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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

明珠 The Year of Lost&Found

In my youthful years, strangers(little kids) used to point at me and called me Mulan enthusiastically while their parents panicked and apologized.  Nothing to offer apologies for…  I am honored to be seen as a warrior.  That positive sentiment no longer holds its ground thanks to the latest Disney rendition.  Mulan 2020 was an unfortunate mix of cultural stigma and lazy storytelling.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… wrapping up gifts for my team.  The devil is in the peppermint red and white swirl twine!


父親故鄉產珍珠從小讀滄海月明珠有淚’, 對山海經博物誌的鮫人泣珠充滿遐想.  結婚時父親母親公婆與眾長輩相贈的珍珠手飾因貴重且LK不擅珠光寶氣沈睡銀行保險箱多年.

終於活到能配戴珍珠的年紀開始迷上各品牌於珍珠詮釋珍珠的確經典可華麗可低斂隱惡揚善.  目前只限耳墜至於繞頸珠串再多等幾年吧!  讓老成為優雅的期待.  2020充滿爭議每個國定假日皆埋政治導火線撇開感恩節錯縱複雜的史實不談 今年平安渡過已值感恩.

Roasted Peking duck takeout Thanksgiving dinner.  Lately I am obsessed with Caravaggio inspired colors.


My gifting theme varies year by year:  2018 Tea For Two, 2019 Eco, and 2020?  The lost art of writing it is.

Picture credits:

Upper left  - Olivetti 

Lower left – ZEYN NY 

Upper right – Clip Art 

Lower right – Blackwing Volume 42


送禮回禮乃工作室節慶習俗往往反映送禮人心頭好每年LK選擇禮物主題:  前年是鴛鴦茶去年是環保今年回歸最愛的文具.  ㄧ貫支持小商家頂頭上司好品牌意識送她Blackwing慈善限量版同儕總監們則贈藝術史淵源的實用設計敝人團隊辛苦整年值得多花心思請紐約獨立皮具坊替手工筆袋加繡每位成員名字, 希望大家收禮平安佳節快樂!!!


While MarieKondo-ing my study space, I found old watercolor sketches depicting my hairy crab feast in Shanghai years pre-COVID, the good old days of travel and dine.  Hey, I could wield a pen as well as chopsticks.

往年此時該整理行裝冬旅現下只能神遊 淘出數年前深秋上海蟹宴舊畫敝帚自珍覺得筆法挺不賴(剪刀畫歪看著畫黏牙糖心蛋稠糯紅燒肉鮮腴醉雞, ㄧㄧ回味唇齒間.


Tis the season for selflove, too.  I have long coveted Blackwing pencils and Bruno Munari wooden blocks.

毋需報名心靈成長課程我愛自己從不手軟垂涎許久的復古鉛筆和Bruno Munari積木組此乃LK獨家'寫拼'療法 :)

Picture credits:
LeftBlackwing pencil set 

Right – MC1 Architecture Box  


My penmanship has dwindled over years and writing letters became an unrequited love.  How could anyone fall in love through e-mailing, texting, and messaging?  Too instantly gratified and deceptively convenient(vice versa).  Love requires patience and perseverance. 

再來是卡片些許寂聊手寫卡片年年遞減朋友們寧選簡訊微信.  有次我疼愛的小表妹(已是能幹的兩女之母)傳來她收藏我倆年少時書信往返舊日好時光重現眼前21世紀慢活與等待彷彿是罪偷瞄吾兒小V, 如今的少年如何談戀愛呢?


True romantic I am, even feeling beloved admiring these stationery from Firenze.



My Mr. Rochester Marou chocolate boxes resurge as the keeper of the lost and found knickknacks.  I champion good designs for all ordinary items.

我是廢物利用山大王鈕扣緞帶書夾 皮紙繩… 分門別類回收巧克力糖盒.  所以說任何設計都別掉以輕心 耐看實用環保上選.


An uncommon fascination yet totally logical since I am a product designer.  This miniature set I acquired in Christmas 2019 at Tokyo boasts precision and functionality.

LK文具箱館藏浩大遠超珠寶盒.  日本精工meta mate袖珍工具系列:  卡尺線鋸老虎鉗… 小歸小項項皆可活用不得不向ㄧ生懸命的大和工匠魂致敬也悼念我工業設計黑手的青春歲月.


Such fascination with beautiful utility reoccurred in the lock pendant from an artisan workshop in Kyoto.  We wandered into the quiet neighborhood for sipping tea at a famed wagashi salon and stumbled upon a gallery in the attic.  Very meta.   


Happy Holidays!


Echomiao said...

Miss LK 的 寶藏豐富 那套精密袖珍工具的別具匠心讓人驚艷 揀選禮物也有眼光獨特之處 我每天在擁有和放手間掙扎 看到皮製筆袋又淪陷

一道道的美食珍饈在彩筆下躍然紙上 那隻大閘蟹十分鮮活 讓人食指大動 在困難挑戰的一年 Miss LK 還是活得多滋多味 期待2021一切回歸常軌

Miss LK said...

Happy Holidays, Echo!!!

灣區又宵禁了... 不知你與L先生這次聖誕節有何計劃? 我們準備宅在家拼Diagon Alley ;)
LK生平兩大長處: 無事忙 + 玩物喪志. 那套meta精工第一次相逢在十月商旅途中 颱風夜銀座書店特展 喜歡的不得了 這小小一盒工具簡直述說了我前半設計生涯 和你一樣掙扎收藏放手之間 終究忍住 誰知年末寒假結束前逛日本橋誠品再次重逢 店主還加贈一把更小號的卡尺 我的工具文具控愈陷愈深...

雖然自己服務大企業 對才華洋溢的獨立工作室特別欣賞 手工筆袋皮料柔軟 金屬拉鍊等細節也齊整厚實 工坊主人非常友善 讓佳節購禮增添幾分溫暖 大大推薦! 夫子自道 此番採買 唯一奢侈是黑翼鉛筆 因為我向來以鋼筆作畫書寫 少用鉛筆 會衝動購買大抵是發白日夢哪天LK登設計雜誌封面 手握黑鉛筆靠著下頷的酷樣吧 :p

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