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Sunday, March 22, 2020

殤疫 Shelter In Place

At the end of the 2019 annual meeting for the charity foundation I serve last May, each board member was asked for a word that came to mind.  "Tomorrow.", I said.  In the midst of COVID-19, we could only hope for a better tomorrow.  Social distancing for the greater good has strange effects on the nuclear family.  WFH ZOOMing and e-learning during the weekdays(what?  what's a weekend?), reading and home cinema for the rest(we finally signed up for Disney+ and YES, enamored with Baby Yoda :)  
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The latest version of Emma is entrancing with its ubiquitous mustard yellow and the PERIOD, signifying the eponymous character's finality in her prejudice.
Emma was the queen bee of country life as the talented Flynn who played Mr. Knightly composed in the cheerful tune.

黑色星期五人仰馬翻, 趕著封城前發公告簽文書搬電腦, 安置團隊成員居家工作, 而後整星期召集遠端會議.  雖然節省下通勤時間, 耗費於辦公的精力較平日倍增, LK先生與我樓上樓下雙雙主持會議, 各戴耳機隔空指揮, 小V則在自己房間有一搭沒一搭看線上教學, 氛圍奇特.  疫情當前, 才深感以往自由多幸福, 週遊世界商旅渡假, 探親邀友覽美景嚐美食, 就算疫情終究事過境遷, 人與人之間的互動和生物距離勢必改觀. 

居家隔離避世, 觀賞最新版本的Emma, 色調完美畫面絕佳, 時尚的芥茉黃無所不在(堪比之前Knives Out壞壞富三代的破洞白毛衣 :), 敘事嘲諷選角別緻, 細節處理心機滿滿, Anya Taylor-Joy侵略性的大眼睛生動演繹此角的輕蔑和自以為是, Johnny Flynn的Mr. Knightly超性感, 與意中人近身共舞後難忍的困惑激動相當傳神, Bill Nighy的Mr. Woodhouse, 短短幾場喚僕傭設置暖屏, 神經質對話讓人捧腹.  配角各個出色, Miranda Hart將瑣碎老小姐Miss Bates詮釋的溫馨, Mia Goth的Harriet好有個性, 比前幾版傻甜白平添層次, 飾Jane Fairfax和Frank Churchill好一對美女型男, 他倆欲言又止的地下戀情深具發展空間, 可惜未多著墨.  Jane Austen故事經典, 如Mrs. Elton(誇張蝴蝶結髪髻經典!)這類階級狂, 現代社會處處可見, 端看Emma一邊與Harriet為友, 自居弱勢保護者, 一邊鄙視務農青年, 反差虛偽, 難怪氣質才女Miss Fairfax不屑與她為友.  結局情商較高的Mr. Knightly與傲嬌Emma共結連理, 滿足年長男性好為人師通病… 另類英雄救美JA風幽默.
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Although I adored 2009 BBC miniseries Emma(comforting and romantic), I admired the thoughtful story telling of Autumn de Wilde in 2020 Emma.  The gutsy portrayal might actually be more faithful to how Austen would have wanted it.  Such class satire, pretentiousness amplified by frivolity, subtle sexual tension and not so subtle jealousy have come together through impeccable costumes, the superb acting(from leads to pungent supporting cast to extras!) and complex, witty details. 

整理尚未歸類的旅遊攝影過乾癮, 前幾年得空便往東京採買文具畫紙客製筆記本, 幸好聖誕節時看見美麗色紙想起美麗格友Echo替她也做了一本.
Organizing photos from 2019 winter retreat.  As usual, getting my stock of bespoke journals in the paper haven, Itoya of Ginza.  Made one for my blogger friend Echo as the beautiful vermillion color reminded me of her. 

寒假時重訪老店久兵衛, 亦造訪後起之秀Sushi Iwa.  店面明亮光潔, 年輕的師傅親切俐落信心十足, 拿手菜是熟成兩星期的鰤魚, 前有甘甜帆立貝, 後有清脆車海老, 纖穠的白身入口欲醉.
The newly discovered Sushi Iwa beaming deliciousness.

鰻魚料理很難居家複製, 活殺拔刺現燒考手藝功夫, 老式鰻重佐鰻肝清湯極療癒; 炸鰻骨, 鹽漬酒盜, 配鰻片火鍋深冬極品.
One learns what voracious creature the eel could be… yet such delicacy it becomes in the traditional 'unaju'.  From the bone(crackers once deep fried), the liver(makes rich, clear broth) and of course the silky morsel.

隨興至打卡聖地Tiffany Cafe, 我向來喜歡Elsa Peretti極簡手飾, 此趟卻對經典老牌轉型街頭風不恭維, 藍白貫徹到底, 設計師們太發懶…
The Tiffany Cafe… exclamation mark for the fashion influencers but a feeble question mark for me.

