More to come…
Friday, December 30, 2022
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
The Colorist
Another month flew by that I found myself overworked and not spending enough time to reflect. Words will come later for this post but for now… colors first.
Saturday, October 29, 2022
十三聲 There’s Something about Autumn
Happy Halloween!
Once upon a time my father wanted me to become a surgeon like him. While I have been rather dexterous with any tool with a pointy end, I chose a pen in the end. It forges words that could cut or heal. 聰明伶俐的黃蓉, 為師者夢昧以求的學生, 舉一反三, 教授起來多麼有成就感; 反之, 扶不起的阿斗, 相父大抵嘔血. 團隊某新進設計師, 議薪時態度老練, 真做起事, 木頭木腦, 愈教愈笨. LK開始懷疑, 是否敵方派來臥底? 要把我活活氣死!
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
半晝秋分 Equinox, Reflection, and Old Friends
After a whirlwind homecoming to Taipei, followed by an onslaught of work crises, the home front matched its theatricality with a porn watching glum(still, after all that screen time?) teenage son trying to study for the SAT. Life’s twist, huh?
忽冷忽熱的極端氣候, 整天瞎忙如轉陀螺, 頓想起年少時讀的黑色美學漫畫’惡魔人’與’深邃美麗的亞細亞’, 主軸皆是弱肉強食, 求存活不外乎結盟並吞同化.
Sunday, August 28, 2022
居無竹, 人俗 The Index of Speculative Architecture
Nothing escapes politics. From strolling around the quaint alleys of Taipei to reading about tensions in the Taiwan Strait and Pelosi’s delegation, how does Chinese diaspora from Taiwan navigate the chaotic ambiguity?
No. 1: Futuristic condo stood akimbo in juxtaposition to traditional incense permeated temples within Taipei. 新舊之間的台北, 空中園景公寓和在地神祇廟宇.
Saturday, July 30, 2022
香惆 Happenstance
After the month long sojourn in Taipei, I stepped into a scene of GOT returning to work. Welcome back to the reality or... surreality! Power play is at the core of psychology, dominance and submission. Canines piss, felines hiss… and the homo sapiens? The contortion between smiling and sneering resulted in the epidemic of hypocrisy. Never an orator, I reconstruct my reality in the drawing.
這趟台北行多年來待最久的一次, 也是首度, 略可想像, 若返鄉長居, 未必不可能.
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
寒盡不知年 No Time to Die
While I was never enamored with the Bond series, Daniel Craig’s portrayal was my favorite by far so to watch his reign ending in a cliche was a disappointment. The graphic elements were stunning though from the hill town of Matera, the poisonous zen garden of Safin… to the lithe silhouette of Paloma in the rippling black ball gown while kicking villains’ butts with her long legs.
向來近鄉情怯, 睽違長長三年COVID, 總算決然告假一個月回台北探親. 如今旅行不如疫病蔓延前自由自在起而行, 核酸檢測, 全面酒精消毒, 防疫旅館隔離, 衛生署鄰里日日電話查詢, 才剛到埠我已精疲力盡.Sunday, May 15, 2022
傾城亂世 There is no language without deceit
Growing up, my love for Shanghai was vicarious, through the impeccable story telling of my favorite Chinese writer, Eileen Chang. My first visit there was the late 90’s. The communist custom officer welcomed all Taiwanese denizens(they would not have put up with ‘citizens’) with a cautious hospitality. The wintery smog whacked me however and I had a vivid image of the waitress who served us chicken congee with her thumb dipped partially inside the bowl in a renowned local eatery. Regardless, the congee was yum-yum. Surreal, eh?
近來上海嚴苛的清零, 供應鏈繼續青黃不接, 廠商們逃的逃, 倒的倒, 魔都財夢一場, 惘然. 權力有什麼好? 百年後, 一撥泥土, 一角荒墳; 為什麼看不開? 搞成民不聊生, 還說不得辯不得... 自主的思考和分析力, 比起病毒, 極權主義下更加容不得.
Sunday, April 17, 2022
食無肉, 人瘦 Hannibal or Delectable?
Swapping the new year’s resolution with a bucket list has become my mission possible 2022. What exactly does a bucket list mean? Is she or he the person you always want to court but for XYZ reasons, you walk away with a woeful heart of what ifs? When facing psychological threats(any thinking outside my comfort zone counts as one!), I tend to take it like Dr. Lecter would, settling old scores…. ta-da.
浮生若夢, 疫病戰亂遷徙, 外在世界翻轉, 時感無常且無力. 人到中年去日苦多, 自我期許每年立定志趣目標, 如黑暗混亂中的小小明燈: 去年讀書寫作, 今年精進廚藝, 來年或者重拾球拍, 因為高中網球課被當遺憾, 還有學奏樂器, 義大利文...
Sunday, March 13, 2022
家園 World? Why? War?
The world barely even comes out of the pandemic and yet is already at war?! There is nothing kind about our collective humankind and if any, we are of a very special brand of stupidity. I won’t try to pretend understanding the complex geopolitics and only wish we could all focus our energy on creation instead of destruction. That being said, a feeble happy March 14th Pi(e) Day… my friends.
COVID疫情漸緩, 國際紛爭又起, 人類真是最不可愛的生物. 幾世紀建立的美好文明, 強權角力下 摧毀於旦夕.
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Saturday, January 15, 2022
嬝裊 Auld Lang Syne
Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Don’t be silly. Old ghosts haunted me left and right from the parting curse of my ex to a miniature Rolleiflex that I spent a fortune on that only made itself useful a handful of times… Dear reader, allow me to reacquaint you with treasures from the past, a retro calendar I designed for the previous brand I served and my bronze leaf tray ‘By The Lotus Pond’. If you’re compelled to collect the latter, please visit my Etsy boutique :)
搬回灣區近十年, 家中冗物無上限增加, 2022任務便是去蕪存菁own less, live more. 舊物重見天日, 不免也嘆, LK品味數十年如一, 心頭好始終經典, 古樸, 侘寂; 想想個人風格是如何養成的, 靈魂若參天老樹, 靜謐發芽, 總算活到表裏如一的年紀.