Once we both must have thought that we will never open our hearts again.
I was skeptical of my ability to love and you proved me wrong. I am so happy for you that you go to a loving home with a gentle soul. You will heal his broken heart because you have mended mine. Looking at the way he held you in his arms today I just knew… You will be the love of his life like how Sapphire was to me. You were too the apple of my eye.
A beautiful human-feline bonding is about to begin. This will again show that all creatures can indeed live in harmony if we care and if we try.
your human friend,
小貓咪找到好人家, 我也從adoption fair除役, 好一段日子不再會過橋兜風了吧? 抱著書晃到Emporio Rulli用午餐, 舊金山市內雖有幾家Rulli的分店, 我還是覺得這位於Larkspur小鎮的本店風味最迷人… 記得幾年前過勞的身體造反, 無聲無息長出個葡萄柚大小非開刀摘除不可的卵巢囊腫, 聽完一位專科醫生的second opinion, 腦子一片空白, 忘了心憂診斷報告的LK先生, 忘了下午有一堆會要開, 我楞楞的開車到此處, 點了高腳玻璃杯裝的熱Latte和一盤玲瓏滿目的點心, 喝的一嘴泡沫… 當時回到家心情低落, 一向驕傲調皮的愛貓Fifi和主人心靈相通, 粉撲般的小腳趴在我的腿上, 寶藍色的大眼睛似乎對我說著: Don’t be afraid! Everything will be fine… 我的小小守護天使啊! 今天的我能如此恬靜的享受這個充滿書香和咖啡香的午后, 是不是妳在kitty heaven微笑凝視著我呢?
UPDATE: Although the older gentleman decided not to keep my little guest because he missed the high energy active kitty... the kind lady who runs the Animal Rescue gave me the happy report today that another older couple fell in love with my little guest during Sunday's adoption fair so at last, my little guest found herself a human dad, a human mom, and a loving quiet home. WHEW! I have been losing sleeps since I heard the older gentleman changing his mind. I guess all well ends well :)
I am so pleased to hear the news, she has Minimi's eyes only gentler. A truly happy ending.
By the way, the movie "Age of Innocence" based on Edith Wharton's book has always been my all time favorite. Happy reading!
終於有個好結局 :)
哇! 四五月的書單! 我也蠻想讀 Georgiana 的. 說到這個, 妳去英國時可以考慮去參觀 Chatsworth 喔. ^^
上次過橋兜風沒有買下 Anthropologie 的長褲, 結果回來後悔了很久... San Rafael 真是個有意思的小鎮呢.
妳的小客人貓非常有氣質, 一身光滑柔順的毛, 在 adoption fair 的簡單小籠子很難襯托牠的美麗, 感覺反而像是那種要價萬千的名貴貓咪喔. 很高興有人懂得欣賞小貓的美! ^_^
先有 Miss LK 細心呵護照顧,又找到溫暖的家,真爲小貓感到高興!
我開心的太早了… 下班接到Animal Rescue的電話, 得知老先生或許會改變主意 ☹ 是難忘頑皮搗蛋的舊愛… 所以覺得這隻淑女貓太安靜?! 唉, 小貓尋家的路途真是一波三折啊! 只能以國父名言勉勵自己: 革命尚未成功, 同志還須努力.
初看The Age of Innocence電影時實在太年輕, 覺得娶Winona Ryder這樣的美女也不壞吧? 讀了原著, 才為Newland 和Madame Olenska之間那未能完全燃燒的愛情遺憾… Dainel Day- Lewis演技真是動人!
如你所說, 老先生喪貓的心理建設也許還沒做好, 每一隻寵物的個性都不一樣, 睹新貓思舊貓的心情恐怕不好受… 小客人已是成貓, 卻有一張孩子氣十足的小臉!
我讀完Georgiana 借你! 這位Lady G的經歷真是引人入勝. 下次去逛Anthropologie也許會有你更喜歡的衣服哦!
小客人既美麗又溫馴, 牠的過去我並不清楚, 說不定真是流入民間的公主貓呢! 期望在種種波折後, 能有一位懂得欣賞牠的主人收養牠.
這就是’養母’複雜的心情了… 在所及的範圍盡力照顧牠, 將來貓落誰家只能祈禱上天保佑!!!
So glad that your little guest has found a loving home.
The paragraph about how Fifi looked at you after your diagnosis really touched my heart. Our non-human friends are truly guardian angels from heaven!
Our animals friends teach us meaningful lessons, too. When Fifi was with me, she kept my heart serene and safe :)
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