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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

挑燈 Mischief Managed

An unsettling month of anxiety and depression from reading news or refreshing news feed very five minutes has come to a positive end.  USA needs a soulful recovery from the pandemic and we must learn to bridge a chasm of polarity. 

Home office 2.0 - old sketches, fresh bay leaf wreath, my pet Phalaenopsis and Microlepia strigosa.


Willingly or not, Americans have become home buddies.  The home furnishing industry reports surging sales in everything that makes SIP and WFH more comfortable.  Rough time still, humans are social animals and not able to grab a coffee or an impromptu dinner with my bestie hurts.

少年時便愛讀辛棄疾卻是人到中年才略略領會辭曲意境.  中國歷史極奇特的朝代武將能文眾文青學者又頗具俠氣兵權立朝謀業兜兜轉轉傳至書法寫得熠熠生光的宋徽宗集文藝復興大成然國政積弱終滅絕於忽必烈蒙古大軍赫赫鐵蹄下. 


I started to hear voices and talking to imaginary friends.  I do.

挑燈看劍沙場點兵與東風夜放花千樹真是極端亦彰顯宋代美學敏銳別緻的鑑賞力, 21世紀分分秒秒資訊泛濫的數據生態似乎剝奪人與自己內心對話必要的寂靜和專注我等勢必滅亡.


Setting tables like the Mad Hatter yet instead of riddles, I rather make a calculated move like Beth Harmon in The Queen's Gambit.  Loving the retro interior design, the glum-glam fashion, and the sexy smart Anya Taylor-Joy.  Not into the story line though, much fairy tale like with nearly all of the male opponents kind and respectful… HELLO?! 

學區每月家長匯報遠距離學習困難重重青春期本苦悶困惑雪上加霜看著小V(已是大V)掙扎挫折當年好學的我從未帶給父母任何麻煩今時今日完完全全體會為人父母大不易,  LK先生較看得開且有耐性總是勸太座設好生前信託(想謀殺我?), 不盼吾兒出人頭地然若有萬ㄧ孩子起碼能守微薄家業安份渡日.

Since we are on the subject of binge worthy, I highly recommend the Broadchurch crime drama series.  The emotion was raw, the script piercing, and the relentless pursuit of truth thought provoking.  Gotta love Olivia Colman and David Tennant(my favorite Hamlet!) for their sensitive rendition.  In season 2, Jocelyn Knight QC played by Charlotte Rampling challenges the mind and pleases the eye.

天下事生前身後名… 求個屁!

Several projects at work and for the charity foundation I gratefully serve provide the much desired dopamine doses as well as anger defusion.  My daily LEGO challenge in preparation for the professional collaboration revives the finger-brick chemistry, a sure way to be present! 

COVID重創地產業好段日子不敢冒然勸慰身陷漩渦的老朋友M… 某個午后約好閒敘他和妻小暫居外海離島小女兒得以於森林學校正常上課傳來ㄧ幅微雨面海窗景他並不抱怨侃侃談疫病襲境的領悟更多時關懷LKㄧ家是否安好謙謙君子是他的格調.  想起求學時的M風采倜儻,  某次赴舞會前不知為何繞道LK處按鈴應門但覺這人帥的喧囂鬧得我眼睛睜不開接過他手上的包裹關起門繼續看書旁人訝異LK心如止水.  無它外在的征服從不是我杯茶.  這些年M亦趨清簡沈斂可愛可敬的不得了, M美麗樸實的藝術家太座功不可沒.

The charity book project progresses where my writing gets thoughtful critiques every other week.  I will miss my fiercely intelligent partners when this is over(hope the series continues :)

天馬行空的LK, 多年來變化不大就自戀這項登峰造極.  早餐房改造為臨時辦公室欲罷不能更上層樓成私人藝廊定期展列敝人畫作和收藏.  從車庫深處挖掘出剛進舊品牌首作聖誕系列餐盤餐具燭臺筆法細膩飛揚鋪局古典靈黠可見當年的我多麼熱愛這份工作驀然回首… 留不住的時間回不去的愛情.

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