There are four puzzle pieces to the Mystique Garden Series of LK metamorphosism. The Oasis(Stamp Set) and the Wanderlust(Teaspoon Pair) will be joined by other Functional Sculpture for Home and Art for Everyday Living hopefully by Fall 2012. And then, I will unveil the story behind Mystique Garden.
在自己的部落格做行銷有點詭異, 何況我的文風向來不具商業性質…
格友不留言好像不捧場, 但是我的設計比文章更古怪, 看不懂要怎麼捧場? 所以請大家放懷欣賞美麗圖片, 別擔心購買或留言的壓力.
I work with a small group of artisans in Thailand to produce my designs in very limited quantities. We, the confederates of LK metamorphosism believe in the authenticity of material and its soulful expression. The process began with the loss wax casting of my original sprouting heart bulb sculptures in food safe, lead free pewter and then hand polished each piece to achieve the antique finish.
我的創業夥伴除了日日陪伴的MacBook Pro和ㄧ台Sony CyberShot相機, 就屬分散世界各地的工藝家, 和他們的相遇源自當年擔任PotteryBarn首席設計師時的合作. 在此要特別謝謝在曼谷的K, K為我的設計奔走各工坊間, 從不計薄酬, 唯ㄧ要求是將來LK闖出名號, 她能成為我在泰國的經理人… 物以類聚, 看來K的投資眼光比我更另類瘋狂 :P
'Pewter is the new silver… ' allow me to put on a mean dark pair of shades, rearranging for a thick bang, and say it in Anna Wintour style :)
錫湯匙說起來不如銀湯匙奢華響亮, 然銀器如貴婦保養功夫不可少, 錫器則深具名士風, 自自然然隨歲月憑添優雅, 私以為更適合日常使用與典藏.
The Wanderlust Teaspoons travel shore to shore crossing bodies of water large or small. Their favorite hangouts include a foamy bath of the finest arabica brew, a warm soak of the second flush Darjeeling, the sandy beach of Muscovado sugar…
瞧LK寫作犬儒筆法沒人猜得出我是'愛心控'吧? 於我而言最美麗的心是ㄧ顆縱使傷痕累累仍能勇敢愛戀的心, 在雕塑Wanderlust的模型時, 我的每ㄧ個指印都在訴說這份難言喻的心情.
There is nothing the two enjoy more than dwelling upon lovers' lips when the fingers drummed and the hearts thumped. It takes two to tango... yes, even in a tea cup doubling the pleasure of an afternoon tea.
雕成第ㄧ只茶匙(開心的那把), 雙手自然而然律動雕出了'心滿意足'的第二只… 彷若孿生, 心心誰也離不了誰, 到哪裏都互相依偎.
Instead of the petite four sugar rush, would Chef Keller and Chef Robuchon consider my Wanderlust Pewter Teaspoons as a healthier souvenir for the guests to enjoy long after their feast?!(Batting my non-existent lashes in the signature expression of Zooey Deschanel :)
I hope you all love my design of the Wanderlust as much as I love creating them :)
自創品牌到目前ㄧ個有趣的收獲是觀察設計品味與大眾消費心理的距離, 尚處初學階段, 勉勵自己持之以恆.
Product Details:
- The teaspoons come in a pair(one with solid heart handle and the other with open heart handle), a COA signed by me, and a hand cut blank gift card of my design.
- The gift wrapping(black shoji paper with satin ribbon as in the photo above) is available, free of charge but will only be done upon request. This is my humble effort to minimize unnecessary packaging waste.
- Each teaspoon measures approximately 5"(12.7cm) height x 1"(2.5cm) width x 0.5"(1.3cm) depth
- Food safe, lead free pewter
- Made in Thailand(country of origin sticker on the back of each teaspoon)
Care Instruction:
- The teaspoons are hand cast pewter with organic texture. Please allow minor irregularities.
- The item is NOT DISHWASHER SAFE. Please clean with mild soap and warm water.
- The teaspoons will develop a soft natural patina over years of handling and such unique character is the beauty of pewter.
- The package will be shipped via registered mail with a tracking number. Combined shipping is available for like item only.
- I am offering Mother's Day Special free shipping for orders placed until April 25th 2012. Normal shipping rate is USD$3.50 within Singapore local and USD$7.50 for international.
Please contact me at if you are interested in collecting the Wanderlust pair(USD$54.50) and the preferred payment method is Paypal. Or you can always head over to my Etsy store for a direct purchase.
有意認購Wanderlust可e-mail misslindakuo@gmail.com或直接到Etsy LK studio購買 - 預祝母親節免運費4月25日截止!
