There have been numerous iterations of the song, I still love the version by the Shirelles. Innocent and sweet, not calculated, exactly how love should be. Tokyo we met again, a weekend well spent at the heritage Tokyo Station Hotel this time. The spectacular architecture exudes elegance and entrancing nostalgia.
From the ceiling high French window of the room, the hotel guest was able to view the station lobby into the wee hours of the night. There might be one or two lone travelers lingering, pondering, waiting… the existential kneading of human heart.
也在古蹟文化財東京車站飯店住上一個週末, 房間的長窗可靜觀車站大廳, 夜深人靜時望見穿復古裙裝的妙齡女子背倚廊柱, 不知道等待什麼? 許多許多年前, 我曾是她, 場景是初秋紐約Guggenheim美術館, 孤獨心碎的幾小時, 換來大澈大悟, 划算之至 :) 不多久西裝紳士匆匆趕來, 兩人挽手離去, 我微笑了, 心底低喚: Love her please, tomorrow and forever!
Perhaps that's the reason I thought of the ballad. Why? Why do humans love to torture one another with questions that nobody could answer? Nothing is still and everything is in flux. My curious expedition continued as I wandered into the Intermediatheque Museum at the Kitte building. Isles of taxidermy, walls of fossils, and cabinets of specimen in formaldehyde… photography was not allowed so I sketched. Trembling in such sensuality, I caressed death with the tip of my fountain pen.
炎炎午后晃進東大附屬博物館醫學部特展, 墮入異次元洪流, 爬在兩層樓高的巨鱷骨骼... 整面玻璃牆大大小小的怪魚化石... 栩栩如生, 似乎靈光但閃便要活潑奔躍的狡狐追黠兔... 復刻法國收藏家密室的蒐寶閣, 盅盅玻璃罐福馬林浸著相擁的蠑螈, 展著薄翼的飛虎蜥蜴… 忍不住提筆細細描繪, 以指尖愛撫死亡. 另間密室則擺排ㄧ系列精工儀器: 測風向, 測水壓, 測光源. 張張古舊黑白攝影, 是明治維新那位讓峰頂嵐霧迷惑的男人, 雲之伯爵阿部正直, 寫給富士山的封封情書, 怦然心動教人流淚.
Death is the evidence that we once lived and loved. The ephemerality of existence materialized in a shadowbox where a giant male moth, a giant female moth, and the cocoon displayed in vertical succession. Another was the preserved entwining salamanders in sealed glass cloche, I learned the word 'neoteny': to grow up and mature without metamorphosis(!) Pinna Nobilis took my breath away, the grand translucent fragile pen shells were like the two halves of a deeply bruised heart, fastened with brass buckles - a savage installation art. My revelation? Homo sapiens really was no different from the maroon langur :)
LK 媽媽想必對抱孫子一事十分欣喜 小V對小表弟是啥反應?近來對長途飛行有些抗拒 時差總得疲累好些日子 上回在巴黎閃到腰痛苦不堪 所以 對東京即使嚮往懷念 還是卻步 就從LK的圖文裡回味吧!
有人說depression is stuck in the past, anxiety is stuck in the future, 現在試圖活在當下 明天你是否依然愛我就不會太糾結了
小V對小表弟愛到不行,逼媽咪生個弟弟給他玩... 這不是緣木求魚嗎?
我對人生看法向來是天馬行空的浪漫,不是談情說愛那類的浪漫,不過愛情呢就是要若即若離患得患失才過癮 :)
有些世故,有些憂鬱, 有些蒼涼... 現在的孩子怎麼個個都非常尼采和叔本華?
昨天才和Echo午餐敘舊, 大家都忙, 少更新網誌 你近來可好?
我的情敵都不是人(有那麼恨?), 是理念,自由, 生命本質的無常. 物以類聚吧? 讓我心動到心碎的從來不是漂亮的眼睛和寬闊的肩膀, 而是對目標純摯的執著與不懈的行動力 :)
我想, 我是懂你的, 之所以, 非常非常希望你能幸福.
長得漂亮又有點靈氣的女孩子, 往往情路坎坷, 最好讓自己市儈些, 自私點, 多沾人間煙火, 保不定能福慧雙修, 如黃蓉 :)
我也覺得你是懂我的,謝謝:D 也許我終究能學得一些煙火氣,用來保護自己。但是始終希望“最好,有生一日都愛下去。”不計回報,也因而不痛苦。 :) 雖然那太難。
欸, 誰偷了我的軟蝟甲...
為什麼有點想哭? 為什麼喘不過氣? 原來心痛的感覺是這樣?
此時此刻只好聆聽Rachmaninov Symphony No. 2的慢板, 讓音符流洩, 代替說不出口的心事吧!
哈哈哈哈,好像也没那么严重呢 ;)
今天略晃神被放冷槍又讓頂頭上司削慘... 只好躲進Rachmaninoff的懷抱.
為情所困這種風雅的好事, LK豈有此等艷福?
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