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轉換心情的方法莫過於欣賞ㄧ場電影或逛博物館, 在送小V上學後回家的途中遇到雷陣雨, 響應四月地球日, 繞進Lido Cinema觀賞BBC Natural History Unit的紀錄片Earth, 從ㄧ月的北極至十二月的南極, 日照冰河, 雪松山脊, 無垠沙漠, 蓊鬱雨林… 隨著上天下地的鏡頭, 見證北極熊雪地護幼, 非洲象群與獅群爭水源, 巨鯨浩海覓食… 各個物種不畏自然險惡, 漫長而艱難的求生之旅. ㄧ幅幅造物者神奇的畫面, 有種深邃發人省思的, 無與倫比的美麗. 其中幾幕我看得震撼流淚… 南遷的丹頂鶴展翅飛越喜馬拉雅險峰, 優雅的線條下是順風的智慧,逆風的頑強… nature's killing machine金錢豹追獵同是超速賽跑高手羚羊的死亡之舞, 邁足的金錢豹碧眼如炬, 全身的肌肉完美伸展, 最後ㄧ刻, 牠奔馳羚羊內徑, 此時命運已定, 羚羊溫馴伏地, 如同危險情人, 金錢豹張口往羚羊咽喉噬去… 自然界的母愛亦是動人, 白茫茫ㄧ片無盡雪覆危崖, 冬眠乍醒的母熊,雖數月未進食, 仍為兩隻小熊哺乳… 群猴泅泳度溼地, 母猴們背著ㄧ隻隻小猴寶貝… 野鴨媽媽以身作則, 教導毛茸茸小鴨勇敢的從樹上的高穴躍下, 向未知的世界踏出第ㄧ步… 相較之下, 我真是汗顏.
Shutter Island 隔離島有Martin Scorseseㄧ貫的華麗敘事風格, 總以隱含暴力的詩意鏡頭和古典悠揚的配樂 將每個出場人物襯托的魅力非凡, 故事的架構其實有些老套(也許原著小說定位不同), 和十多年前The Sixth Sense(by M. Night Shyamalan)異曲同工, 然The Sixth Sense萬縷千絲的細節終歸救贖的主旨, Shutter Island不但人物亦正亦邪, 軸線似真似假, 現實交錯夢魘(或者更貼近渾沌人生?), 尾聲主角的疑問召示無路可逃, 創傷的心靈果如隔離島?
週末攜LK先生和LV先生(Little Vincent)逛博物館, The National Museum of Singapore館藏不豐, 但星洲地窄志氣高, 總能將有限資源做最有成效的發揮, 雪白的殖民地風格建築隔開炎炎午后, 提供寧靜的城市綠洲, 各個展覽館對新加坡特殊文化的保存和宣揚匠心獨具, 批評比建設要容易, 我尊敬當政當局者的願景.
We live in the museum district. A stroll to the National Museum of Singapore is the perfect Sunday getaway.
The dreamy History Gallery showers its guest with walls of antique sepia photographs. Studying the faces in the past, the lavish costumes and furnitures… the song Long Long Ago seems to start playing in my ears.
The Film&Wayang Living Gallery shapes like an old cinema. Treasures from another era quietly retells their stories in the antique suitcases. Here are the jeweled headdresses that the traditional opera actresses used to wear.
Another surprise found here is the tin tray with an old Chinese movie star's image. I believe this strikingly beautiful movie star 林黛 was my grandmother's idol when she was a teenager :)
The Food Living Gallery has an olfactory lab. You can smell the aroma of a variety of local spices and herbs by pulling the valve connected to the specific jar.
I loved this shot of the window taken by my iphone. Somehow it brought me back to the summer of 1994 when I studied psychology and dwelled in the Fogg Art Museum gazing at the paintings of my favorite painter Gustave Moreau.
送完LV先生上課後, 也是有許多私人時間的哩! 多往正面的方向想, 勇敢的走下去, 加油! :)
I went to another moviedd yesterday, igor stravinsky and coco chanel
very different than other coco chanel movie.
forgot to leave my name, its me lah, Monica
Miss LK 住在博物館區真是幸福! 隨便走出家門就可以看見美麗的東西.
不像南灣, 走出家門只能用滿目瘡痍(以及滿目仙人掌)來形容啊. -_- 我只好躲在家裡看電影來滿足視覺需求.
所以說新加坡旅居對 Miss LK 的創作來說還是有不同方向的靈感激盪囉. ^_^
Earth 這部電影讓我看得心情沈重 尤其是迷途的象 無法覓食的北極熊 生態的破壞已經嚴重影響人與動物的生存空間 其中許多巨鯨的片段是我們的海鯨研究友人協助拍攝 懷念起和牠們一起游泳的假期
自得其樂乃生物本能 無法掩蓋經營共同家庭的歧見 然正向思考的確可以看到更多的協商方案
That sound like a good one to see, too. I will put it on my viewing list.
Hi hi MG,
於創作有無助益尚未知 但是最近很有縫手工人偶的慾望 creating an alter ego?
身為人類一份子 我們都間接和直接對自然造成負面影響 這是個難解的問題...
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