I stopped by Singapore Changi Airport twice this trip, in transit from Manila to Jakarta and in transit from Jakarta to New Delhi. What's my must do, must buy, must have in Changi? A bowl of curry chicken rice and teh(milk tea) it was! Perhaps the flavor profile of the local chicken rice has evolved, I was left lost.
新加坡真真日新月異, 離開不過三年, 那想念的咖哩雞飯味道已變調, 或者, 回憶總是多幾分渴望的鮮辣. 朋友不解我為什麼如斯懷念新加坡, 其實我想念的是當年那個有點天真, 願意為愛情親情放下所有企圖心的自己. 現在的我開始老謀深算起來, 不時食不知味, 像亂世但不怎麼忠心的孤臣, 為自己的小謀略竟得意偷笑.