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‘婚姻是愛情的墳墓’這句話值得商確, 兩個人一同經歷生命嚴峻的考驗, 對彼此的性格特質該有深刻的瞭解, 尊敬與同理心, 是愛的源頭和終點, 除非所謂愛情單指迷戀.
‘LK家是植物的墳墓’則罪證如山, 百口莫辯…
有段時期幻想廚房窗臺養幾盆herbs, 煮義大利麵時摘數葉羅勒添香或以熱水沖壺冰糖薄荷茶, 結果香花香草不是枯死, 便是被不知從哪兒冒出來的小蝸牛啃光光, 也曾試著養兩株淡紫色的薰衣草, 彷彿中了魔咒似的, 輕柔飄渺的花瓣由紫轉白, 漸漸凋謝… 家中唯一安然的是Fifi離世時工作團隊送的蘭花, 想必愛貓在天堂靜靜的守護著我.
雖已三月天, 空氣中仍瀰漫著寒意, 我心血來潮捧回碩高的櫻花枝, 淡青粉藍的繡球團, 擺飾在中庭裡, 小房子頓成愛麗斯夢遊仙境! 可以開個下午茶會, 點心洋洋灑灑圍圓圈圈排開…
焦糖cannele是一朵朵美味的小皇冠, 佐杯latte保證午睡有個好夢.
填著各種水果糖餡的macaroon是我的急救良藥, 心情低落時來一顆, 像戴上玫瑰色的鏡片, 放眼望去色彩繽紛.
我的品牌忠誠度除了婚姻大概只有食物, 每週總會到法式糕餅店Boulangerie繞繞, 這星期師傅呈獻新口味 - 杏仁醬洋梨核桃塔! 洋梨淡淡的香味混合杏仁濃厚的甜, 啊! 我沒含著銀湯匙出世, 卻因為這美食, 吃到了最後一口, 緊含著銀湯匙不放.

My selective brand loyalty is very much similar to yours! There are many pleasures in life, but nothing can really replace love and food.
我家也是植物的墳墓... ^^; 我是摧花辣手啦.
照片裡的東西看起來都好好吃喔! Miss LK 住在舊金山真是太幸福了...
Yup, good food keeps me happy and healthy… love and friendship maintain my sanity ☺
歡迎常來舊金山, 我們結伴覓美食!!!
我也是個愛貓人 植物殺手 對Blythe doll情有獨鐘, enjoy your insights.
Echo絕不是植物殺手(拜訪了wanderlust看到釀酒木桶裡的檸檬樹!!!) 還是住SF的同好呢! 豐富的閱歷和細心的品味生活讓人羨慕, profile的貓咪是Siamese嗎? 好可愛.
Thanks. 樹還活著 但是果實始終沒長大 很奇怪。我有兩隻 Siamese, 母貓鬼靈精怪 智力過人. 公貓憨厚老實 膽小怕生 是個傻大。 Profile上的是母貓 Minimi
Minimi一看就是刁蠻的偷心小惡魔呀! 我養了多年的愛貓Sapphire(一隻聰明美麗的Himalayan)於聖誕節前過世, 自此失魂落魄, 每聽’Someone Like You’ by Van Morrison便眼淚汪汪(咦, 這首不是經典情歌嗎? 怎麼用到貓身上…)
不知道味蛇麼搜尋肉粽竟然會看到你的blog~~~看到這一篇我都留口水了!!! 這家也是我最愛的法式糕餅麵包店~~~~每次有上去舊金山就一訂非得去買一大袋不可~~~幸好他們不時會南下農夫市集擺攤~~~~我很愛他們的almond可頌跟水果塔&所有的蛋奶pastry~~~~根本沒有不愛的 呵呵~~~ :p
Welcome, Celeste! I LOVE this bakery, too :)
Oh, my, my this bakery is full of all the sweets that we love from France. The pear tart is our family's favorite. Canele and macarons all look delicious enough. SF is still a better place for foodies. Where is this bakery(also the name?)? Sure like to visit if we travel there one day.
Welcome, Christina!
La Boulange has a few branches in San Francisco and the one that I frequent is located on 2043 Fillmore St.(between California St&Pine St) The surrounding is also nice to walk around and browsing designer boutiques.
You seem to be an amazing baker/pastry chef yourself so perhaps you can start a cafe in Chicago?
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