旅途中獨行俠時不時脫隊午茶, 日式點心講究旬味, 寂靜清和詩意.  
Many revelations from COVID-19, never take anything for granted, be it freedom or kindness, tops the list.  I will miss every precious moment of bliss.

年年回訪日本橋La Paix, 一星主廚低斂謙和, 料理明悅活潑, 從前菜到結尾甜點, 道道暗藏巧思, 驚喜連連.
LK clan loved La Paix unanimously and hope the hidden gem will still be there in Nihonbashi post COVID-19.

L'Osier舊地重遊, 距上回用膳已多年, 三星餐廳為保桂冠, 菜肴強勢, 傳統法式料理甜點陣容龐大… 我這把年紀吃了能不求饒? 在東京最後一晚, 碰巧看了昔年偶像木村拓哉鈴木京香主演的Grand Maison Tokyo, 用眼睛吃大餐少些負擔 :)
We visited L'Osier before the establishment went for an overhaul and this time, with Little V being put in a dining jacket… My carefree days feasting a dessert menu as elaborated as the main degustation were long gone.  Little goes a long way for better health.

農曆年LK先生拋妻棄子回臺北陪公婆 :(  LK何許人?! 挽袖蒸白糖糕煎蘿蔔糕包生春捲年味不打折… 事與願違, 久未燒年菜, 手路生疏, 白糖糕過韌蘿蔔糕太糊, 生春捲還爽口, 2020要多多操練!!!
Sharpened the blade for Lunar New Year.  The turnip cake didn't quite come together while the fresh spring rolls stole the show :)

情人節剛過, 奔往西雅圖參加慈善基金年會, 好山好水, 風光著實怡人, 回灣區後不久, 華盛頓州疫情爆發, 加州跟著淪陷… 
2020 SLT annual meeting in Seattle prior to COVID-19.  Since then, US states were falling like dominoes :(

情人節晚餐今年於城中新寵Sorrel, 開放式廚房義大利風, 豐儉由人.  大廚和善, 全程避開麥麩, LK牢記為口袋餐館… 封城不知到幾時, 餐飲業首當其衝, 這波心冠病毒加金融海嘯求存艱苦, 祇能默禱難關早渡. 
Looking retrospectively, the Valentine dinner at Sorrel was our last dining out before the lockdown.  Stay safe, stay healthy and be kind to one another. 


Echomiao said...

謝謝你費心稍來的筆記本 本來拿它來記錄追蹤2020年所有進行的項目 書單 畫作 旅行....結果疫情快速蔓延 整個地球似乎停擺 三月突然變得很模糊 以前總嚮往著可以有7-10天的空檔可以去達摩中心打禪靜思 現在也正是閉門反思的時機

倒是那碗鰻魚飯讓我懷念起餐廳開門營業的日子 禁足家中染髮一事也變得十分無謂 看來也可以 go grey

Miss LK said...

彷彿身處一場奇怪的夢 陰霾迷霧 看不見大方向 能平安渡過一天好好珍惜眼前人 我之前恨長途通勤恨得牙癢癢 現下天天困家中電腦前披頭散髮睡衣睡褲 還頗懷念往昔日日妝扮精神參與設計發表會 是不是犯賤⋯⋯ 我也想go grey!

餐廳不開門只好自力救濟 某天心血來潮秘製叉燒 居然有模有樣 可惜熱騰騰出爐爺們一掃而空 來不及照像 疫情當前 也覺悟我的專業是太平時代的安樂活 實在說不上多有意義 或許時候到了放下所謂仕途 整頓後院花花草草植樹種菜方是正道 :)

Ps. 不知Echo收藏幾隻Maileg小鼠? 大概去年此時我收藏一位英國藝術家的小兔子playset 可愛極了 下次照給你看!

Silvia said...

澳大利亚维州自3月18日起封城,19日以后学校关闭, 我们三个每日在家已经快要发霉... 我坚持每日起床照常梳洗更衣,只是十分想念成人间对话。想说好不容易有时间写写东西,结果大部分时间却都在努力把小米的routine弄上轨道的战斗中... ^_^!

Miss LK said...

Dear Silvia,

好久沒聯絡 希望你 小米 JY 與武漢的家人一切安好 我們從3/16學校關閉 人人WFH 已閉關許久 約莫十來天出次門採購 耗費電腦前視訊會議的時間倍增 無法面對面 人事管理調度頗花心思 小V遠端學習甭提 學校安排複雜 學生跟著糊裡糊塗 父母束手無策 只能你看我我望你 慶幸好歹一家人守在一起.

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