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Sunday, April 17, 2016

魔鬼的交易 Lucifer

這幾個月, 走的是險峰, Lord of The Rings故事裏的Frodo匍匐前進, 等到達火焰山頂, 一轉身欲將指環據為己有前陣子心心念念'衣沾不足惜, 但使願無為', 當人事命令快遞, 我連串反應如老謀深算的政客, 演技直逼金像獎得主自認豁達如張良, 其實顫競似蕭何, 接受道賀時再平靜不過, 可見靈魂暗角的某個自己, 早選擇與我分道揚鑣.
image credit:  ARC
Gustave Moreau 1826-1898
LK:  'Hey, you, see the bright spot above my head?'

My name is Lucifer.

My nemesis is a tall, slim guy who looks like Viggo Mortensen in Lord of The Rings.  I am starting to hate myself for being capricious and erratic.  Aah… the impulse to channel Chopin!!!  I play Nocturne when words no longer express how I feel.  Every note metamorphoses into a tiny butterfly.  Then each flutters away, carrying a strand of my torn soul.  Nothing could soothe the ache when your heart is crumbling apart, fragments sprinkled on the road of regrets and trampled by the glass slippers of my unrequited love.

突覺深深深深的寂寞, 傳訊Dr. C, 唯她有方法讓我心寬, 立馬訂好餐廳拗LK慶祝, 不忘問是目前品牌還是FBI?  我大笑後者待我逮著Hannibal再說 :P

image credit:  ARC
Gustave Moreau 1826-1898
Oedipus and the Sphinx
LK:  '我與河東獅不來電啊!'

I am in love with this savage woman.  Mind you, I am the most platonic lover despite the lustful appearances that artists through out history enthuse in painting me.  All I ever wanted was her soul(s).  She had nine souls.  I witnessed the first suicide at the tender age of fifteen, hers.  After watching an ugly row between her parents, she went back to the bedroom, dragged her tiniest sister named Innocence off the bed, put iron cuffs on her hands and threw her in a dungeon.  I never saw Innocence again.

昔日盟友來訪, 瀟灑睿智的H老闆總讓人如沐春風, 想著久違的離職同事A近日沈鬱, 乾脆三人齊約出來敘舊誰料當天大美女A狀態欠佳, 任我怎麼軟言哀求皆不肯出場, 後來念及工作室另一同僚N, 多次環亞出差與H老闆亦頗有淵源N事業正當瓶頸, 前日摟我崩潰大哭, 遂改約她晚膳療癒, 我這人任何處境都改不掉玩心, H老闆和N互瞞神秘佳賓, 到了餐廳揭曉兩人微笑擁抱, 把酒言歡之際H老闆無意間透露我昇職消息, 難在這消息我還沒找到適當時機告知N, 我絕對相信N會真心為我高興, 然她掙扎鳥盡弓藏, 臉色驟變, 連喝兩杯酒, 氛圍愈顯沈重, 我怎麼轉換話題似已於事無補晚餐後N搭渡輪回家, H老闆送我到停車場時訊問起某件事, 我恍然大悟自己不只未顧及N的感受, 向來談笑風生的H老闆我也任性的沒考量他的心情… LK自以為體貼朋友, 根本就是愈幫愈忙的笨蛋.  
image credit:  ARC
Gustave Moreau 1826-1898
Saint Georges
LK:  'You cannot be a saint unless you are dead…'

The second suicide came at age twenty-three.  She blindfolded Love and pushed her off a cliff.  One by one…  Recently I held the fair hand of Ambition.  Mmmm… the gaze of Ambition was intoxicating.  Then I realized I could never have her either because SHE sent Ambition and Empathy driving the chariot of fire in a race with Time.  No one defies Time; no one wins over Time.  Probably except Wisdom.  At the end of the Calvary, when Time strips away everything we ever had, the fortunate souls will have Wisdom on their side.  Tenderly sending them off to sueños de paz y cantos de alegria.

人人於LK昇職解讀皆比敝人高尚, LK的團隊成員個個忠誠護主, 但覺實至名歸, 某位從舊品牌便與我共事的老薑先生說我的昇職讓他對人性回復信心不喜歡LK者則撇撇嘴角誰又濟世救民了, 走著瞧.  

image credit:  ARC
Gustave Moreau 1826-1898
Hercules and the Hydra
LK:  '力拔山兮氣蓋世, 時不利兮騅不逝...'

版本1.  老掉牙的言情故事 
男女朋友交往多年, 女人深愛男人, 希望與他築夢, 男人不願承諾, 一年拖過一年, 耗盡女子青春直到某天男人發現若無女子的溫柔照撫, 日子實在難過, 遂而求婚女人心已涼卻仍接受求婚, 為那樁結婚幾年後離婚起碼有贍養費和可分得一半共有財產, 在缺乏婚書的保障下分手, 只能懷著一顆破碎的心離開.

image credit:  ARC
Gustave Moreau 1826-1898
The Muses Leaving Their Father Apollo to go and Enlighten the World
LK:  'The golden playboy of Grecian deities… isn't it nice to be a man, or god?'

版本2.  變調的英雄主義
熟讀'天龍八部'的金庸迷都知道喬峰當上丐幫幫主過程艱辛, 歷經'非我族類, 其心必異'的猜忌某層面LK厚臉皮自比喬峰, 然絕對沒guts擔負'教單于折箭, 奮英雄怒'的末路.  首要任務是將個人表現慾降至最低, 穩定軍心.

I am Lucifer.  I kissed her.  She never kissed me back.

Here is my confession, one without victims.

image credit:  ARC
Gustave Moreau 1826-1898
Diomedes Devoured by his Horses
LK:  '成也蕭何, 敗也蕭何'

我完完全全知道自己的不可愛, 敝人的存在:  80%實用性, 15%象徵性, 5%娛樂性狐狸般的老靈魂, 魔鬼也不屑與我交易.


Silvia said...

LK对自己实在太苛责。毕竟我们都是人类,这样的时刻,开瓶小酒徐徐喝下也好。 :)

Miss LK said...

你很體貼, 難怪那麼多異性為之傾倒 :)
人酗酒我酗名畫和Chopin, 也有ㄧ定療效.
雖然想文皺縐說什麼'知我者, 謂我心憂. 不知我者, 謂我何求'... 得知昇任品牌創意總監的即時反應只有ㄧ個字: 爽!
ps. 起程赴上海公務, 還請Silvia推薦不醉不歸的好去處.

Silvia said...



Miss LK said...

正在香港機場等往新德里的班機, 前幾天在上海和深圳完全看不到blog... 沒得去Silvia推薦的來個不醉不歸, 倒是吃個腦滿腸肥 :p
真的要找機會去Melbourne玩, 帥教授開飛機載我們去酒莊耶.. 會不會酒不醉人人自醉?!

Silvia said...

五六月我们会去酒庄day trip, 找机会来吧!不过你任何时候来,只要他在墨尔本,city tour应该都不是问题。

Silvia said...


Miss LK said...

回家了, 時差嚴重!
應該不是喝醉, 這叫Freudian slip... 感情這玩意, '輸'比贏有味道, 只要你願賭服'輸' :) 太計較'輸'贏的人, 連進場上賭桌的機會都沒有(我為什麼邊打字邊笑?)

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