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剛移居新加坡時很不適應, ㄧ方面是因為習慣工作的我成了手忙腳亂的全職母親和家庭主婦, 何況我的工作也是我的興趣哪! 不過窮則變, 變則通… 吾兒小V開始全天班後, 我已再戰江湖, 陸續接設計顧問的企劃, 時間尚算自由, 容許我鑽研沈睡多時的另類嗜好--- 做人偶!!! 當下了班的LK先生看見小V忙建他的Sodor Island環島鐵路, 太座則是拿著昔日解剖課用的刀剪揮舞塑泥中, 大嘆江戶武士醉心工藝的華采再現星洲...
不久前於格友Echo的網誌留言, 討論起安徒生童話The Little Mermaid, 從小我就對癡心人魚化為泡沫的淒涼結局不甚滿意, 腦袋瓜裏改寫N次… 以下是LK狂想極短篇, 由我這個週末剛做好的人偶Arietta擔剛演出:
Arietta is my vision and my version of The Little Mermaid. She floated in the sea, to the seashore, and finally to the royal palace.
She found all the court ladies floating too… in their big skirts.
There was a little mix up of the Witch's medicine. Arietta did not lose her beautiful voice… she just could not blink or close her eyes like humans do. After all, a mermaid is a giant fish.
Somehow her tail still remained after her new legs were created. She comissioned the talented Miss LK to design a balloon ball gown. Voila!
One day she woke up from the unrequited love and ate the prince's heart. "Don't you know I'm carnivorous and you kept me hungry all this time?!" Arietta shouted to the heartless prince and dragged him to the bottom of the sea. The rest of mer-people finished off the prince so the story ended.
真是個另類血腥版美人魚 打破我這個先生稱為看電影是 hopeless romantic的美人魚版
不過沒心肝的王子的確值得被魚類分食,Miss LK故事編得太好了!
好棒ㄝ, 要不要開班授徒啊
這個完結篇 大快人心。現實生活裡如果真有人魚 怕不一身魚腥 不知對 Mr.LK 有無產生嚇阻作用 :)
Miss LK 的人偶造型獨特 處處可見功夫 喜歡她的髮髻和頭冠
我其實滿喜歡Disney的版本, 那首浪漫的Part of Your World優美的讓人掉淚...
What does the prince expect from a playing with a giant fish?! 當然是被吃掉啦! 宅'伯'安徒生對女人心有不切實際的期待 :P
我是靈感來想到什麼做什麼, 全無章法程序, 不能為人師啦!
LK家規是違妻令殺無赦, 哈哈... 話說回來ㄧ廂情願單戀草包王子的人魚也要為sad ending負些責任.
我修整人偶妝容時, 有種服侍mini Marie Antoinette的錯覺哩!
剛看了一下WGS的website, 好棒喔! 星期五晚上還有Chocolate Dinner! 可惜only one seat left!
"可惜only one seat left..." 你這個週末要來新加坡不成?
haha, 我是說你和LK先生可以一起去! :D
還有, 怎麼會有"Friday depression"呢? 生活不是過得挺清幽的嗎?
清幽的日子恍若隔世... 缺乏私人空間時間的LK大概快進asylum :&
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