世紀末氛圍gentlemen’s club般的餐廳, 令人想靠著皮椅抽根雪茄, 原汁原味自然熟成的美國牛排口感最棒, 我忍不住點了生牛肉Steak Tartare頭檯… 不管味覺再怎麼進化, 與直接原始的美食相遇, 只能投降. 讀著冗長的餐後酒單… 單一麥芽威士忌, 干邑, 白蘭地… 真不愧是老式牛排館啊! 我暗嘆.
食材以時蔬為主, 細膩的烹調手法, 有些分子料理見山不是山的影子, 裝盤的手工陶器樸拙, 反而襯托出料理口感的精緻. 我的口味很凡人, 類分子的柔滑生冷如日文程度不佳的我讀日文… 舞 - 吹 - 雪 - 夏 - 目 - 漱 - 石… 一陣不得其門而入的朦朧詩意.
Michael Mina
Chef Mina獨門的一式三吃! 頭檯水煮蟹鉗, 奶油焗蟹腳, 甜椒蟹肉湯… 主菜煙燻乳鴿脯, 香菇清湯, 煎肝佐小籠包… 甜點是柑橘香料三唱, 羅勒味蛋糕加meyer lemon marmalade, 青檸檬蛋黃醬佐紫蘇調味發泡蛋白, 葡萄柚果凍軟糖配tarragon冰淇淋!
Ferry Building
大餐吃完得補充零食… 久沒逛Ferry Building的美食街, 突覺萬物皆漲價, 唯有薪水固守原點... Recchiuti 香草棉花糖加價百分之五十, 裕隆茶莊的荔枝blossom tea更誇張, 一球現售USD$3.50?!! 唉, 有一間新開專賣豬肉製品的Boccalone, 切上幾盎斯柑橘茴香醃火腿.
外食多了倒想念起家常小菜, 快快打個蛋, 剁幾根青蒜炒番茄, 配碗熱騰騰的白米飯… 其實心靈的豐足並不須奢華的一餐!
Yum...everything looks so good! I also love scrambled eggs with tomatoes. It's one of my favorite dishes!
"Married Singleton" can expand both lives in an unique way. How often do you and your hubby see each other?
Plethora of restaurant options is one of the reasons why I can't leave Bay Area. The food looks sumptuous!
I pay my weekly visit to the Ferry Building, you are right, everything has gone up so much, but nothing can beat fine chocolate and bombolini
Our exciting quarterly rendezvous pattern will stop towards the end of the year and then we will be back to the daily 'getting on each other's nerve' routine :P
Tomato, eggs, and tofu are my absolute staple!
Fresh produce and a myriad of innovative chefs make both home cooking and fine dining in the Bay Area close to heaven!!! I love going to the Ferry Building but parking is such a nightmare on weekends...
兩位原來是出門吃大餐去了! 害我打電話都沒人接! (不過我還是別當電燈泡好了. ^^)
舊金山的好餐廳很多, 真是太適合你們這兩位雌雄大饕了. (我們家埋在工作裡的兩位工程師果然是比較適合無聊的南灣啊... -_-)
大餐勞民傷財, 只能偶爾為之啊! MG家十分舒適, 不宅也難☺
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