UPDATE: Mother's Day Special on the Wanderlust Pewter Teaspoons has ended. I want to thank everyone who collects my design! I am taking a week off for an inspiration trip and my Etsy shop will re-open on the 2nd week of May.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
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這些湯匙實在是太美啦~看到 food safe 我真是鬆了一口氣(因為沒注意看描述光看照片就買了,買完才擔心能不能用哩)雖然我覺得很有可能會被我供起來吧。:P 之前在 Anthropologie 買的羽毛筆乳酪刀也被我供起來從來沒用過。
BTW 我覺得到了求生的時候當然是道德仁義放一邊囉,如果要我拋下老公自己坐救生艇我是不幹的!(當然要兩人一起擠上去.... :P )
看你設計的 style,感覺到那慧黠不羈的天賦,和夾雜著長不大心儀詭秘的童真! 這對小匙真是可愛極了。
Miss LK 請替我留下一套,我要那美麗的禮盒可以嗎?下午忙完手邊的事後,便會把細節填上,等我啊!
DEAR, long time no see!!
有意境的設計,as always! 若我在etsy購買,可否在note上寫著請妳5月中旬後才寄出? (BTW, how long does it take to arrive here? (I don't rememeber last time.) 希望未來能見著碗盤或大點的器具。
感謝你的blind faith in me!!! 與我合作的泰國工匠其實也是Williams-Sonoma某部份錫器的供應商, 對food safe條規很清楚.
ㄧ般的茶匙是stamped sheet metal and then hollow formed所以輕且薄, 我的茶匙是cast molten metal所以握起來滿有份量, 請小心輕放免得撞壞瓷杯, 這是我幾個月來反覆試用的心得 :)
君子不立危牆之下, 我不會游泳也就不冒險搭船啦... S知道MG愛的宣言嗎?! :)
不用急啦! ㄧ定會替你留ㄧ套 :)
你描述的真好, 我以前的教授和工作室的上司下屬也總是以wild at heart, other worldly, whimsical...形容我的設計, 哈哈!
啊... 我是不是照相照得美過頭了, 那個盒子雖然堅固(enough ply for shipping)其實只是極普通的牛皮紙盒, 不過加上黑色shoji paper wrapping&ribbon就整個高雅起來 :) 我是想著很多買我設計的customer都是當禮物送人 and I am super good at using minimal material to create an elegant packaging, 所以不如順便替有需要的顧客包禮物, 省時又節省過度包裝的浪費, 用我的手工愛地球 :) 我也儘量用再生紙recycled paper當protection instead of bubble wrap!
Jane要包裝當然可以, 我現在很熟練, ㄧ分鐘可以包ㄧ個禮物 :)
當然可以先在Etsy下單(April 25th前有免運費優惠 :) 然後我五月中再寄給你... but I thought you are moving, no?!
的確會出很酷的陶碗還準備自己設計和陶碗搭配的食譜(or maybe V can do that for me since you are a better cook than I am!) 可是今年夏天我也要搬家(搬到哪還不知道... 咬手指), 所以只好請位於清邁的陶瓷廠等我安定下來再出貨了...
謝謝你的讚美! 我真該善用social network如FB.
Perhaps you and I can team up on the wedding business :)
哈哈,那我想要报名做模特儿,虽然我已经结婚了;) 不收费的哟~不过其实你们的东西已经够美了,根本不需要一个人类在图片里面画蛇添足;)
hello, I just share your article on my facebook :-)
剛收到妳的茶匙 喜歡它的質感和握在手上的觸感 原打算送給一個好友做為生日禮物 現在有點不想割愛留著自用 是不是還得找款茶杯搭襯一下 :)
JJ以鏡頭敘事的風格獨特,人物有種內斂的美感。 我當年的婚紗照美則美矣,卻和自己一點都不像(照得好看的相片最不像自己,哈哈!)
Thank you so much!!! I really need to be more active on FB... Maybe I will set up my brand's page :)
很高興你喜歡!I am totally obsessed with the texture and the weight of an object - they speak my design :)
茶杯要等我安定下來才能請清邁的工匠們開始量產了... 秋天吧!希望今年秋天可以如期推出。
三年內我會回灣區定居!現在處「行者無彊」模式,走到哪設計到哪... 也是個經驗.
Wedding business潛力十足,坊間訴求偏夢幻唯美,我覺得可以更真實和個性化,my two cents :)
Got them and love them , they are exquisite! -Christine
Thank you so much, Christine!!! It makes me so happy that you love my designs :)
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