Well, well, well… how was it possible that my summer travels have gone from Bon Voyage to Bonkers Voyage? Therefore, allow me to keep schizophrenia for company, just this post.
驛馬星動卻頻頻遇見航班誤點航空罷工種種困難… 只得花錢消災, 但求平安回家! 提筆記錄, 不成章法順序:
四月 - 胡志明市, 金邊, 暹粒/吳哥窟, 新德里.
五月 - 西雅圖
六月 - 大阪, 京都, 臺北.
七月 - 翡冷翠
若敝格讀者尚有他人, 請包涵LK這篇網誌上半闕下半闕迥異的類精神分裂文體 :P
I have accepted a significant endeavor to serve on the board of directors, the Center for Design Institute, the legacy of my late professor Sara Little Turnbull.
The seven board members converged in Seattle at the end of May. The moment I stepped into the reincarnated Process of Change Lab, I was inspired and humbled by the amazing work the three founding members have done.
立點的高度視野決定人的態度, S教授逝世多年, 卻仍指引著她數位門生. 受老朋友M徵召, 赴西雅圖參加慈善基金年會, 目前有七位理事, 專業各異與S教授別有淵源. 天上的她, 若得見我們齊聚一堂, 為志業努力, 應感欣慰.
Our mission is to preserve a piece of critical design history too precious to be lost forever.
三位創會委員功不可沒, 無私奉獻心力時間金錢, 多番法律訴訟, 捍衛正義和美. 尤其祖母級的寶拉, 事業家庭忙碌之外, 不僅近距離陪伴S教授至天年, 還一肩扛起S教授遺願, 保護S教授智慧產權. 當踏進位於西雅圖城中心頂樓工作室, 除了沒有那扇紅漆門, 昔年校園Process of Change Lab光景重現, 從S教授跨越領域文化年代的設計思維, 她獨特人類學哲學美學研究, 到她私人珍藏的訂製時裝和皮鞋, 這設計中心兼展覽室任重而道遠剎時熱淚盈眶.
Working with the other six inboard members in the two day meeting marathon, I felt much energized and much more to learn. Striving to be worthy of the task!
接連兩天七人小組腦力激盪, 爭辯協調, 共奏交響曲. 偶與M對望, 昔年青春莽撞的我們, 歲月淘冶智慧, 近二十年後尚能比肩而戰, 真是緣份. 其他五劍翹楚, 非常感謝生命裏有多位值得學習的榜樣, 謙卑令人自省, LK權欲物慾皆低, 現下關稅壓境, 圖窮匕現企業陋習弊病, 是不是更該貢獻己力創造意義而非利益?
After Kyoto, we ended our June journey in Taipei for family reunion and lots of culinary therapy!!! At the esoteric ONE cafe with my girlfriend from grad school.
探親和年度健檢完畢, 最愛放懷… 吃! 約研究所好友C同學午膳, 佳人清麗如當年校園初識, 年輕時外觀才華相貌, 有些年紀則內省品格風度, 內外兼美難得. 用餐的文創餐廳立意甚優, 然服務生頻頻詢問不免擾民.
My generous vendor-comrade Mr. H treated me to Sushi Nanami by Masa Ishibashi. I started to wonder if the severity of the tariff crisis or the lack of purpose in my professional role has rendered me beyond redemption. My once beaming pride caught in the landslide, washed down with a contemptuous sneer at the industry.
關稅來襲, 貿易線分佔一邊的H老闆和我同為盟軍兼難友, 相約打牙祭. 近年隱密私廚興盛, 標榜原汁原味高檔日式割烹, L形檜木板前只容十二位食客, 很顯然大部份是有錢有閒的薔薇族, 各個中混英高談闊論子女成就… H老闆嫌貴婦們聒噪, 其實無分男女, 多話皆討厭, 言之有物的人絕無僅有. 二覺荒謬, 拿兒女當自己生命成績單, 低怨高誇所謂何來? 當晚上了數道海膽, 兩項最中和族繁不及備載魚鮮等等總一十七道, 味道豐腴柔媚, 編排中規中矩稍乏新意, 然靜觀主廚野澤師傅雪肌皓膚, 倒想出言相詢都吃些什麼肌膚如斯吹彈可破 :)
Taiwanese cuisine is less known internationally than the oyster sauced Cantonese or peppercorn crusted Sichuan. It is my favorite, however for the unassuming ingredients and complex flavors.
LK媽於欣葉擺三桌說有大事宣佈, 我猜她要再婚十分忐忑, 原來是表弟表妹雙雙有喜, 看著兩對佳侶好可愛! 婆家則聚餐金蓬萊, 排骨酥俏皮惹味, 佛跳牆潤舌暖肺... 觀光短片總宣傳臺灣最美的風景是人, 私以為家鄉臺菜最最好吃!
Tucking away from the hustle and bustle, my mom frequents this hidden gem and couldn't wait to throw us a luncheon there.
LK媽續宴樂埔町, 細雨中小巧的枯水庭園, 筷箸纖雅氛圍寧謐, 在地食材法式手法… 結尾綠竹筍菇蕈土窯飯韻韻餘香, 我直想整鍋扒光光!!!
What does one do when strained in Taipei due to a cancelled flight resulting from the union strike? Ordered DTF's signature fried rice snowed with black truffle shavings :)
航空公司應變緊急事故能力近乎零, 出門在外自求多福… 滯留臺北時好歹美食處處, 鼎泰豐蝦仁或排骨蛋炒飯已經夠美味, 師傅來桌邊現刨兩顆黑松露噱頭遠超實質, 我畢竟是父親的女兒賭品不賴, 橫豎當機立斷砸重金另訂國泰單程繞道香港返灣區機票, 那就... 呼兒將出換美酒, 與爾同消萬古愁吧!
細細看了這些美食 真是來不及消化啊 也讓我羨慕不已 照片中鼎泰豐的炒飯 感覺松露多到 overpowering 不知提味多少?
很高興看到妳參與 Center for Design Institute 的志業 捍衛保存前人的智慧理念 也許人終其一生都希望能留下有形無形的legacy
謝謝Echo百忙抽空聚餐 聊得好開心 都說高挑的你適合華服 那黑色香奈爾套裝穿得隨性優雅!!!
近來與黑松露有緣 仍覺此味佐襯纖柔食材如溫泉蛋或汆燙蘆筍便棒極了 不須過份‘厚工'.
S教授的legacy是智慧 我這散仙 只希望百年後留下愛的記憶和白花花的現金 :)
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