對方台階下, 也為自己留退路? 

Perhaps, it's time to pause, to take a breath and to recuperate.

續當花奴, 玩物喪志, 花季過, 拂著籐籃篩撿玫瑰, 幽香縷縷, 指尖一襲溫柔, 想起外婆, 外婆人美, 卻對身外物毫不熱衷, 天大的事莫過三菜一湯, 家人好好吃頓飯, 客廳與書房必得插盆鮮花, 童年時的我環著她腰午眠但覺安心, 這是愛吧, 對生活的愛, 對生命的愛, 毫不矯飾的愛… 枝櫛瓣葉風乾收桐木箱, 又是另番良景.    

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