2021 is coming to an end and instead of trying to cobble together a new year’s resolution, I decided to jump ahead to the bucket list. After three intricate but thankfully not lethal surgeries this year, checking off the bucket list seems a very sensible thing to do!
2021年度頭條, LK總算圓童年夢想, 出版童書, 意義非凡為紀念恩師S教授! 希望天上的她, 微笑看著慈善基金會團隊.
與兩位祖母級的創業家共同策劃, 她倆的眼光胸懷, 讓我受益良多; 插畫家MR構圖靈黠色彩活潑不失雅趣, LK大感知己. 企劃案啟蒙便有共識, 我們召集全女性的團隊, 也貫徹初衷, 獻祭另類女性主義. Drum roll… I will be a published author after years of dreaming and writing!!! My first children’s book Lettuce Get In Trouble in honor of Professor Sara Little Turnbull will launch in April 2022 and is ready for pre-order now on Amazon and Barnes&Noble. My two co-authors Paula Rees and Cynthia Benjamin are visionary extraordinaire and our illustrator Mariana Rio, phenomenal. I have learned so much from these amazing women!!! 手術後繼續復元中, 至開心回歸正常食慾, 事過境遷 Dr. C才對我坦言, 得知我病灶時, 雖然所有專業知識都指向良性, 她第一反應卻是流淚... 再次見我躺在手術檯上, 既使主治大夫JC已告知她手術順利, 她還是忍不住想哭, 甚至感慨, 若躺在手術檯上是丈夫, 她可會心生如此強烈的情緒? 聽後我十分動容, 因為從頭到尾, 若不是Dr. C鎮靜從容正面, 耐心解釋檢驗報告, 時不時揶揄: “說好了八十歲要移居巴黎, 兩個老太婆相偕學抽菸兼把小情人, 你會沒事啦!” 我早就崩潰不成形. 多年來, 我們也曾意見相左, 鬥嘴賭氣, 冷戰互不理睬... 然當遭逢人生大事, 原來女人的另一半仍是女人 :) Upon receiving the pilot copy, I was touched by the fine texture, exquisite embossing and impeccable design. For a person who takes pride in self-restraint and modesty, I cannot wait but to shout from the rooftops: we have an award winner! Sneak peek here in my humble blog. I hope all my friends will order a copy if our mission resonates with you. 佳節將臨, 份外珍惜身邊人和種種善意, 今年禮物主題: wellness! 再度選擇Etsy手工小商家, 給LK團隊成員薫衣草水晶聖木香氛札加火山黑浴鹽, 我照例天馬行空, 包裝成Christmas crackers増添節慶感; 送頂頭上司和跨界合作的夥伴則是有些超現實感的香料包, 鼓勵大家多多下廚, 分享健康美食. The theme for my holiday gifting 2021 has got to be WELLNESS! Ethereal smoke cleansing wands of Palo Santo stick, quartz crystal and lavender for my team as we moved into our new office - purging old habits and welcoming newness. OCCO spice capsules for encouraging the usual ambitious gang, ‘Leave the gun, take the cannoli’ :P 今年也養就多讀書少開手機的良好習慣, 四月底完成童書書稿突覺書到用時方恨少, 閒時便酗文字,至十二月初竟已讀完十三部純文學, 心緒淨化靈感泉湧. 冬日午后, 一杯黑咖啡, 一塊家廚酪梨巧克力蛋糕, ㄧ本好書 - 大大滿足!
Happy Holidays!!!
童心 犇年 勞牢
韜晦 相忘
傲慢 囚俘 姒識
年華 刀焰
有情亦老 無恨常圓
恭喜你完成多年心願 人生還是要有堅持和動力 期待更多新作
很高興妳術後復原順利 到了這年歲 一切虛無只有健康之至上 想想不外是好好吃飯 睡覺 運動 不過堅持也不易
這個OCCO spice 概念太棒了 平時家常菜感覺少了層次又嫌 Ottolengi 這類大廚食譜的備料繁瑣 總是缺這缺那 而且香料買了用不完 時效又過了
也在此祝願 Miss LK闔家安康 聖誕快樂
Dear Echo,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
2021還真弔詭… 托大家的福 有驚無險渡過一年. 再不敢因公務延遲向醫生報到了😑 身心健康至上!
OCCO替我多年下廚pet peeve提供解答 那個品牌若能有完善的回收系統就更加分!
過去大半年 每逢週末九至中午十二時是LK讀書寫作時間 剛開始穿插雜事 習慣養成後又覺得再自然不過 事在人為
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