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Saturday, June 30, 2018

情書 Billet-doux to Tokyo

這些時日馬不停蹄, 驚覺若不在東京, 便是在前往東京的路上... 是啥緣由, 讓LK居所的灣區如失丈夫歡心的髪妻, 良人趁空即奔赴小三懷抱?!  嚴格來說, 東京我最熟悉的活動範圍是銀座, 從虎屋菓寮, 椿屋咖啡, 蔦屋書店, 久兵衛… 漫步到丸之內是一保堂嘉木茶室.  人生至此, 喝杯好茶, 來幾貫活跳跳握壽司, 逛書店, 似乎就剩這點出息.
Reading my blog sequence, I have come to the realization that I might as well plan the move to Ginza, Tokyo.
I love browsing in the Tsutaya Bookstore, slicing the exquisite wagashi at Toraya, and sipping a cup of zen embodied shincha at the Kabuku Tearoom of Ippodo.

放假的後果即是回工作室繁務泰山壓頂, 時差整得我要撞牆, 部落格將開天窗, 來不及敘述小兒女情懷, 此回將就看圖說故事吧.


Akomeya - 複合式米舖兼生鮮雜貨小廚房, 陶鍋飯不佐菜亦粒粒皆香, 比起米其林星級料理, 家常滋味的和牛壽喜燒和醋漬黑豚肉丸更令人回味.
I love a simple bowl of rice cooked in the clay pot at the Akomeya, pristine, fragrant, and impeccable.

Okomeya - 八代目儀兵衛是歷史傳統米食, 那天午餐我點鯛茶漬, 半透明的魚片三吃, 微雨的東京其實有點冷, 尾聲的湯飯撫胃暖心.
Lunch at the Okomeya evokes a quaint ritual:  tasting the sashimi first, top it over the rice second and pouring in the consomme rounding up all flavors at last.

Maisen, 舞泉炸豬排位於潮牌環伺的青山, 避麥麩的我自不能如當年豪氣大啖裹粉炸的雞塊豬排, 幸好有鹽焗五花肉, 配刨高麗菜絲鮮美不減.
Juicy fried pork cutlet of Maisen is legendary!

夏季的久兵衛略減油脂豐厚的肥魚, 主打蒸蛤醋調白魷等開胃海鮮, 這回掌檯的森師傅刀工嚴謹, 聲音低沈, 像黑澤明老片中的硬漢.  畢竟是銀座名店, 貫貫溫濕鬆緊平衡, 扎實功夫中見華麗.
Then, Kyubey, the sushi mecca where I have a date seasonally with scrumptiousness.

築地外圍的紀之重秀德本店雖四百年淵源, 有股搖擺朝氣, 門牌毫不起眼深埋街底, 窄窄九人座吧檯仿若蓋於防火巷的違建... 高高瘦瘦戴著黑框眼鏡的師傅頗有文青風格, 隨著店裏悠然播送的爵士樂, 一時流暢捏塑紅醋飯, 一時酷酷的持瓦斯槍炙魚皮, 耳邊聽著Marlene Dietrich Falling In Love Again, 滑嫩的宮岐牛加海膽佐粗鹽花挑逗唇齒, 這等級的性感要臉紅心跳.
Kinoshige Syutoku boasts a rich history of four centuries.  The tiny L shaped nine seater nestles in the quieter street of Tsukiji outskirt. Our cool sushi chef swayed to the tune of Marlene Dietrich... as he presented the delicious pagoda of fleur de sel topped uni and wagyu nigiri, we unveiled a Dionysian orgy.

早起遛築地市場, 商店街海產為主, 巨碩的鮪魚頭, 堆得小山高的松葉蟹, 翻著橘紅內裏棘刺的海膽殼, 現烤的牡蠣… 也有燒海苔專舖和販售瓷盤鬃刷刀具的小店, 當然得來碗滿覆魚卵的蓋飯, 再晃到愛養啜飲老式淡奶咖啡加溫泉蛋, 平凡飽足的ㄧ日之計在於晨 :)
Knowing the Tsukiji market is about to relocate, we decided to rise early and pay homage.  Great minds of all tourists think alike... While caught in the swarm, we still managed to window shop very charming little booth and finished the morning round with coffee and egg at Aiyo.


Echomiao said...

VT 的主廚上月去日本取經 嘗遍各款美食 築地市場各類食舖後 回來推出許多創意菜 我們擇期再去嚐試

近半年一直忙著找一個安身的永久住所 要有足夠的陽光 空間 隱私 我要山景或海景 L先生要泳池 草坪 看對眼的不是天價就是眾人爭奪 看不上眼的就一直在市場上回收 出手三回都因不同理由未達目標 累啊!

Miss LK said...

有好吃的 我隨傳隨到!!!

要選擇心目中的家園是大功程 也憑緣份 Echo喜歡自然天光 L先生享受各種人工設施 的確要耐性溝通 祝早日圓夢!

築地真好逛 吃的用的琳瑯滿目 很有庶民溫暖的生活感 不過觀光客多 要逛一早去避人潮

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